Super God

Chapter 1843: The battle for the throne

Not far from the imperial palace, there is a flashing formation, that is the aurora array. The hub of the entire Imperial City formation.

Nangong Mo Shang brought the Saint Yao fairy back, and placed it in it, because there is aurora gas inside, which can nurture soul and injury.


The next day, Yun Feiyang came to the formation, kneeled on the ground on his knees, and persecuted himself, "Mother, it's the child's fault."

Yesterday, I learned from Nangong Mo’s wound that her mother had been treated like a waste because she was too seriously injured.

All this is related to myself.

If a half-million soul soldiers were brought into the domain without death, they would not provoke the terrifying power of heaven, and they would not let their mothers die.

If time could go back, Yun Feiyang would never be reckless, and would never want to see her mother lose all her cultivation behavior.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Since things have happened, he can only kneel before the formation and come to endless confession.


A kind voice came from within the formation: "You are right, it is your mother's fault. You should accompany you to the lower realm instead of living in the domain..."

Fairy Sheng Yao spent more than two years in the aurora array. The injury has long been stabilized. Although he hasn't been repaired, he can still hear his son's voice.


Yun Feiyang seriously said: "The children will find a way to restore your cultivation."

"Child, Niang doesn't care about cultivation, it only cares that you can live well and inherit your father's will." Sheng Yao fairy said.

"Father's will?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

Sheng Yao fairy said: "Your father fell, and the throne of the North Central Territory has no owner. As his son, you must inherit this will."

Yun Feiyang clenched his fists tightly and said very seriously: "Mother, the child in the city of Emperor Zhentian has been unsealed, and my father's status will be inherited by me!"


Shengyao fairy exclaimed: "Zhentian Emperor City was unsealed by you?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Fairy Sheng Yao said anxiously: "Trouble, trouble."


Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Shouldn't the mother be happy if she unblocked her father's emperor city?


Shengyao Fairy Road: "In the past, Heaven Road sealed the Emperor Zhentian Immortal. It was said that if one day the city was to be sealed, it would be the beginning of the battle for the throne."

Yun Feiyang frowned: "The battle for the throne?"


"Not bad."

In the courtyard of the imperial palace, Nangong Mo said: "Tiandao did say that in the past, after the Zhentian Emperor City was unsealed, the battle for emperorship would start."

"But what about the position of my father's fairy emperor?"

"if not?"

Yun Feiyang's eyes flashed coldly and said: "The North Central Territory is my father's. Only I, Yun Feiyang, is eligible to inherit the throne, and no one is eligible to get involved."

Nangong Mo shook his head and said: "Your father didn't pass the emperor's throne to you when he was alive, so once Heavenly Dao starts the battle for the emperor's throne, as long as the warrior who has the light of the immortal emperor is qualified to fight."


Yun Fei raised his fist, but also asked: "What is the light of the fairy emperor?"

Nangong Mo said: "A colorful streamer, which can be inspired by the martial arts during the cultivation process, indicating that it will become the next immortal emperor."

Yun Fei said: "You also condensed the light of the fairy emperor?"


Nangong Mo hurt.

Yun Feiyang said with astonishment: "How did you become an immortal emperor?"

Nangong Mo scratched Qingsi and smiled, "I'm lucky, I inherited the mantle of Xi and Immortal Emperor, and then I have the qualification to become an Immortal Emperor."

"So it turns out."

Yun Feiyang suddenly realized.

Inheriting the mantle of Xi and the Immortal Emperor and becoming a Immortal Emperor, the luck is absolutely good.

Nangong Mo said: "Nine immortal emperors currently in power, I count five of them before ascending to the position of immortal emperor, did not condense the light of immortal emperor, but they all have their own chances to achieve a side immortal. emperor."

"As for the other four immortal emperors, such as your father, they condensed the light of the immortal emperor at that time, killed out of countless candidates, and took the emperor's position representing the supreme glory."

"You mean, there are still many warriors with the light of the fairy emperor?" Yun Feiyang twitched.

Nangong Mo wounded: "According to the rules of Heavenly Dao, each time the emperor disputes, there are at least a thousand warriors who condense the light of the fairy emperor."


Yun Feiyang whispered: "Father experienced countless battles in that year, and he made a siege from thousands of alternate candidates, and finally reached the emperor's position.


Nangong Mo said with a broken smile: "You entered the domain with Senior Shen's soul body, which inspired the light of the fairy emperor, and all qualified to compete for the fairy emperor."

"I also have the light of the fairy emperor?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.


Nangong Mo said: "At that time, even I was very surprised. A half-cent rookie could have inspired the light of the fairy emperor so early."

"More unexpectedly."

Gently leaned over, pillowed on his shoulders, and said shyly: "Later, it will break the nine-fold test of my arrangement and become my man."

At this time, it is definitely the best time to cultivate feelings.

However, Uncle Da Yun didn't realize that, instead he fisted into the house, his eyes flashing with fierce fighting intent.

At that time, his father killed the entourage among thousands of candidates to become an immortal emperor. As the Son of Man, he must not weaken his old name!

"This fairy emperor's place."

Yun Feiyang firmly said: "I Yun Feiyang is seated!"

Looking at the hot luster in Fujun's eyes, Nangong Mo recalled the Emperor Zhentianxian Emperor who had frustrated the Eight Emperors at that is worthy of his son, and his eyes were so similar. "


From Nangong Mo's wound, Yun Feiyang learned of the battle for the throne and learned that he possessed the light of the fairy emperor and was eligible to compete for the throne.

But the point is, when will the battle for the throne begin?

"It's been almost a year since you opened the seal of the Emperor Zhentian Emperor. It should have been opened. Why hasn't it been so far?"

Nangong Mo was also puzzled.

Yun Feiyang did not want the battle for the throne to start.

After all, the current state is only a small fairy king, if opened, it will definitely not be able to compete with the strong.


After a few days.

A thick voice suddenly sounded in the sky: "Zhentian Emperor City was unsealed, and the emperor's throne reappeared in the world.


Yun Feiyang, who was in the Aurora Emperor City, heard the voice of Heavenly Dao, and his mouth twitched violently.


Suddenly, he radiated a colorful light around him, and immediately rushed out of the room and flew towards the endless sky.

At the same time, in the entire area, in different areas, there are martial artists exuding colorful luster and condensing a beam of light, rising into the sky.

For a time.

Looking down from the highest point in the field, you can see the dense and colorful columns of light running through the world, the scene is quite spectacular.

After the colorful streamer emerged, a strong voice came from the sky: "This battle for emperorship has a total of 3,600 people who have the light of the fairy emperor."

"Three thousand six hundred?"

Nangong, who was sitting on the emperor's throne, was hurt, and said in amazement: "It was three times more than the previous battle for the emperor's throne!"


She smiled and said, "This test for you is a little harder than before."

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