Super God

Chapter 1861: Back to east domain

After the Zhentian Emperor City was unsealed, it attracted countless families and forces to peep. If you know that there is an Emperor City-level Heaven and Earth Taoist array, it will definitely make more and stronger families greedy.

This means that if Yun Feiyang wants to disseminate the news, he will also bear great risks.

It doesn't matter.

They just come.

This is Yun Feiyang's mentality.

Po Guxian Emperor said: "Boy, do you know that the Zhentian Emperor City with the heaven and earth moral array is important for the ambitious family?"

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "There is a broken old."

The corner of Po Guxian Emperor's mouth draws: "Are you going to keep me in Zhentian Emperor City?"

"Will not."

Yun Fei Yang said: "When I have enough strength, I will return to the origin of my soul and let the old break free."

During this time, Po Guxian Emperor helped him a lot, he was grateful, so he would not always be used as a servant.

"how long?"

Broken ancient fairy emperor said.

He also has feelings for this young man.

But after all, it is the Immortal Emperor. After resurrection, he has his own affairs to deal with, and he cannot always guard.


Yun Feiyang spoke with one hand, and a stream of light appeared in the Emperor City. After the light had dispersed, more than 60 martial artists stood.


Po Guxian Emperor's eyes widened.

Out of the sudden emergence of warriors, there are sixty-two small fairy kings who have reached the peak level, and the other three are big fairy kings!

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Broken old, they are the servants I found, and they can keep the Emperor City. If no strong enemy appears, you don't have to shoot."

The servant you found?

Po Guxian Emperor almost fell down, thinking, when will it be so easy to find a servant, big or small.


Suddenly, he found that the eyes of these warriors were slightly empty, and there was a strange breath around his body, and he was shocked: "They are all dead and controlled by the ghost race!"

Worthy of being a fairy emperor, seeing through at a glance.

You can also directly say that the ghosts who control the crowds are ghosts.

Yun Fei said: "They are more loyal than living people."

The body controlled by Bai Gui Ye Xing absolutely has no second heart, and is not afraid of death or pain.


Po Guxian Emperor solemnly said: "To control so many immortal kings with the spirit of the ghost race will cause sky anger."

Yun Feiyang smiled, and then said the story briefly.

"So it turns out."

Emperor Po Gu understood and said, "They have evil intentions for you, they are devoured by the spirits of ghost races, and occupy the body, and they deserve to be guilty."


He smiled and said: "More than sixty little fairy kings and three big fairy kings, this strength is quite good."

"anything else."

Yun Fei said.

"and also?"

The ancient fairy emperor looked startled.


Suddenly, the space in the emperor city oscillated, and immediately saw two giants appear one after another, standing like a mountain on the emperor city square.


"Come on!"

Emperor Po Gu was stunned.

Such an extremely rare fairy beast, he naturally knew that he did not expect to appear at the same time today.

Yun Feiyang looked at the two beasts and ordered: "From today on, you will guard this city, and any offenders will be killed without amnesty."

"Observe, master!"

貰貐 and 蓐 closed in unison.

Po Guxian Emperor's mouth twitched and said: "Boy, these two extremely rare beasts are your contract beasts?"

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Po Guxian Emperor was a bit unsteady.

This guy left from the North Central Liyu, went to the Northern Territory, and returned again. Not only did he have so many servants, but he also surrendered to two rare fairy beasts. This is a huge harvest!


Yun Feiyang placed the big and small fairy kings controlled by Qi Yanqi, Qianshou, and Hundred Ghosts Night Walk in the imperial city.

Two fairy beasts, three big fairy kings, sixty-two pinnacle small fairy kings guard the emperor city, and even more ancient immortal emperors sit in town.

The lineup is luxurious.

"not enough."

Yun Fei said: "Hurry to bring all the 500,000 soldiers of the Ling nationality."

Zhentian Emperor City possessed a heaven and earth Taoist formation, which was just the first step of its rise. He not only needed top strength, but also a huge army.

Because many cities in the North Central Territory were occupied by the four kings, he needed to recover them one by one.

The four heavenly kings have operated for ten thousand years in the North Central Territory.

It is too difficult to defeat them and take control of his father's former territory.

When there is difficulty, there are challenges!


Soon after, Yun Feiyang left Zhentian Emperor City and flew towards the East.

In order to avoid being discovered and causing endless trouble, he disguised himself and flew alone between heaven and earth.

More than a month later.

Yun Feiyang appeared in the Eastern Region.

However, just after falling into a small city, I learned from the mouth of the warrior that not long ago, Xiulili Wangcheng officially declared war on the glorious Wangcheng.

Twenty regiments embroidered from the Wangcheng under the leadership of Zhuge Jin are in a state of unprecedented defeat, and the city of the glorious Wangcheng has lost more than ten seats in just a few days.

Yun Feiyang didn't realize the accident. After all, her own woman could not compete with the leader of the real war **** domain.

"Have you heard that the black lion army commanded by Hua Mofei was defeated by the Sixth Legion embroidered away from the capital the day before yesterday!"


The warriors in the restaurant heard the words and opened their eyes one by one.

The black lion army of the splendid king city, that is the strongest army in the Eastern Region!

The warrior who learned the news continued: "I also heard that General Hua Mohua was captured and became a captive."

Everyone was even more shocked.

Hua Mofei is one of the top ten famous players in Eastern Region.

It has rarely been defeated since taking the lead, but now it has been captured, and wiseness is ruined.

"What exactly has embroidered away from the king city during this time, the combat power of the legion has exploded."

"I heard that it was a woman who led the Twenty Legions, and his combat capabilities were not inferior to men!"

Everyone is still talking.

Yun Feiyang didn't listen to it anymore, but left quietly.

"Hua is the man who is very capable. If he takes it for his own use, he will have a lot of strength in leading the battle."

Zhentian Emperor City has a strong world property and morality, but the only thing missing is talents, especially generals.

It didn't take long.

Yun Feiyang discovered that in a city in front, ten legions of the embroidered Wangcheng were stationed.

"call out!"

He flew away and landed on the school ground.

Seeing the coming soldiers, the soldiers who were training quickly saluted: "General Zhen!"

After Yun Feiyang entered the Eastern Region, he transformed into Zhen Deshuai, and he enjoyed a high prestige in the legion embroidered from the Wangcheng.

"General Zhen!"

At this moment, Mr. Yi came over and grinned: "Why are you here?"

"As a person embroidering away from the Wangcheng, this time of war, naturally I can't stay out of the matter." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Mr. Yi smiled: "General Zhuge is negotiating how to dispose of flowers in the barracks."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang immediately walked to the General's Camp. When he entered, he saw the flowers bound by the big flowers.

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