Super God

Chapter 1898: This is just the beginning

  Yun Feiyang threw down a heavy punch, and the realm of Dao that he condensed at any time was unbearable and eventually shattered nothingness.

   The warriors in the Time City are stunned one by one, it is hard to imagine that the guy will be so strong!


   Someone was surprised: "He is a big fairy king!"

  Yun Feiyang had been working against the sky tactics before, and his breath was at the level of the little fairy king, and when he was violently bombarded, the real state was exposed.

"Oh my God!"

   "It's a big fairy king!"

   The mouth of the warrior in the city twitched violently.

   The guy had just broken through to the small fairy king when he was punished by the soul-fixing platform. Now that less than two years have passed, how did he break through to the big fairy king?

   Everyone is puzzled.

  Ren time is even more puzzled.

   He can judge from Yunfeiyang's breath that it should not be long before he broke through the big fairy king.

   However, why the power it carries is so powerful that it is so powerful that it can smash one's own ideas directly!

   is very simple.

  Yunfei flew with a punch, not only had the power of terror, but also the strong morality erupted by Daotong.

  The Dao realm that I arranged at the time, I have no strong defense, but in the face of a stronger Daoist attack, it is not worth mentioning.

What does    say?

   shows that the cloud flying to the big fairy king may not be as powerful as the peak-level big fairy king, but the strength of Taoism has clearly exceeded!

  Just just broke through to the big fairy king, the soul and morality have surpassed the peak-level big fairy king, and it is really quite evil.

of course.

  This has advantages and disadvantages.

   What is good is that in the face of opponents who are stronger than themselves, they can ignore their powerful coercion and morality.

The disadvantage of    is that because the gap between soul, morality and state is a little too big, it will be very difficult to improve again.


   "Yunfei Yang."

   Ren Shiguang said: "Ben Wang still underestimates you."

   can punch his Dao world with one punch, Yun Feiyang's intrepidity exceeds the expectation of this pinnacle king.


   Ren Shiguang said earnestly: "I will treat you as a warrior of the same level, and there will be no mercy in his hands."


  Yun Fei said lightly, and raised his right fist again, blasting to Ren Shiguang.

   The power of this punch is obviously stronger.

   was dumbfounded when he was in office, "Did he not use his full strength just now?"


  The big cheap **** Yun just wants to test how strong he is after breaking through to the big fairy queen, so he certainly will not directly use his full strength.


   The fist with the power of terror came, although Ren Shiguang was surprised, but in a very short time, he once again condensed from the Tao world.


  Finally, Yun Feiyang's right fist blasted on the Tao Realm, and at the same time, there was a huge roar. At the same time, it directly smashed it into nothingness.

   is very simple and very violent!

   While Ren Dao, who was crushed by Daojie, had an extremely ugly complexion, his body stepped back involuntarily.


  Hua could wait for people to worship.

   A peak-level big fairy, crushed by Dao Yunyun successively, this is really bloody!

   The warrior in Time King City was also deeply shocked after seeing the powerful son of the fairy emperor.

   originally thought that the city owner didn't have to shoot, he could solve Yun Feiyang's little fairy kings, and each face was very painful.

   That guy is too strong.

   If he was out of town at the time, he would definitely be abused.

   Suddenly, Yun Feiyang waved his fist again, and the power he carried was still very strong.


   did not hesitate in his time, and when the fist attacked, he quickly dodged by relying on his body.

   is, after all, the pinnacle-level fairy king, and after breaking the Dao world for the second time, he realizes that the other party's understanding of Dao is far stronger than himself.


  Yun Feiyang rushed over once again, rushed over again, and used both fists, bursting out powerful strength and morality.

  Ren time no longer contends with the Tao realm, but instead condenses the irritable power and chooses to face it from the front.

  In his view, Yun Feiyang is just a strong morale, certainly not as good as himself in terms of strength.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  In an instant, the two kept fighting in mid-air, and they were constantly startled by the deafening roar.

   Inside and outside the city, anyone watching the battle can only see the two figures constantly flashing, and can't capture the action of fighting.


  After half an hour, Yun Feiyang and Ren Shiguang made another hard move, and then flew to the left and right respectively, maintaining a certain distance.

   It is terrible that the space has been destroyed.


   Yun Feiyang stabilized his body, breathing quickly, but his eyes shone with hot glow.

   Half an hour of melee combat made him very tired, but it also proved that after breaking through to the big fairy king, he can completely fight with his bare hands and the peak-level fairy king.

of course.

   is just a battle.

  With his current strength, he has not been able to achieve absolute suppression, let alone defeat it.

   "Yunfei Yang."

   Ren Shi said lightly: "How long can you last?"

In the half hour of   , although he was a little tired, but there was no big deal. It can be seen that the big fairy king at the peak level is not in vain.

   Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "This is just the beginning."


   The space oscillates slightly, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword slowly emerges.

  Since the fist cannot solve the problem, he can only use his own immortal seal.


  Yun Feiyang held the sword hilt with one hand, his eyes became sharp, and his powerful sword was bursting out, covering his whole body.

   When he was there, he frowned.

  He judged that the sword held by Yun Feiyang was of very high quality, and he realized from his powerful sword intention that this son must have a deep understanding of kendo!


  Ren Shiguang's hands spread out with his five fingers, and a stream of light emerged, and finally formed two pairs of gloves with a cold breath.

   "Polar cold fist!"

   exclaimed the warrior in the city.

   The so-called polar cold fist, the level reached the level of the big fairy king, and at the same time it is the mortal imprint of Ren Shiguang.

  In the memory of everyone, after the city master took charge of the king of time, it never appeared again.

   This time, in the face of Yun Feiyang, he actually used his own immortal seal, which shows that he is also very serious!

   "Yunfei Yang."

   Ren Shiguang said in a deep voice: "You can make this king sacrifice the birth mark, you are the third person."

   Yun Feiyang said nothing, holding the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, communicating with the internal little and cheap, and entering the state of unity of soul and spirit with great speed.


   Swordsmanship sprang up tearing the space where he wanted to heal.


   Suddenly, Yun Fei raised the giant sword, his eyes flashed through the two fine awns, and he slashed towards Ren Shi.


  In an instant, a matchless sword gas roared out, and the released sword intention made the space fall apart.


   Ren Shiguang stepped out in the void, his fists waved together, the polar cold fist he wore flashed a fairy light, and immediately formed two crystal clear ice fists!


   PS, my father has been discharged from the hospital, I have been busy before and after busy, probably the day after tomorrow, resume normal update, and began to make up for the lack of changes in the previous period.

   I counted, from the 27th to today, I owe a total of 11 more. If it is paid, I am afraid it is not a matter of two days a day.

  The previous 2 chapters were blocked, and the total number of chapters was 2 chapters less, which caused chaos in the chapters, so that the other 2 chapters that day made many readers think I did not update.

   Reiterate again.

   Since the book was released, although there have been too few changes, it has never been changed, even at the busiest time it has maintained at least one change.



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