Super God

Chapter 1814: Eliminated 1 fairy beast

One blow of Ben Lei fist did not hit the Dian listening fairy beast, but it also broke a space directly, which is enough to prove that Yun Feiyang's understanding of Ben Lei has reached the extreme during this time.

"Not bad."

The Aurora Immortal Emperor, who was watching everything in the Imperial Palace, smiled and said: "The power of the punch just now, even the top-level little fairy king may not be able to carry it down."


Yun Feiyang missed a hit and was not in love. He stepped on the sky and continued to flee.

He knew that there were many fairy beasts lurking around, and he would be beaten by the group if he didn't run.

"Roar! Roar!"

Sure enough, a roar roared between the mountains and forests, and a beast stood up and walked towards the broken space.

Although the strength of these fairy beasts is strong, Yun Feiyang's speed is not slow, and the possibility of catching up from behind is very low.



In the midair, the sound of wings fluttering, and a fairy like an eagle came galloping.

Its speed is extremely fast, and Yun Feiyang is locked from above.

"Boo! Boo!"

The wings flew violently, and the stream of light burst like a sharp arrow.

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang immediately held the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and merged into an area with huge stones.

"Boom! Boom!"

The arrow-like streamer exploded down, instantly exploding a large boulder.

The dust in the sky lifted up, obscuring the line of sight, and the flying birds and beasts also lost their targets. They could only hover in the air, and they kept chirping.


The night is coming.

In the broken area, Yun Fei flew out, shaking off the dust from his body, and found a cave to hide.

According to the experience of this period, he has found the law, that is, at night, the fierce fairy beasts will rest.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang sat down and said, "When is this going on, when will it be?"

Xiaochian said: "Or, use Zhutian Sword Array and fight with them!"


Yun Fei said: "The high-level weapons haven't gathered enough handles, and using Zhutian Sword Array, may not be able to handle so many fairy beasts."

"What about then?"

Little bitch.

Yun Fei said: "You can only take guerrilla tactics and break them all."

Xiaobian cheap said: "Unless a goal is achieved in a very short time, otherwise it will only alarm more fairy beasts."

"During the day, when I hit a thunderbolt, the dog-nosed beast chooses to avoid it, which proves that it has good power. If you can seize the opportunity and bombard it when it is not prepared, you may be able to achieve results."

Yun Feiyang believes that his understanding of Ben Leiquan has reached the extreme, but it takes a very good time to hit the fairy beast.

Xiaochee said: "It's better to take advantage of the night, let's go find the dog's nose beast's nest, and solve it first?"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "This mountain forest, there will be a formation at night to cover the fairy beast, it can't be found at all."

"Damn it."

Little **** said: "It must be the woman who deliberately made things difficult for us!"

Yun Feiyang said solemnly: "There are some difficulties, but the more reason is that I want to get stronger faster."

It is undeniable that this forest of fairy beasts is full of dangers, but it is also a very good place to experience.

Yun Feiyang believes that the main purpose of Aurora Fairy Emperor throwing himself in is to let him grow up in danger.


The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said, "You can think of it like this, and it won't waste my heart."


Early the next morning, the formation that shrouded the mountains and forests disappeared, and twenty fairy beasts appeared again.

Yun Dachen walked out of the cave and started a new day.

Unlike before, after Ben Leiquan realized the ultimate, he would always try to find an opportunity to shoot during the rush.


Thunder fist prints erupted from the mountains and forests, once again blasting a large gap in the space.

Despite the fact that the fairy beast escaped, he stabilized his body and looked at the escaping human, his eyes flashing a trace of fear.

A few months ago, Yun Feiyang was in front of it. It was really weak. After a few months, not only was the thief running fast, but the erupting power was also full of danger.


Suddenly, there was a burst of breath behind him, and a fist print wrapped in Rayman struck.

not good!

He listened to the contraction of the pupil of the fairy beast, and immediately stepped away with a huge body.

It's a pity that it's still a step late, and the furious fist marks are directly recorded on the back, and the attributes of the thunder system penetrate into the body instantly.


He listened to the scream of the fairy beast.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang flew by and landed on the crumbling Tingxian Fairy Beast, and suddenly punched his fist.

At the moment of punching, his black hair turned into half gold and half purple!


Containing the pure thunder seal of the thunder system, it directly smashed onto the body of the Ting Ting Immortal Beast, and the powerful force exploded, letting it fall directly to the ground.

After he succeeded, Yun Feiyang didn't hesitate, Fei fell on the big guy's head, his **** protruded, and his soul-stirring fingers shot out.

Although the soul power of the fairy beast is weak, before that, he had not dared to use the soul-suppressing fingers.

Now that I heard that the fairy beast was smashed with two punches, the thunder system's attributes wreak havoc on the whole body, and the soul's defense power must be reduced to a very low level. This is the best time to shoot.

Moreover, a hit must be hit, because the fairy beasts lurking around will never give Yun Feiyang more "

The finger light with extremely strong soul and Taoism bursts out, and the eyes will seep into the head of the fairy beast.

"call out--"

Suddenly, Ting Ting Xian Beast was shrouded in gurgle stream, disappeared without a trace, and the finger light blasted on the ground.

"Lying trough!"

"what's the situation?"

Yun Feiyang's face changed, but he didn't have much time to think about it. He performed his methods and disappeared into the forest instantly. When he had just left, various types of fairy beasts swarmed.


"call out!"

In the main hall of the imperial palace, the streamer flickered, and the disappearing truth listening to the fairy beast suddenly appeared in it, and a weak voice said: "Master."

The Aurora Immortal Emperor sitting in the emperor's seat said: "Your task has been completed, go back and take care of the wounds."

When Yun Feiyang was about to hit the fairy listening beast with the Soul Retrieval Finger, this woman shot her to save it, because if she didn't save it, she would have to be rectified and the soul collapsed until the tragic fall.


Listening to the fairy beast lying on the ground respectfully, the huge body quickly shrank and turned into a mini fairy beast, dragging the wound away.

Yun Feiyang's two punches just now were so powerful that he was directly injured by the big fairy fairy.


After listening to the fairy beast, the Aurora Immortal Emperor leaned on the emperor's position and smiled with a smile: "It's only eliminated a fairy beast, and there are nineteen."

Yun Fei, who was in the mountains and forests, did not hear the woman mumbling. At the moment, she was running, thinking about how to listen to the fairy beast for no reason?

"You still have to think."

Xiaochian said: "It must have been rescued by your abominable woman."

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang agreed.

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