Super God

Chapter 1847: Invincible

Inside the imperial palace.

Seeing Yun Feiyang injured his left shoulder, blood splattered, Nangong Mo shook his head and said: "Still pressed."

This result, she guessed earlier.

After all, Lao Tzu's undefeated strength has reached the pinnacle of the little fairy king.

Moreover, this son is also a demon far stronger than the realm, Yun Feiyang to face him, it is a bit reluctant.

"This battle may allow him to understand his weakness, so as to strive for strong cultivation."

Nangong Mo murmured.

In her view, Yun Feiyang's character is too arrogant and too arrogant. It is not a good thing to eat deflated, at least let him understand his own shortcomings.


This woman underestimated Yun Feiyang.

At the moment, although he was injured, although Bidou fell into the wind just now, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Nangong Mo sadly said: "He is laughing?"


Suddenly, Yun Feiyang's hair changed from black to purple, opening the second change of the purple spirit of the God of War soul.


Lao Tzu frowned slightly.

At that moment, he felt the opponent's power rise in a straight line.


Yun Feiyang waved his sword and said, "Can make me take it seriously. Your strength is very good."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Although I don't know why the guy's hair changed color, but why was it so arrogant to be beaten by others just now?

They didn't know that Yunfeiyang's arrogance was deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Even in the face of a stronger existence, even if the abused body had no complete skin, it would always exist.

"Did you use the cards?"

Lao Tzu said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, the space twisted, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him out of thin air, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword suddenly cut over.

This attack did not form a sword gas, but cut it straight, but the outbreak of sword and Taoism was extremely terrifying!

Lao Tzu's undefeated face changed slightly, and he held up the blood sword in the fastest time, showing a tendency to block.


In the end, the Hunyuan Qiankun sword was slashed on the blood sword, and two extremely high-quality weapons collided, instantly bursting into the violent weather waves visible to the naked eye.

Lao Tzu, who was under immense strength, was undefeated, and his body suddenly sank down three feet.


It was at this moment that Yun Feiyang drew his sword, his hands were held on the hilt, and suddenly he cut again.


There was another collision of weapons, and a strong breath erupted.

The power of the two attacks and the two eruptions are extremely strong, and the diffused sword intention is madly disturbing the space.

"This guy's strength is at least 50% higher than before!"

Nangong Mo said in amazement.


It was at this time that Yun Feiyang cut the sword with both hands again.

Lao Tzu's undefeated complexion was ugly, but he couldn't sit still. His momentum exploded suddenly and disappeared in place very quickly.


Yun Feiyang struck the air with a sword and cut it on the ground, instantly forming an extremely long deep ditch.

Three shots, no sword gas burst.

But the imperial warriors who watched from afar were deeply shocked.

They can feel that the power contained in each sword of Yun Feiyang not only has extremely high sword intention, but also has extremely strong power!

"Oh, uh!"

Lao Tzu's undefeated flight fell, his body exploded.

When he stabilized, his face was extremely ugly, and the palm of his sword held a sense of numbness.

Under the blessing of the God of War God's second change, Yun Feiyang's strength has increased extremely. He is still a bit reluctant to resist the two swords. If he just took the third clash just now, I am afraid that he can't hold the sword.

Lao Tzu said undefeatedly: "Look at you."


Everyone collapsed.

One of these two can pretend to be one.


At this moment, Lao Tzu flew undefeated, and the blood sword suddenly slashed in his hand, forming a stronger blood color than before.



In an instant, two swords were cut.


Three blood-colored sword qi, receiving weight, seems to have turned into three huge waves.

"this is……"

Someone was shocked: "The sea of ​​anger is triple cut!"


Everyone was shocked.

Nangong Mo frowned and said: "I didn't expect this person to have practiced such an ancient sword skill."

Nuhai Triple Cut, born more than 100,000 years ago, is one of the very ancient martial arts. It is said that the master who created this skill is an immortal emperor who is a sword repairer for life.


Watching the triple wave wave of sword spirit strike, Yun Feiyang also realized that it was not good. When the sword of Hunyuan Qiankun was about to be withdrawn, he took one step and slammed three punches in the void!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three fist prints containing Xeon Lightning suddenly took shape, ushering in like a tiger.

"Ben Thunder Fist?"

Nangong Mo was surprised and said: "He realized the ultimate so quickly?"

Yun Dachen was incarnation of wandering, repairing, and bidding in Huayue Wangcheng.

It didn't take long to calculate the time, so practiced to the extreme so quickly, it was too evil!


The three thunders are fist-printed, greeted with three **** sword qi, each other's momentum is extremely terrifying, shaking the world and the hearts of people.


"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, fist seals and sword qi collided one after another in midair, and the irritable energy was crazy, forming ripples.

"not good!"

"Quick retreat!"

Ripples swept through, and the martial artists of the Imperial City fled in shock.

However, it was still a step slower.

"call out--"

The ripples that contained the sword and the violent thunder system flew away in an instant, UU reading www. makes many warriors' blood boil and their faces are extremely ugly.



Dozens of lower-level martial artists couldn't help but spit out blood one after another, and their eyes appeared horrified.

The loss is far enough. If they get closer, they may be more than vomiting blood.

Nangong Mo was hurt and did not care about the warrior who vomited blood. His gaze remained unmoved from the clouds, and he saw that the guy was still standing, and his face became paler.

It can be seen that this confrontation was injured again.


It was at this time that Lao Tzu, who was standing opposite Yun Feiyang, was undefeated and could not suppress the rolling blood in his body. A sip of blood was sprayed out, and his face became pale.

"Regardless of victory or defeat."

Nangong Mo murmured.

In a short period of time, the two played against many times, staged a battle comparable to the big fairy king level, but both vomited blood and injured each other.


Lao Zi waved his blood sword undefeated, his eyes flashing coldly.

Yun Feiyang also raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, looking very serious.


There is a horrible sword in the surrounding air, which indicates that the next battle between the two will be more intense and shocking!


When the shot has not been made.

Nangong Mo injury's voice came: "The Emperor's realm, can't let you two be so rash."

Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

The woman talked suddenly. Do you want to stop fighting with that guy?

Lao Tzu took back the blood sword undefeatedly and said lightly: "Yun Feiyang, the emperor's position after a hundred years of competition, you and I will decide another victory."

When he was finished, he turned and left, and soon disappeared in the rain.

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