Super God

Chapter 1889: Strong ridiculous


In the inner courtyard of the city's main palace, there was a huge roar, and a violent wind like a sword screamed, instantly splitting everything around.

What is more terrible is that after the loud noise and the gusty wind stopped, the area where the sword energy flew previously showed a long sword mark.


The fairy king who had been bombarded with sword gas had already stepped back a hundred steps. When he stabilized his body, he spewed out blood directly.

The three strong men standing nearby and the Lanling fairy king saw their eyes widened.

When Yun Feiyang just saw the sword, they witnessed it with their own eyes, but they looked very casual, but unexpectedly they could vomit blood from the big fairy king Zhen!

"Who is your Excellency?"

Shen Qiang, a strong man, asked.

So young, the strength is so explosive, so that the fairy king present all realized that the other party's identity is probably not simple.

Yun Feiyang gently retracted the sword and said, "You are not qualified to know my name."

It's still crazy and arrogant!

The three immortal kings who had committed the crime were hard to look at.

As the top strong man who has been in the Western Regions for many years, it is the first time he has encountered such a young man.

"bring it on."

Yun Fei said: "Let's go together."

Before the breakthrough, he could fight against the strong man who entered the big fairy king by pure physical strength.

Now that he has entered the pinnacle of the little fairy king, his strength has been strengthened, and he is still confident in his battle with several big fairy kings, holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword.


The Lanling fairy king collapsed a bit.

That's four big fairy kings, two of them have reached a stable period.

"You guys."

A strong man said: "Since this little friend said, I should wait to meet his requirements."

"Not bad."

The other agreed.

With the random sword just now, he vomited blood to the big fairy king Zhen, let them know that this child's strength is a bit powerful.

And if you want to get it done, you can never do it alone.


The four big fairy kings glanced at each other, and the state immediately broke out, forming a raging weather wave in an instant.

"Boom! Boom!"

The space in the city shook endlessly, and it immediately showed large-scale fragmentation.

The Lanling King City was already broken, and it did not matter that it experienced space fragmentation again.

"Great Luo Admiralty!"

A strong man suddenly shouted, immediately folded his hands, and saw the golden streamer flying out of the cuffs, turning into a golden bell!

As a big fairy king, there must be many treasures.

This big Luo Jinzhong is one of them, and the quality has reached a very high level.


Admiralty expanded indefinitely, suddenly suppressed from the top of Yun Feiyang's head, and a gurgling breath swept through.

It was at this time that the other three strong men also exhibited their martial arts one after another, forming three different glosses and blasting from three directions.

They came here this time to **** the immortal king remnants, and second, to destroy the Lanling King City, thereby eradicating an opponent, so the emphasis is on quick battle and quick decision!


Yun Feiyang smiled slightly, then waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and suddenly slashed down to the golden bell that was pressed down.

"call out!"

Peerless matchless sword gas burst from the top and shot from the top, like a roaring dragon.

This sword contains Yun Feiyang's purest physical strength, and the energy in the fairy core. The sword energy and sword spirit that erupted instantly are terrifying!


A strong sword gas chopped on the big Luo Jinzhong, and a deafening voice came.


The big fairy king who was manipulating the Admiralty suddenly vomited blood, and his eyes showed horror. At the moment of the sword gas bombardment, he felt that the strength of the Great Luo Admiralty was far beyond his own.


This guy looks like a little fairy.

Even if you have a deep understanding of Kendo, you should not be so powerful!

Looking at the sky again, the violent sword filled, the big Luo Admiralty stopped falling, and at the same time a small crack appeared, spreading like a spider web.


In an instant, the treasure that was comparable to the big fairy king burst in mid-air.


The master of Daluo Jinxian, the strong man spurted blood again.

Obviously, after the treasure was cut by a sword, he also had a huge backlash against him.

The three fairy kings attacked by Qi Qi jumped up in shock.

The quality of Da Luo Admiralty has already reached the level of a big fairy king, and it is difficult to break it up for anyone else.

And this young man can be chopped with just a sword, is the strong too ridiculous?

Breaking down to the pinnacle of the little fairy king, Yun Feiyang with the mixed Yuan Qiankun sword is very strong and ridiculous. Like this kind of ordinary big fairy king, even if the same level of treasure is sacrificed, it can be easily broken.

of course.

If not strong.

Yun Da cheap **** won't come in, to kill five fairy kings at the cost of, in exchange for the remnants of fairy kings.


It was at this time that the three powerful forces condensed by the other three fairy kings had blasted from three directions.


The Lanling fairy king frowned.

The young man shattered Da Luo's Admiralty with a sword, but it also took a lot of time. How can he avoid it?

Just when he was worried, Yun Fei, surrounded by three forces, flickered and disappeared strangely.



It was at this time that the three forces condensed by the three great kings reached the area and suddenly burst, making the space broken again on a large scale.



Yu Wei dissipated.

The huge inner courtyard space is broken, the surrounding buildings have long been transformed into nothingness, to say there is only the hall behind the Lanling fairy king.

This is still a blessing of isolation formation in the city, otherwise, the power generated is enough to wipe out most of the Lanling King City.


Yun Feiyang stood in the cracked midair, shaking his head in disappointment: "I thought you would be strong when you shoot together."


The three fairy kings were furious.


At this moment, Yun Feiyang raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword in the void, and the fierce sword and Taoism emerged in a frenzy, instantly condensing a sword spirit that was mixed with reality and reality!

The hearts of the three fairy kings rose badly.


Yun Feiyang waved his sword, and the condensed sword gas carried the terror force across the sky and suddenly cut it.

The target he attacked was the big fairy king who had spit blood before the sword.

"not good!"

The strong man was terrified, but he could only watch the sword gas blow down, because he knew he could not escape!


In the end, Yun Feiyang's sword slammed into a deep ditch directly on the ground.

The fairy king who had been injured was lying there, showing a horrible sword mark on his chest, blood flowing, and the person was already in a semi-coma state.


The other two immortal kings standing next to them swallowed a spit, then cast their body and fled the main palace as quickly as possible.

Broke the big Luo Admiralty and plunge a big fairy king, Yun Feiyang's strength is undoubted, the remaining two escape is a very wise choice.


Can you run?


PS, I will change more when I have time. I may be less when I accompany in the hospital.

However, please rest assured that because of what my father owes, I will make up for it later.

As a Son of Man, I cannot owe my father.

As an author, I will not owe the reader.

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