Super God

Chapter 1891: Official introduction, my name is Yun Feiyang

>Super God Demon

>Chapter 1891 is officially introduced, my name is Yun Feiyang

Chapter 1891 Introducing me formally, my name is Yun Feiyang

"Do you have the ability to explode now?"

Yun Feiyang laughed.

The surname of Song Xianwang was ashamed.

The powerful soul force that swept through not only suppressed his body, but also blocked the communication between thinking and deep-seated soul and fairy core.

At this time, he had no ability at all to explode his soul, and could only be slaughtered like a poor little lamb.

The other three fairy kings were also disheartened.

In fact, when they learned that Yun Feiyang's soul power reached the level of immortal emperor, they had no hope of escape.

Lanling Fairy King was very excited.

After all, the four murderers who had washed their own city were about to die!

What makes him more excited is.

Yun Feiyang did not intend to shoot, but said: "You come to settle them."

"it is good!"

Lan Ling fairy king's eyes were hot, and he dragged the injured body step by step. The coldness of his eyes was also particularly strong.


Yun Fei said: "Leave the whole body."

These are the four great fairy kings, controlled by the night ghosts and placed in Zhentian Emperor City. It is definitely a big arm.

The Lanling fairy king nodded and came to the person with the surname Song Qiang. He put a hand on his forehead and said coldly: "When I washed my Lanling King City, did you ever think that it would end like this!"


Absolutely not.

The surname Song Xianwang and the other three strong men fully believed that after careful planning and alliance, the Lanling King City could be easily eliminated.

With endless hatred and anger, Lanling Fairy King mobilized only a few soul powers, and merged into the knowledge of Song Xianwang, and launched the craziest destruction.

In the past, in his present state, it is impossible to integrate soul power into the other party's knowledge, and even suffer backlash.

But with Yunfei flying, the immortal emperor-level soul force has been suppressing the Song surnamed Xianwang, making it completely lose its resistance.


The screams passed through the shattered city's main palace, and the sound was horrifying.


The Lanling fairy king grinned loudly.

His own soul power is still ruthlessly destroying the sea of ​​knowledge of the fairy surnamed Song, and it will not stop until it is completely wiped out.

In this world, there is nothing cooler than revenge.

Gradually, with all the pain and suffering, the eyes of the fairy surnamed Song became tarnished, and their faces stood majestic.

A great fairy king-level strongman was completely destroyed by the soul and died. If there were clouds flying to suppress it, the body would fall to the ground.

"call out!"

At the moment when the fairy surnamed Song fell, a gloomy streamer flew out of Yunfeiyang's body and quietly merged into the corpse, beginning to occupy the nest.

Lanling Immortal King did not notice that he stood up hard and went to another immortal king, the murderousness contained in his eyes was more intense.



The screams of the Yan people kept passing.


After half an hour.

The four fairy kings in the blood-washed Lanling King City all fell under the brutal soul attack of the Lanling fairy king.

Hundred Ghosts Night Walk was also integrated into the four corpses at the first time and successfully controlled them.


After the last murderer, Lanling Immortal King laughed wildly.

Yun Feiyang shook his head secretly.

Although this person has already reported his hatred, the almost crazy smile is actually a sad smile, a helpless smile.

After all, the city under control has turned into ruins, and all the subjects have fallen. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the soul for a ruler.

"Little friend."

Lanling fairy king withdrew his smile and turned his back to him: "Thank you."

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, a stream of light flew.

Yun Feiyang gently raised his hand and took over the flying thing, and that was an ancient cheat book with the engraved Daohua Jingjuan.

After many years, he finally found all the remnants scattered around.

"Little friend."

At this moment, the Lanling fairy king solemnly said: "Lanmou has something to ask for."

"What's the matter?"

Yun Feiyang threw the remnant into the ring of creation, and looked at the vicissitudes of the declining back.

Lanling Fairy King said: "Please bury me and my king city together underground."

This city was once an immortal, but was later controlled by him. It took more than 10,000 years of hard work to slowly grow and become stronger.

Now ruined by the thieves, I feel heartbroken.

The Lanling fairy king also knew that even if he was seriously injured, he could survive, the realm would fall sharply and it would be difficult to improve, so he had plans to be buried with his beloved city.

"I promise you, but..."

Yun Fei paused and said seriously, "Only bury the Wangcheng underground, and you must follow me."

This is also a big fairy king, or the city owner, certainly has experience in managing the city, and it will be of great use to get over. How can he be killed together with the king.

After all, the Lanling Immortal King is a party to the city, and of course understands the meaning of Yunfeiyang,

He shook his head and said: "Lan Mou was very seriously injured, like a waste person, already no value."

Yun Fei said: "As long as there is still a breath, I can heal those who are no longer alive."

The disheartened Lanling fairy king, with a stunned look, turned hurriedly and said, "Do you know the way of medicine?"

"Slightly understand fur."

Yun Feiyang smiled modestly.

Lanling Fairy King was overjoyed. In his view, this young man is a strong immortal emperor, and he dare to say That is by no means a little understanding of fur.



Under some kind of power blessing, the Lanling King City, which turned into ruins, gradually sank underground.

At this point, the Western Region completely lacked a king city, and the master of that city turned into a servant and followed Yun Feiyang to leave.

After a few days.

The two appeared on the sea heading to the central area.

During this time, Yun Feiyang healed the injury of Lanling Fairy King and regained his original condition by relying on the attributes of life and powerful potions.

"Little friend."

Lanling Fairy King said solemnly: "I, Lanling, would like to follow me!"

This young man who suddenly appeared in the main palace of the city not only helped himself to the enemy, but also healed the serious wounds, so he naturally had to work hard for it.


When he followed Yun Feiyang all the way across the ocean to the North Central Territory, standing in front of Zhentian Emperor City, he opened his mouth wide.

"Little friend..."

"This is Emperor Zhentian's imperial city!"

Although the Lanling Immortal King is a man from the Western Regions, he came here to visit the imperial city built by the strongest of the nine emperors when he was young.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Lanling said in a daze: "Little friend, what are you doing here?"

Yun Feiyang turned around and grinned: "Officially, my name is Yun Feiyang."


The name is very familiar and seems to have been heard somewhere.

Lanling tried hard to remember, and soon, he thought of something. The whole person stood still for a while, his eyes almost glared out!

For a moment, his voice trembled: " are Yunfeiyang?"

"It's a fake replacement."

Yun Feiyang laughed. ) Download the free reader!!

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