Super God

Chapter 1837: Impressed

Yun Feiyang cleaned up the water in the lake, and the savages outside the array were still clashed.

To be honest, their physical defense is really terrifying, and if they are strictly trained, it will be terrible.

Of course, the savages' shortcomings are also obvious. They have not fully opened their minds. It is easy to get rid of people with complicated minds.

"Submit them, and it will be difficult to communicate alone." Yun Feiyang waved with one hand as he thought, and removed the formation.


Seeing the streamer dissipating, the savages who were preparing to collide with the array burst into cries, as if celebrating

Perhaps they think that the disappearance of the streamer is due to the combined impact of the big guy.


At this moment, the Savage leader roared.

The savage celebratory people stopped to look at the clearly visible lake ahead and found that a drop of water was gone.


The wild people cried out in surprise, blinking in consternation and panic in their eyes, and then, Qi Qi locked in the clouds flying on the shore.


The leader of the savages strode forward, and the power and luster flashed in his fists. Although he did not know why the lake was gone, he concentrated his anger on the outsider.

"I'd like to see how strong the physical strength of your leader is." Yun Feiyang stepped away, and the power erupted suddenly.

In order to be fair, he did not use the energy in the fairy core to fight with the purest physical power.

Although Yun Feiyang's physical strength did not condense gloss, after all, it was a small fairy king, who punched out with a punch, and the surrounding space was instantly twisted.


The savages cried strangely, and it seemed that the outsider's power would be so strong!


In the end, Yun Feiyang's fist collided with the fist leader's fist, because there was no energy blessing, so there was only a muffled sound, without any breath ripple.

This bombardment may seem bland, but the confrontation between the two forces has already reached the level of immortality.

"Oh, uh!"

The leader of the savage retreats violently, and does not stabilize his body until he retreats to 100 feet.

Yun Feiyang stood motionless, standing with a smile on her lips, saying, "Your strength is still too weak."

More powerful than flesh.

Yun Dachen is still very confident.

The savages watching the battle saw the leader retreat, the outsiders were steady like Taishan, and their eyes widened one by one.

Suddenly, a deep dread appeared in his eyes.


The Savage leader roared and rushed over again.

He is the boss of this savages, and naturally he is not willing to be compared by outsiders.

"Really stubborn."

Yun Feiyang shook his head, took a step, all the physical strength exploded, and suddenly punched out.


In the second confrontation, the barbarian leader could not bear the bursting force, and his body rose from the ground and suddenly flew out into the distance.

Seeing the savages, the fear in his eyes became stronger.

They are not wise enough, they have realized that the strength of this outsider is far stronger than that of the leader, and all of them unconsciously stepped back a few steps.


The leader of the savages who fell to the ground stood up again and rushed wildly.

Yun Feiyang knew that this guy was too stubborn and immediately stepped on Tianzong's steps, leaning over with a mysterious body and clasping one hand on his wrist.

The strength of the savage leader condensed on the fist suddenly dissipated, and the man was also severely fell to the ground, unable to move.

Yun Feiyang pressed him and looked at the wild people around him, saying: "From today, I will be your boss."

"Anyone, do you disagree?"

These words are also in vain.

Because the savage savages can't understand.

However, when they witnessed the leader being crushed to the ground, they all knelt down one after another, and made a strange cry of wooh.

This is surrender.

But it's not that he surrendered to Yun Feiyang.

But he surrendered to his strength, because the savages advocate power.


The barbarian leader crushed on the ground also groaned, but sadness appeared in his eyes.

In the ethnic group, only those with strong strength are eligible to be leaders. Today, losing to an outsider means losing the qualification to be a leader.

Yun Feiyang didn't understand the habits of the savages. Seeing that they all knelt down, as if worshipping themselves, they guessed that they should serve.




In the mountains and forests, a famous hooded man circulated, the wild people wearing animal skin galloped, and finally stopped under a boulder.


They raised their heads and screamed, flapping their hands with their hands.


It was at this time that a sharp figure flew from a distance, and landed on the boulder.

It was also a savage with unkempt hair and animal skin, except that a gust of wind blew, revealing a rather handsome face.


The goods are flying.


He landed on the boulder and raised his head with a strange cry.



The savages under the boulder seemed to be mobilized and followed him with a strange cry.

Yun Feiyang smiled.

After capturing the leader, he began to try to contact the savages and spent a month simply controlling their language.


Yun Da cheap God made a strange cry again.

"Brush! Brush!"

The hundreds of savages below seemed to have accepted the order and left for the depths of the forest. Soon afterwards, there were fists and roars of fierce beasts.

After half an hour.

The savages returned again, holding crystal nuclei in their hands.

Looking at the hundreds of crystal nuclei piled up under the boulder ~ ~ Yun Feiyang smiled at the corner of his mouth.

There is such a group of powerful savages who can obtain massive crystal nuclei in a very short time without using hands at all.


A month.

Yun Feiyang successfully mingled with Savage and became their leader.

Next, the fierce beast in the forest was devastated, because the guy started madly ordering wild people to hunt.

A few days.

The fierce beasts on the island have fallen, and the fairy cores have accumulated more and more.

"about there."

Yun Fei Yang said: "It's time to go to Yinshan."


However, when he was preparing to turn the income of 100,000 savages into a ring of income, he heard the deafening roar from the deepest part of the forest.


When the wild people heard the sound, they cried out strangely, their eyes flashing in horror.

Yun Feiyang frowned.

Such a fear that the stubborn savage can show will prove that the roaring beast must be very powerful!


Suddenly, the earth began to tremble slightly, and a gurgling wave of energy diffused from a distance.

Yun Feiyang Xiannian was released, and soon found that a low-lying area deep in the mountain forest was slowly rising, the surrounding soil was fragmented, and the mountains, trees and trees collapsed.


Before long, a golden light flashed in the ground.

As the ground does not break apart, the light spot becomes larger and larger, and finally a large golden ball appears in the field of vision.


The savages became more and more afraid, and the sounds trembling a little.

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