Super God

Chapter 1845: I'm undefeated


Natural opponents, destined competitors.

Since Yun Feiyang practiced martial arts, he has encountered many strong opponents, but no one can afford his rivals.

Now dozens of miles outside the city, a mysterious man came, and Nangong Mo injured said he was his enemy, which surprised him.

"Who is this person?"

Yun Feiyang asked.

Nangong Mo hurt: "I'm undefeated."

"It's him?"

Yun Feiyang said in amazement.

Before he entered the real martial arts realm, he learned this character from the mouth of the master. If it was not mentioned by Nangong Mo, he had forgotten everything.

"You seem to have said before, is he a Six Thunder Fairy?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.


Nangong Mo hurt.

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said: "Not afraid."

As he has experienced tremendous thunder and robbery, it is normal to despise a Six Thunder Fairy.

Nangong Mo injured seriously said: "After this man has gone through the six thunders, he cut Leiyun with a sword."


Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

A sword chopped the thunderstorm, which is also sturdy.

Nangong Mo said: "Husband, I forgot to tell you that some time ago, this undefeated Lao Tzu has broken through to the pinnacle of the fairy king."

"So fast!"

Yun Feiyang looked surprised.

Leaving the Night City that year, she met Nangong Mo injured in the clouds. She once mentioned that Lao Tzu had gone through the six thunderstorms and broke through to the fairy.

It hasn't been a few years since the calculation, and now it is mentioned again, but it has broken through to the pinnacle little fairy king. This growth rate is not weaker than himself.

Yun Feiyang solemnly said: "This person can't be underestimated."

It was at this time that Lao Zi walking in the mountains and forests stopped undefeated.

He raised his head gently, his long hair covering his cheeks, he could not see clearly, but the corner of his mouth was gently raised, and a strange smile appeared.

"This guy……"

Yun Feiyang frowned.

He knew that this person had found himself, and the smile appeared was provocative in Chiguo Guo.

"I'd like to see what is different about you, an enemy."

Yun Feiyang will fly over.

Nangong Mo injured stopped him and said: "This son also has the light of the immortal emperor. I want to fight a battle and wait for the emperor's position to compete in a century."

"He also has the light of the fairy emperor?"

Yun Feiyang stunned.

Nangong Mo said: "If you guess right, this unbeaten man will be one of the biggest obstacles for you to take the position of fairy emperor."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Listening to the meaning of this woman, there are still a lot of obstacles in trying to become an immortal emperor.


Yun Feiyang said coldly: "No matter who the opponent is, as long as I dare to touch my father's throne, I will defeat him personally."

With that, he lifted off the jade hand of Nangong Mo, flew away from the imperial palace, and flew out of the aurora emperor city.

Obviously, if the big **** Yun is going to go, he will be undefeated, and he will know this so-called enemy.

Nangong Mo didn't follow up, but murmured; "The two finally met. Can Efu Jun's current strength overwhelm him?"

Change to any peer.

She believes that Yun Feiyang can easily defeat it, but the only exception is Lao Tzu unbeaten.

After all, this sub-machine is not weaker than Yun Feiyang, and its growth rate is extremely fast. It can be described as a demon.


The word is generally used to describe Yunfei.

Today, Nangong Mo injury is used to describe Lao Tzu's undefeated, so it is enough to prove that there must be something horrible about this son.


On a clear sky, dark clouds suddenly fluttered, shaded the sun, and heavy rain poured down.

Lao Tzu stood undefeated among the mountains and forests, and there was no slight breath around him, allowing rain to splash on him.


Behind his back, the **** sword shook slightly.

Lao Tzu whispered undefeatedly: "Walking out of the Soul Realm and drinking countless blood, you have never been so excited, is it because he came?"


Blood Sword trembles faster, as if answering.

Lao Tzu smiled strangely: "Long distance came to him, hoping not to let me down."


It was at this moment that Yun Feiyang flew from the imperial city and landed on the boulder in the distance.

The two were separated by hundreds of feet and looked at each other.

For a moment, the surrounding air solidified, and the dripping raindrops seemed to be bound, stuck in midair, and the scene looked abnormally horrible.

At this time, if there is a warrior in the area where the two are standing, they will shudder and tremble.

"You are undefeated?"

"You are Yunfeiyang?"

The two asked in unison, then collectively silenced.

In Zhenmo Realm, the apprentices made by Taiwu and Daomaozu, the apprentices of each other, met for the first time in the domain.

This is indeed an enemy.

Because one is the person to whom the destiny belongs, and the other is the person whose destiny is unpredictable.

After a little silence, Yun Fei said: "You came to me on purpose?"

Lao Tzu didn't answer, but raised his hand, sacrificed the blood sword behind him, and said lightly: "Light the sword."

The sword was three feet long and five inches wide, with a blood-red blade, and the blade was so cold that it looked extraordinary.

Yun Feiyang frowned.

He felt the strong smell of blood inside the blood sword, and guessed that the warriors who died under this sword should be countless.

"With this kind of sword, his killing heart must be very heavy..."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.


Suddenly, the space was turbulent, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword slowly appeared.


Yun Feiyang held it with one hand on the hilt and pulled it out of the void with a sudden force.

Since he flew out of the imperial city and stood in front of the other party, he certainly had the intention to fight against him.


The little **** who just wondered: "Who is that guy? The sword in his hand seems not easy."

"He is undefeated, my old enemy."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

"Your rival?"

Little cheesy mouth twitched: "This is really new."

After following Yun Feiyang for many years, he has encountered many strong enemies, but it seems that he is not qualified to be his old enemy.

"Now that the sword comes out, then I will shoot."

Lao Tzu said indifferently: "I hope you can carry it, and not like the group of waste, I am easily cut under the sword."

"Lying trough!"

Little **** said: "What a arrogant guy!"

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Come on, let me see, how well you understand Kendo."


As soon as the words fell, I was unbeaten.

He just gently raised the blood sword, and then gently cut it off.


All of a sudden, a red-red sword gas with a **** smell in the sky exploded, not only tearing the space, but also the earth!

"So fast!"

Yun Fei raised his brow tightly, and immediately stepped out, wielding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and cut out a strong sword spirit.


In the end, the two's swords collided, and a strong explosion sound came, and they carried a fierce sword. Cui Gula's decay destroyed everything around him.


"what sound?"

Suspended in the imperial city above, many warriors heard the sound of sword gas collision, and were shocked one by one.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the sound of violent collision came again, stronger than once, and the formation that enveloped the imperial city was shaken slightly.

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