Super God

Chapter 1818: Who said I want to kill it

Yun Feiyang's comprehension of Zhutian Sword Array has no detailed level, and even Taiwu was surprised. Where did his apprentice learn this skill?

Before the devouring source, he performed it for the first time, and under the eyes of all eyes, he beheaded the four quasi-central-level strongmen, which was extremely shocking.

Later, as Yun Feiyang's level increased, as well as his understanding of the sword array, every time he exhibited it, the power formed was extremely powerful.

This time, trapping a big fairy king-level fairy beast at its peak, it seemed a bit overwhelmed, because Jian Yu bombed more than ten waves in succession, but it was like tickling.

"Boo! Boo!"

Another round of sword rain struck, and as before, did not cause any substantial damage to the raven.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "This guy's skin is too thick, it seems that he can only use the second form."

During the speech, the inside of the sword array surged for a time, and countless saber phantoms split up, quickly forming ten giant swords.

This is the second form of Zhutian Sword Array, and it was also created by Yun Feiyang after obtaining the Sword Array from Sword Mound, relying on his own understanding.

In his inference, Zhutianjian array must still have a higher form, but it is only due to its limited understanding, and it is difficult to evolve.


After the second form was excited, the ten giant swords were formed, making their sword formations filled with stronger sword intentions.

The squint, who was still scornful, blinked in amazement, and then became serious.

The first form of Zhutian Sword Array is nothing more than sword rain, and it is suppressed by quantity.

The second form of the giant sword is the ultimate display of kendo power, and the two are far from being comparable.



After the form was excited, Yun Feiyang thought, and saw ten giant swords coming from different directions.

Each sword is cut, and the sword power carried is extremely terrifying.


The first giant sword was severely slashed on the red crimson body of Yun zhang. Although it shattered in the collision, it left a shallow mark on the opponent's body.

"There is a play!"

Seeing this, Yun Feiyang was delighted.

As long as it can hurt it, even if it is only trivial, perseverance will definitely break the defense and set it back.


The rabble cried, his eyes flashing with anger, and then lifted his forelegs to kick towards the other two giant swords that had struck.

"Boom! Boom!"

In the end, under the mighty force, the two giant swords failed to attack and collapsed in the horseshoe.

However, Yun Feiyang was distracted and versatile, and while Yun Yun shot, he had already manipulated another giant sword to cut it over.


The fourth great sword once again hit Chi Hong's body, shattering while leaving a shallow mark.


Rage is unstoppable.

However, the roar had just ended, and the other six giant swords slammed again, giving it no chance at all.

"Boom! Boom!"

Within the sword array, a strong bombardment sound passed from time to time.

In a moment of kung fu, all ten giant swords were wiped out. Among them, six of them were smashed by ravens, and the other four were bombarded on it, leaving four shallow marks.


Yun Feiyang thought, moved the sword array again, and condensed ten giant swords to launch the second round of attack.

The power of Zhutian Sword Array in the second form was strengthened at the cost of great consumption. For this reason, he communicated the ring of fortune, took out a large number of immortals, and prepared for a protracted battle.

"As long as you don't break out, I don't believe you can't die!" Yun Feiyang said ruthlessly.


"Boom! Boom!"

The giant swords in the sword array were bombarded time and time again. Although occasionally several handles were cracked by the rabble, there were still nets that hit its body.

At first, it only caused a little pain. With the endless bombing, not only was the shallow scar all over the body, but the pain became stronger.

More importantly, every time the giant sword bombards, it will consume the energy in its body. If it really bombs, it will inevitably exhaust all the energy in the body.

Whether it is a fairy beast or a fierce beast, the powerful power comes from the crystal nucleus, and once the energy in the crystal nucleus is gone, it is equal to the loss of sharp minions.


Realizing that it was not good, Yun Yun shouted angrily, and then walked towards the barrier of the sword array, trying to break out.

This approach is very wise.

It is a pity that Yun Feiyang will not give it a chance to collide, once again condensing the ten-handed sword to the past.

The giant sword in the second form is still very powerful, and the yawn does not dare to take it lightly, so it has no choice but to avoid or resolve it.

Since then, it will only fall into the passive.



Yun Feiyang manipulated the sword array, condensing the giant sword bombing constantly, and at the same time he had been taking medicine to quickly restore energy.

If he contends time and time again, he will be consumed time and time again, and he always maintains enough energy to continue, it will definitely be more beneficial.

"Not good."

Aurora Immortal Emperor Liu frowned slightly.

She realizes that Yunju is very passive now. If she can't break through, she will definitely be exhausted.

Everything is as she expected.

Half a month later, the raccoon dog in the sword array was bombarded with countless giant swords. Not only was the body bruised, but the energy in the crystal nucleus was basically empty.

No matter how powerful it is, it can't stand the crazy consumption of Zhutianjian array.


The Aurora Fairy Emperor shook his head, and his jade hand gently waved, intending to take back the raven.

However, what surprised her was that the released Xiannian was isolated by Jianzhen.

"Do not hurt."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The first nineteen beasts were taken away by you, and this last one can no longer be taken away."


The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "Although you exhausted the exhaustion of 粰貐, but you have no ability to kill it."

"Who said I was going to kill it."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The Aurora Fairy Emperor stunned: "You don't kill it, do you have to be trapped all the time?"

"No, no."

Yun Feiyang took another bottle of Elixir, and his eyes were hot: "This rare fairy beast has space attributes, so naturally it is to surrender it and become my contract beast!"


The Aurora Fairy Emperor smiled, and the smiling flowers tweeted: "My husband, this rabble is a fairy beast comparable to the pinnacle of the pinnacle, how about your strength..."

Having said that, the smile on Qiao's face froze.

At this moment, she has realized that Yun Feiyang has mobilized her soul and quickly infiltrated into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This guy...really sign a contract!


Aurora Fairy Emperor's expression solemnly said: "Yuncu is my contract beast. If you come like this, you will only suffer backlashes and you will be killed on the spot."


Yun Feiyang laughed and said, "Since my woman's contract beast, I will conquer it anyway today!"


In an instant, a powerful soul force swept through and madly poured into the sea of ​​tired consciousness.

"This guy……"

Aurora Immortal Emperor Liu frowned slightly.


Suddenly, she was shocked, and she clearly felt Yunfei's soul power, which wrapped her soul in the imprint of the soul contract.

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