Super God

Chapter 1852: success!

There are roughly four levels of the Heaven, Earth, and Taoist Array in the city, corresponding to the level of the fairy, the size of the fairy, and the fairy emperor.

The formation shrouded in the Aurora Imperial City belongs to the strongest and is called the Imperial City Level.

In the Zhenwu Divine Realm, many formation masters can arrange the heaven, earth, and moral array in the city of the fairy level and the fairy king level, but they cannot arrange the emperor city level.

There is no other reason.

Formations of this level are far from being able to be achieved by formation mages, and must be evolved by heaven.


Just inside the ring of creation, Yunfeiyang and her son are working on the emperor city-level heaven, earth, and earth.

This is undoubtedly crazy.

You know, no one has succeeded since ancient times!

There are even many top formation masters who fell due to the layout of the imperial city-level heaven, earth, and earth.


Fairy Sheng Yao was in the ring of creation, feeling the nature of the world and the earth, and said incredibly: " this your world?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

"It's incredible, it's incredible..."

Fairy Shengyao was deeply shocked.

What shocked her even more was.

In this world, you can't feel the existence of Heavenly Dao, and you are completely detached!

Shengyao fairy rejoiced and said: "Researching the imperial city-level heaven and earth Taoism array here will never be discovered by heaven."

In fact, in the field, many powerful formation masters wished to create a world-class ideological array of the emperor city level in their lifetime, but when Shouyuan was exhausted, they still couldn't get their wish.

Because Heavenly Path doesn't allow it, some people set up an imperial city-level formation.

Those masters who forcefully study and arrange, regardless of success, will be disciplined by Heaven.

According to records, in the past years, countless ancestors risked their lives and forcibly arranged the emperor city-level heaven and earth Taoist array, and the final result was to fall into the discipline of heaven and earth.

The difficulty factor of the layout is already high, and there is the risk of being disciplined by Heaven.

Over time.

No one would dare to arrange the Imperial City Formation.

The exploration of knowledge by mankind is endless, even if there is a danger of falling, it is difficult to prevent many fearless formations from going forward and succeeding in danger.

Among them, there is the fairy fairy.

Once she was obsessed with formations, trying to create an imperial city-level heaven and earth moral formation.

Later, Fu Junyun Shangqing experienced disciplinary punishment, and soon fell, and gave up this idea because of grief.

After Wan Zai, in a world free from the control of Heavenly Dao, she naturally hopes to work with her son to create an imperial city-level Heaven and Earth Taoist Array, thereby elevating the new heights created by humans against the law.


Yun Fei said: "Let's get started."


Sheng Yao fairy said: "Before setting up the Imperial City-level formation, you must first learn another formation."

"What formation?"

"Tianwei array."

"Tianwei Formation?"

Yun Feiyang looked blank.

Shengyao fairy seriously said: "This array was created by the mother before ten thousand years, and after the layout, it can create attributes similar to the existence of Tianwei."

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Tianwei, but only Heavenly Dao can condense it out. The mother actually created it through formation, which is really terrible!

No wonder Nangong Mo injury would say that in the domain, mother dare to recognize the second, no one dare to recognize the first!


Yun Fei said: "Speak out the formation."

Fairy Shengyao immediately picked up a branch and sketched it on the grass.

The Tianwei Array she created was of a very high level, and the fronts and battles were innumerable. It was not until three days later that they were all outlined.


Fairy Shengyao exhaled, and his forehead was covered with fragrant sweat.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line-

Fiction netizens please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Although it was only a simple outline, and there was no real deployment, for her, it was extremely costly.

"My son."

Sheng Yao fairy said: "This is the layout pattern of the Tianwei array. Whether you can comprehend it depends on your attainment."

Yun Fei Yang said: "The child can even take note of the world's moral formation, other formations can naturally understand."


Fairy Sheng Yao smiled.

Next, Yun Feiyang differentiated into a ray of soul, fully absorbed in the formation outlined by his mother.

Not to mention, it is still very easy to win the Emperor City-level Heaven and Earth Taoist Array and comprehend the Tianwei Array.

In just a few days, Yun Feiyang recorded both the front and the battle, and after several attempts, it was successfully arranged.

"I didn't expect my child's talent to be so powerful!" Fairy Shengyao was surprised and happy.

You should know that she had spent a long time in mind after conceiving the Tianwei Array.

"I don't know if you worry about him, have you inherited this heavenly qualification." Fairy Shengyao murmured.


Yun Feiyang surprised and said: "Mother, do you even know that you have no worries?"

Fairy Shengyao smiled and said: "The name is still from the mother."


Yun Feiyang was a little speechless.

My mother had attended the wedding, and her son's name was also hers. She didn't even know it.


After successfully arranging the Tianwei array, Yun Feiyang officially began to study the heaven, earth and moral array according to his mother's ideas.

What is the idea of ​​Shengyao Fairy? It is relying on the attributes similar to Tianwei created by Tianwei Array to inspire the normal operation of Tiandi Taoist Array.

This is more reliable.

But the question is, how can the two formations coexist?

Fairy Shengyao said seriously: "Combine two into one."

Yun Feiyang frowned.

If it is just two ordinary formations, it is not difficult to put them together.

But one is the transformation of heaven and the other is the creation of human It is too difficult to combine them into one.

"There are challenges only when there is difficulty."

Sheng Yao fairy said: "Son, let's start researching."

"it is good."

Yun Feiyang is also not inking. With the assistance of his mother, he began to analyze and study how the two formations merge into one.

Time passed slowly, and the year passed in an instant.

During this time, the mother and son tried many methods and failed many times.

However, Kung Fu is not dissatisfied. After countless attempts and transformations, Yun Feiyang finally successfully launched the Heaven, Earth and Taoist Array after half a year.


The streamer soars, forming a circular enchantment.

Yun Feiyang couldn't wait to be integrated into the formation, and immediately felt a stronger nature of heaven and earth.


He laughed: "It finally succeeded!"

Fairy Saint Yao also walked in, but shook his head and said: "Although the attributes of the world are several times stronger than the outside world, there is no morality."

The ring of fortune avoids the control of heaven and earth, so it only has the attributes of heaven and earth, but there is no morality. Even if the heavenly earth and morality array successfully operates, naturally it cannot produce morality.

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang said: "As long as there is a stronger heaven and earth attribute, as for the Dao Yi, I can rely on a lot of fairy stones to pile up."

Shengyao Fairy Road: "In your current state, relying on the fairy stone to enhance the Daoist meaning, the fairy stone spent will be countless."


Yun Feiyang laughed: "I am a big trainer."


Fairy Shengyao was surprised.

Yun Feiyang said again: "Besides, in the big king city, his son still has several industries, and a lot of fairy stones are credited every day."

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