Super God

Chapter 1886: Flying God Realm has changed!

Xuanyuan Wentian, although fighting with fierce beasts in Tiesen City for others to watch and have fun, had no resources, but it is undeniable that his qualifications are very strong.

Otherwise, how can you break through to the fairyland in just a short time and have experienced five thunders.

Xuanyuan asked what was missing?

He lacked the fairy stone and the environment suitable for cultivation.

If you have both, the qualifications at the top of the Stars list will definitely explode many of the top geniuses in True Martial Realm.

Yun Feiyang needs to develop Zhentian Emperor City, and naturally needs a lot of talents. Xuanyuan Wentian from the world is undoubtedly very suitable, so he is brought into the ring of fortune.

Standing in the space and feeling the majestic attributes of the world, Xuanyuan asked the look of heaven to be sluggish, and it hasn't been a long time since I came back.

There are heaven, earth, and moral arrays in Tiesen City, but the level is only the fairy level, and the formation of Yunfeiyang's mother and son in the ring of fortune is comparable to the level of the imperial city.

The gap between the two cannot be compared.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "How is it, is it okay?"

Xuanyuan asked for silence.

This is more than okay, don't be too scary!


At this moment, Ning Zetian walked out of the Taoist realm and wondered: "Xuanyuan Senior?"

Xuanyuan asked Tian Tian also stunned: "Brother Ning, have you also ascended?"

Ning Zetian said with a smile: "Yue Xuedi, brought us up."

"Bring you up?"

Xuanyuan asked Tian suddenly confused.

Ning Zetian simply said what happened.

When Xuanyuan asked Tian, ​​he learned that Yun Feiyang, with his own ability, brought all the top ten stars in the Stars List to Zhenwu God Realm, and his heart was deeply shaken by the earthquake!

In his understanding, the warrior who wants to board the domain must break through to the quasi immortal, but he has never heard of it, and he can sneak up like this.

"Ning Xuedi..." Xuanyuan asked Tian shocked: "You... your present state is the fairy perfection?"


Ning Zetian laughed.


Xuanyuan asked the corners of the mouth to smoke slightly.

When he was under the realm, his strength was unrivaled, and now his younger brother stole up and even surpassed himself.

"It's not just me."

Ning Zetian said: "Senior Guan and Si Senior have broken through to the Immortal Great Consummation."

After receiving this message, Xuanyuan Wentian was hit.

Yun Feiyang laughed and said: "In my space, not only has the majestic attributes of the world, but also the inexhaustible immortal stone, it is not difficult to break through."

"If Senior Xuanyuan doesn't dislike it, you can practice here."


Xuanyuan Wentian struggled.

"Stop this."

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and threw away the fairy stone obtained from Tiesen City. He smiled and said, "From today, the seniors will practice here."


Ning Zetian said with a smile: "The qualifications of Senior Xuanyuan are higher than ours. Once we start to practice, it won't take long, I am afraid we can surpass us."


Xuanyuan Wentian originally wanted to quit, but failed to retain Yun Feiyang, and finally chose to practice in the ring of fortune.

of course.

During this process, Yun Feiyang told him openly and honestly.

Xuanyuan asked Tian to learn that the younger brother was the son of Immortal Emperor, and he released Zhentian Emperor City, and was shocked again.


Yun Fei Yang said: "I hope that you can become stronger faster and accompany me to build merits in the domain."

Xuanyuan Wentian said earnestly: "Since the younger brother of Mengmeng is so worthy, I Xuanyuan Wentian is willing to do my best!"

This is agreed.

On behalf of, Yun Feiyang successfully recruited a genius with unlimited potential.

Xuanyuan asked the sky at the top of the Stars List, and did not disappoint him. Relying on the ring of fortune, he quickly became strong and eventually became a powerful player in the city of Zhentiandi.

of course.

This is something to say, let's not talk about it.


After placing Xuanyuan Wentian in the ring of creation, Yun Feiyang returned to the outside world. Next, he continued to travel in the Western Regions to find the last piece of the fairy king.


Just when he was busy.

Under the world flying God Realm, but also a strange scene.


On a calm day, the sky space violently oscillated, as if there is a possibility of breaking at any time.

"what happened?"

The warriors in Flying God Realm felt it, and looked at the sky with amazement, their eyes showing a little fear.

The Fire Thunder Dragon King emerged from the crater with molten lava, and said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid that something bad will happen."

Gourmets, water unicorns and other town-level beasts were also alarmed, and they appeared one after another, looking at the constantly shaking sky.

"call out!"

It was at this time that a streamer flew out of the Iron Bone City and stopped in the most violent space.

When the light dissipated, a handsome young man appeared.

And he is Yun Wuyou.


Looking at the constantly shaking space, Yun Wuyou frowned: "What's going on?"

"Not clear."

A thick voice rang in my ears, which was awesome as the first God Lord of the Realm of God Realm Taiyi!

The father-in-law of Yun Dachen, after realizing Yun Wuyou's blood awakening, came to Flying God Realm.

However, the coming is not the deity, but the soul form.

There are restrictions on Heavenly Dao in Zhenwu God Realm. Immortal Emperor-level strongmen cannot enter the lower realm. East Emperor Taiyi can enter with a soul because of his bloodline traction with Yunwu Wuyou.


Yun Wuyou questioned: "You don't mean immortal emperor-level strong know everything, omnipotent? How can it be unclear?"


The Emperor Dong was suddenly embarrassed.


Yun Wuyou shrugged: "Since Grandpa is so unreliable, I still won't follow you to learn the secret techniques of the Donghuang family."

"Do not use, do not use."

Emperor Dongyi hurriedly said.

This grumpy fairy emperor-level strongman, after coming to Flying God Realm for some time, was successfully tempered by his grandson.


To say this, the Emperor Dong Huang may complain with a snot and tears.

Just to prove that he is his grandfather, many methods have been used!

What is even more crashing is.

After being recognized, he began to teach him how to use the blood of the Eastern Emperor. The guy was so staggered that it was too hard to learn.

For those who awaken the bloodline, it would be anxious for someone to teach themselves how to use it. Yun Wuyou was personally guided by Grandpa Dong Huang Taiyi, but the absent-mindedness of learning was enough.

"Boom! Boom!"

It was at this moment that the space oscillated more intensely, as if it was about to shatter.

Donghuang Taiyi heard a voice: "Boy, the space barrier is a bit overwhelming, and it may explode. Let's run as soon as possible."


Yun Wuyou shook his head and said, "This is the plane created by my father. How can I run as a Son of Man?"

This guy is very serious in normal days, but at this moment, he is very serious.

Because, his name is Yun Wuyou, his father is Yun Feiyang, a belief in the worship of many spirits in God Realm.

More importantly, before his father left, he handed the flying God Realm to himself, and now the space is oscillating, as if the end is coming. As the master of this side, how can he leave the soul and choose to escape!


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