Super God

Chapter 1883: West Region meets an old man

When Yun Feiyang came to the Qinglian sealing station, he took out a pot of wine and poured it on the ground, so suddenly there was a voice coming out of your wine, and the Emperor drank it, making him instantly think of sacrificing himself and saving the Qinglian fairy in the domain emperor!

Not right.

Hasn't he been dead for a long time?

Could it be that a trace of soul still exists in Fengtian?

Yun Feiyang speculated, but did not return to the Qinglian Sealing Station to find out the exact plan, but continued to go to the Gongye home with the two families.

He knew that if there was a trace of soul in Qinglian Immortal Emperor, the weak voice just now means that it has been completely wiped out, and even if he passed by, it would be meaningless.


Yun Feiyang secretly said: "It is a pity in life to fail to drink with you face to face."

Previously, he could not understand why he came to worship the Qinglian Immortal Emperor. Until he repaired the broken seal, he realized that he and the former strongman were the same passerby.

After being suppressed for thousands of years, Yun Feiyang shouldered the important task of reshaping the God Realm. Qinglian Immortal Emperor, with his blood and soul, arranged a large array of heavens at the junction of the two domains.

The two do different things, but they all have one thing in common, and that is to finally witness to save lives.

Yun Feiyang wiped out the ever-expanding vortex of engulfing, so that countless continents would avoid being swallowed, Qinglian Immortal Emperor sacrificed his meaning to protect the Zhenwu God Territory for nearly a million years, so that the life of the people can be stabilized.

They are all the way.

However, Yun Feiyang didn't fall after saving countless creatures, not only stepping into the real martial arts realm, but also continually stepping into a higher realm.

The Emperor Qinglian sacrificed himself and ended in a tragic ending without samsara.


After returning to Gongye's home, Yun Feiyang took a day off and left.

He wants to find the last piece of the immortal remnant as soon as possible so that he can practice the complete Taohua scripture.

"Brother Nangong."

Gongye Lihe, who came to see him off, witnessed Yun Feiyang's departure, and said with infinite emotion: "The future achievements of this son must be inestimable."


Nangong Changsi agreed.

If it is said that the two previous homeowners only feared Taiwu, they would give Yun Feiyang enough respect, and now it is absolutely respectful.

After all, at the small fairy king level, the soul force is first broken to the fairy emperor level, which is really too evil.

of course.

Gongye Lihe and Nangong Changsi also knew clearly.

Yun Feiyang's strength is not only soul power, his strength and his morality are far beyond the realm, and this is the most terrible!

Not to mention that no one in his own young generation is his opponent, even the elders of the fairy king class may not be able to fight.

Nangong Changsi sternly said: "The younger generations who are so wicked don't know if they will grow up later, can they touch the level above the fairy emperor..."

"Hard to say."

Gongye Lihe Road.

They agree that Yun Feiyang's qualifications are against the sky, but whether he can break through to the Immortal Emperor, but he is skeptical. After all, the strong man who is beyond the heaven and earth only exists in the legends just born in the domain.

Even the once powerful Qinglian Immortal Emperor, but only infinitely close to that level, has not really stepped in.


Western Region.

The largest domain of the real martial arts domain.

A small place like the Southwest Territories is only one-tenth of the West Territory.

After more than a month.

Yun Feiyang finally stepped into this largest and most chaotic area.

The North Central Territory is also very chaotic, but the reason for the chaos is that there is no immortal emperor sitting in town, and there are two immortal emperors sitting in the western region, and the forces of all parties are fighting each other, which can be said to be messy.

no way.

The Western Region is too large and there are many parties.

They need resources and sites, so conflicts will inevitably occur.

This is not.

Yun Feiyang came to the Western Regions, and before finding a decent city to settle in, he met several people in the wild one after another.

The reason for their hands is mostly because of the crystal nucleus and the fairy stone, which is called a sturdy and murderous.

"It's messy."

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly and continued to hurry.

The fight against these people is completely unfocused.

of course.

There are also warriors in the Western Regions who do not have long eyes, and want to block the road to rob the big **** of cloud, but they are all different places in the head.

In Yunfeiyang's words, it would be nice not to rob you, but dare to rob Lao Tzu?



After walking for a while, dozens of martial artists chased from behind and stopped Yun Feiyang.


A warrior said angrily: "This is the guy who killed the three heads!"


The elder brother's boss said with a gloomy look: "Dare to kill my black tiger's third brother, your boy is really impatient!"

"Don't want to die."

Yun Feiyang said coldly: "Hurry up."


The leader of the black tiger sneered, and then ordered: "Brothers, cut him into meat sauce to pay tribute to the spirit of the three heads of heaven!"

"Brush! Brush!"

Dozens of martial artists showed their swords together, and their eyes contained murderous opportunities.

Yun Feiyang turned around, swept his eyes, and said coldly: "A bunch of garbage."

As soon as the word "garbage" had fallen, the warriors who were about to make a comeback exploded and died into a blood mist.


The black tiger was paralyzed and scared.

The young man in front of him just swept his eyes, and his dozens of trumpets exploded on the spot, which is really terrifying!

Yun Feiyang ignored the boss and turned to continue his journey.

The black tiger squeezed his fear and fled.

However, only one step was taken, but it felt that the soul of terror swept through and instantly flooded into the sea and body.

"Do not……"


The black tiger's body exploded and turned into a blood rain.

Before he died, the leader finally realized that his dozens of trumpeters were so dead.

How did you die?

Invaded by a horrible soul, burst into an instant!

Yun Feiyang, who became the emperor of the soul, now wants to kill people, especially these fairy-level warriors. It really takes only one look.


After half an hour.

Yun Feiyang finally entered a fairly good There are not many warriors in the city, because they all went to the open-air colosseum in the center of the city, watching a warrior fight with the fierce beast.

"It's so chaotic outside, they still have a mood to watch the excitement."

Yun Feiyang shook his head.

Originally he planned to find a rest at the inn, but Xiannian accidentally discovered that the people who were fighting with the fierce beasts in the Colosseum were a bit familiar.

The man barely exposed his upper body, there were many scratches behind his back, blood was flowing, but his eyes shone with unyielding luster.

Who is he?

He is at the top of the star list of the Hall of Pride, Xuanyuan asked the sky!

Yun Feiyang murmured: "It seems that after ascending the True Martial God Territory, the senior was transferred to the Western Territory."


It was at this time that a fierce beast with a strength comparable to that of the Great Immortal rushed over suddenly, and the sharp minions showed a gloomy luster.

Xuanyuan Wentian was already extremely weak, and faced with the attack of fierce beasts, his mouth squeezed a bit of bitterness.

"Hahaha, that guy is dying!"

"I said, how can a guy who has just ascended to rise above the fierce beast of the fairy perfection?"

On the viewing platform, many warriors grinned.

However, their smiles came to an abrupt end, when a fierce beast was about to tear Xuanyuan to ask the sky, a figure appeared.

that moment.

Time seems to be still.

The roaring fierce beast was frozen in the air, and his eyes were full of horror.

Yun Feiyang stood still and turned to smile: "Senior, I haven't seen you for a long time."


The fierce beast exploded, flesh and blood flew across.

Xuanyuan, who thought he was going to die, asked heaven, after seeing the appearance of the comer, he was incredibly startled: "Cloud... Yun Xuedi?")!!

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