Super God

Chapter 1877: Qinglian Sealing Station

The battle of the two domains in a million years can be described as unprecedentedly tragic, and the immortal emperor and the immortal emperor-level powerhouse have fallen countless.

At the beginning of the war, Zhenwu God Territory was at an absolute disadvantage. It was not until the Qinglian Immortal Emperor exited that one person entered the Barbaric Territory and defeated the four Emperor Emperors.


Speaking of the strength at that time, Zhenwu God Realm could not compete with Barbaric Realm.

Emperor Qinglian knew this very well. For the sake of life in the domain, with his own blood and soul, he placed a large array of heavens in the nine domains, thus blocking the nine connected points of the two domains.

It is this fearless sacrifice and dedication that has earned the Zhenwu God Territory nearly one million years of peace.

After learning about the deed of Qinglian Immortal Emperor, Yun Feiyang raised his admiration in his heart.

At the expense of self in exchange for peace in the region, this is a hero, a strong man who is truly worthy of respect.

of course.

Those ancient families who threw their heads and poured blood into the domain are also worthy of respect.


Nangong Chang Si said regretfully: "The Qinglian Immortal Emperor is a great genius of a generation. If he is still alive, he may have already stepped onto the Immortal Emperor."


Gong Ye Li He agreed.

Qinglian Fairy Emperor's sacrifice to get justice, in exchange for Zhenwu God Territory for nearly a million years of peace, but also let the domain lose a strong man above the Immortal Emperor.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Where is the seal left by the Qingye Xiandi in the southeast region?

He did not care about the fairy emperor.

Instead, I want to take a look at the seal formation that sacrifices myself and remains in the domain.


Need to worship!


Yun Feiyang left the Gongye home alone and headed towards the east end of the Southeast.

After a few hours.

He landed in a canyon surrounded by mountains. There were no fierce beasts in it, and the air was divine.

Yun Feiyang walked with admiration in the canyon covered with weeds, and soon stopped at the deepest place in front of the high platform made of neat stones.

This is the Qinglian Sealing Station.

Qinglian Immortal Emperor is formed by condensing soul and essence and blood, and its function is to seal the connection point between the real Wushen domain and the barbaric domain.

There are also eight identical sealing stations.

They are located in another eight domains and are silently guarded by eight other ancient families.


Suddenly, the sealing station seemed to feel that someone was approaching, the streamer soared into the sky, and formed an absolute defense in a very short time.


Yun Feiyang sat down, took out a pot of wine, and said to himself: "Younger Yun Feiyang, come to honor Senior Qinglian."

Somehow, when he learned about the deeds of Qinglian Immortal Emperor and the seal station, there was a force in his body that drove him to worship the hero.


The seal mud was removed and the fragrant wine flowed into two large bowls.

Yun Feiyang stood up, sprinkled it gently on the ground, and then raised another bowl, heroic to drink it.


A light breeze was blowing in the canyon, and a strange voice came, as if telling something.

Yun Feiyang once again filled the wine road: "Predecessors sacrificed themselves for a million years of peace in the domain, and future generations should bear in mind."

"However, with the passage of time, everything will be forgotten, so there are probably not many people who remember you now."


The breeze stopped abruptly.

The desolation of the past once again in the canyon.

Yun Feiyang shook his head, drank a drink, and then said: "I can't witness the demeanor of millions of generations. It is a pity."

A person is drinking and talking to himself at the sealing desk.

If you want to see this, you will think it is either a fool or a lunatic.

Yun Feiyang is neither stupid nor crazy.

He just admired the spirit of Qinglian Immortal Emperor, who wanted to come to worship even if the other party has been doing things for a long time.


Northwest Territories.

A hidden area, there is a permanent Qinglian sealing table, flashing streamer light.

Outside the stone platform, a corpse was listed, blood gathered, and the air smelled bloody.

Lao Tzu stood undefeated in front of the corpse and looked at the sealing table enveloped by the streamer, saying, "Master, this is the first step to unlock the seal."

"call out!"

The blood-red sword light exploded directly on the sealing table protected by the streamer, producing a huge roar.


After being attacked, the streamer trembles violently, producing ripples and madly spreading around.

"not good!"

"Someone is attacking the Qinglian sealing station!"

In the ancient Changsun family, the closed chief of the Changsun family suddenly opened his eyes, disappeared in place, and hurried towards the seal station.

"Boo! Boo!"

At the same time, several other elder emperor-level strongmen of the Changsun family were also aware and rushed past as quickly as possible.

They live in a secluded area and protect the seal platform left by the emperor Qinglian for generations. If there is an accident, it will not be forgiven!

"Brush! Brush!"

In a short while, the head of the Changsun family and several powerful elite emperors landed in front of the seal station and saw that all the people in charge of the guardian died.

Several people did not have time to anger at the death of the tribe, but looked at the sealing table together, seeing that the streamer was still strong, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The head of the Changsun family frowned slightly.

Xeon Xiannian spread wildly, instantly covering hundreds of miles.

In his view, the murderer who killed his family members and tried to destroy the seal station must not go far.


After some exploration.

The owner of the grandson's family did not gain anything at all, only to realize that the murderer may have fled.

Although the man didn't catch it, he made him immediately sent a high-level tribe and a fairy-level strong man to sit on the sealing platform.



In a remote area in the Northwest Territories, the space trembles slightly, and I immediately see Lao Tzu coming out from the inside, and then a ‘wow’ bleeds.


He wiped the bleeding from the corners of his mouth and hatedly said: "The seal laid out by the emperor Qinglian has been in existence for nearly a hundred years, and he did not expect to be so powerful."

Just now a sword blasted towards the streamer, generating a huge reaction, which hurt the meridians in the body.

This is still powerful.

If you change to someone else, a sword will definitely fall on the spot.


Lao Tzu said undefeatedly: "The bombardment of my bloodthirsty sword gas will inevitably shake the foundation of the seal. The emperor in the barbaric territory should be able to seize the opportunity to slowly penetrate until the seal is completely broken."

"call out!"

He merged into the space again, and disappeared without knowing it.


Let's talk about the Southeast region.

When Lao Zi's undefeated sword hit the streamer and Yun Feiyang was in the area, the sealing table also oscillated.

"what happened?"

He just frowned immediately after drinking.


Suddenly, the streamer shattered, showing a fine crack.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang stood up suddenly, startled and said: "Is this seal station broken?"


The voice just fell, and a burst of cold wind came from the tiny cracks, which contained a strange breath.


The cold wind continually sprayed out from the inside, grinning around the display of smaller slits, obviously there is the possibility of expanding at any time.

"This doesn't work."

Yun Feiyang made a decisive decision, the soul force exploded madly, and instantly integrated into the fragmented area, blocking the cold wind that was constantly blowing out.


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