Super God

Chapter 1896: This is the qualification!

  Regardless of the top strength, only the combat strength of the soldiers, the spiritual army trained by Zhuge Jin is undoubtedly more powerful, so only a corps commanded by Hua Mofei broke through a city in half an hour.

   This is just the beginning.

  In just two days, the West Road Army, like a sharp sword, directly broke through the cities controlled by the five kings.



   came a huge noise.

  Another city declared lost after being attacked by Ling soldiers.

"too weak."

   Yunfei Yang shook his head.

  West Road Army won six cities, and the enemy legions stationed in the cities did not pose any threat at all.


  The regiments stationed in the city were recruited locally, and no strict military training was done at all.

   In fact, no matter whether you are not smiling or Su Piaoyi, there are elaborate legions, and that is the real main force.

  After Yun Feiyang captured the first city, the two kings received the news and immediately dispatched a strong legion to support them.

  Just before he came, Hua Mofei and others had already won six of the 26 cities.

of course.

   The East Route Army in another direction also had a strong record under the leadership of Yan Shuang and others.

  In just a few days, successively won the four cities controlled by Hu Huxiao.

  According to Zhuge Jin’s plan, the role of the East Road Army is to contain the main force of the two kings, so after occupying the city, they chose to defend and block the enemy’s reinforcements for the West Road Army.

Not surprisingly.

  The next day, 50,000 soldiers dispatched by Su Piaoyi came to the Heavenly Castle City guarded by Yan Shuang and others.



   The enemy seemed to realize that the city ahead was already captured, so the army stopped and dozens of small fairy kings flew over first.

   "It's finally possible to show off!"

   Luo Mu, Yunli and others were so excited that they flew out of the city and hung in midair.

   "Where do you come from?"

  An enemy, a little fairy king, said in a deep voice: "Why attack my city in the north central area for no reason?"

   It seems that the two kings did not know that the initiator of the war was Yun Feiyang.


  Luo Mulang said, "We are ordered by the son of Zhen Tianxian Emperor to come to take over the city that was once in charge of Tianzhen City."

   "You are Yunfei people?"

   The enemy's many little fairy kings were shocked.

  The son of Immortal Emperor They knew, but did not expect that there would be such a huge army and so many Immortal King-level men!


   A fairy king sneered: "Although Na Yunfeiyang is a son of the fairy emperor, what qualifications are there to recover the city of the North Central Territory."


   The voice just fell, and the space shivered slightly.

   Lin Yifeng appeared in front of him without knowing it, and his right fist suddenly slammed over and said, "This is the qualification!"


   A powerful punch, directly hit the chest of the little fairy king, and flew it out hard.

   Lin Yifeng, who has two kinds of souls at the same time, has just broken through to the small fairy king, but the power exploded is not weaker than a stable period.


   Luo Mu shouted: "Have fun!"

   In the speech, the person had rushed over, and the body's strength burst into a giant ape, carrying his fists towards the enemy fairy king suspended in midair.

   Yunli and Shen Qing and others were not idle, and their cultivation behaviors broke out one after another.

   They have been cultivating, and have longed to fight against the powerful in the domain.

   Guan Zizai and Si Wuji also wanted to shoot, but there were only more than ten fairy kings flying out of the enemy legion. They were all locked by Luo Mu and others, and they could only watch the battle on the tower with the urge to fight.



  In an instant, Luo Mu and Yunli and the dozen fairy kings fought fiercely over the sky outside the city.

   For a moment, the light was shining and the space was shaking.

  The little fairy kings sent by the four great kings have strengths and weaknesses, but the overall strength is close to a stable period.

  Luo Mu and Yunli, although they had just broken through to the little fairy king, but they joined hands, but instead of falling down, even more and more powerful.



   The sound of explosions and handshake is constant.

  As time went on, Lin Yifeng, Luo Mu and others succeeded in gaining the absolute upper hand, pushing back more than ten enemy fairy kings step by step.

It's only a matter of time before    beats at this rhythm.

  The little fairy kings of the enemy also realized it, so they had no choice but to retreat.


  However, just after the retreat, the gate of the city of Heaven was opened, and tens of thousands of Ling soldiers rushed over to fight with 50,000 regular soldiers.

   The fierce battle began.

  The spirit soldiers are still extremely fierce.

   Especially the use of art of warfare is the ultimate. The various changes during the battle are dazzling.

"so amazing!"

  The Lanling fairy king who watched the battle was shocked.

  He had witnessed the siege of the Ling clan soldiers, but now he knows that it is the most terrifying confrontation between the two armed forces!

   Lanling Fairy King has no doubt that if such a powerful legion appears in the Western Regions, it will definitely sweep the existence of a thousand troops!


   A large-scale war lasted until the dusk outside the city of Tiangong. Numerous corpses were scattered on the ground, blood condensed into a river, and the air contained a killing gas.

   Su Piaoyi dispatched 50,000 reinforcements, all of them were slaughtered, and more than a dozen little fairy kings accompanying him were killed in the hands of Luo Mu and others.

  After the inventory, the soldiers of the Fifty Thousand Spirits who were fighting were injured three thousand and died two hundred six.

   The corner of Lanling fairy king's mouth twitched.

   In such a large-scale war, there were only more than 3,000 casualties, and I dare not imagine it.

  Su Piaoyi's reinforcements were blocked outside the city of Tiangong, while the other side's Xilu Army was under no pressure and was reaping crazy cities.

  Seven days West Road Army won the eleven cities controlled by Su Piaoyi with the decay of Cui Gula.

  During this period, the enemy had also sent reinforcements, but why was it necessary to pass through Tiancheng City, which was stationed by Yanshuang and others, and it was extremely difficult to rush in.

   There was a war in the North Central Territory, and the news naturally spread quickly in the Real Martial God Territory. Many warriors were overwhelmed when they learned that.

"Oh my God!"

   "Yun Feiyang is too fierce, dare to fight against the four kings!"

   "According to the latest information, the two armies under his command have already won fifteen cities around the city of Zhentian in just seven days!"

   "So amazing!"

   "I heard that the two kings have already deployed more legions and strong men, and I believe that in the near future, there will be more fierce fighting!"

The warriors of the real martial arts realm are arguing.

   also had a sense of worship for Yun Feiyang.

Although    is the son of Immortal Emperor, he is ascending after all.

   In a short time, not only in the famous earthquake area, but also dare to fight the four kings, who can match this courage and ability?



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