Super God

Chapter 1916: Yun Family buried in 5guang Lake

The Yun family, an ancient family in the central region, experienced the invasion of the barbaric region. The clan had fought **** battles until the emperor Qinglian arranged the seal platform, and the war was over, so he could live in seclusion and recuperate.


  One hundred thousand years ago, the Yun family reached its heyday, and the strong were like clouds.




   is prosperous and declining, eternal.


  The Yun family failed to escape this law. As the strong man gradually passed away, he gradually declined.


   Even today, many forces in the region have heard of the Nangong and Gongye families, but they have never heard of the Yun family. Even if the Emperor Zhentian immortal cloud is green, many warriors do not know that it will be the last pulse of the Yun family.


  Yun Feiyang was emotional after learning that he was a descendant of the Yun family. When he learned that he had no family members, he also collapsed.




   "The ancient families have been attached to heaven, why is my Yun family so miserable?"


In Yun Feiyang's understanding, like the Gongye family and the Nangong family, they are all prosperous, and the strong and the heirs are emerging one after another. Even if the Yun family is prosperous and declining, but participating in the war of millions of years ago, it should not decline. A single story?


  The emperor said: "The young emperor did not know. As early as 100,000 years ago, the Qinglian sealing station had begun to shake."


   "The Yun family sent a large number of strong men to strengthen them, but they also paid a terrible price. Since then, they have no longer been able to survive."




   Yunfei Yang was silent.


   This reason, he did not agree, secretly speculated that the decline of the Yun family is not simple, and there may be unknown secrets.


of course.


  It's no use asking Huangfujian.


  He is not a member of the Yun family, and what he knows must be extremely limited.


  Yun Fei said: "Where is the Yun Family?"


  Now that he knows that he is the lineage of the Yun family, he definitely wants to take a look at his family.


   Huangfu Jian said: "In the Five Light Lake."


   Yunfei raised his face with surprise and said, "My Yun family, live in water?"


  The emperor said: "After breaking through to the level of the Immortal Emperor before his death, the Lord placed the Yun Family in Wuguang Lake with the supreme supernatural power to avoid disturbing others."


   "It turns out so."


   Yunfeiyang suddenly realized.




   The west of the north central area has a continuous mountain range, and the center area has a huge lake, which shines colorfully all the year round, so it is called Wuguang Lake by the world.


   one day.


   Yunfei came flying over and landed on the lakeside, only to see five kinds of light flashing on the lake surface, changing from time to time, and exclaimed: "It's really magical."


   During the speech, Xiannian was released and gradually integrated into the lake. He soon discovered that there was an isolation formation deep in the bottom of the lake.


   just touched it lightly, and Yun Feiyang noticed a sense of intimacy, so he murmured: "Maybe this is what my father left."


  Whenever he thinks about it, his father, who has never met him, is a bit sad.




   Yunfeiyang took a breath, adjusted his emotions, jumped into the lake, and swam to the streamed area.


   "Father will never place Yun Family in Wuguang Lake for no reason, there must be some mystery hidden inside."


  With this idea, Yun Feiyang released his soul power, integrated into the isolation formation, and began to crack.


   Not long ago, that long-lasting formation was cracked, and he melted into the whole person.




   Yun Feiyang landed on the slate covered with moss wetly, and when you looked around, you could see that it was surrounded by a desolate building, like an ancient city.


  The building style of the house is different from the inner city architecture, giving people a very unique and very heavy feeling.


  Yun Feiyang stood on a branch street of the city, Xiannian continued to spread, and found that the group of buildings similar to the city was extended to tens of miles.


   "The Yun family at that time must be extremely prosperous, otherwise there would not be such a large-scale city."


   "Unfortunately, it is now a thing of the past."


   Yun Feiyang murmured, and started to walk. Although he had been looking at the abandoned buildings on both sides, his mood became more and more dull.




   He came to the central area of ​​the city, where there was an empty space paved by stone slabs, similar to the Yanwuchang. Because it was long abandoned, it was already covered with moss.


   Yunfeiyang walked up and stood quietly, feeling as if he had returned to 100,000 years, and saw countless people connected to his own blood, listening to teachings and cultivation.


   "My son."


   Suddenly, there was a sound in his ear.


  Yun Feiyang suddenly turned around, and saw a figure of truth and reality.


   The figure was tall and handsome, and although he had a smile on his face, he also showed a king's breath.


  Yun Fei's eyes gradually became wet, because he knew that this was his father, the Emperor Zhentianxian in the North Central Territory, he had never seen before.


   "My son."


  Yue Shangqing said: "For the father to seal a ray of soul in the Yun family, just to wait for your arrival."




   Yun Feiyang knelt on the ground and said, "Father is on, please be worshipped by his son."


   This kneel is taken for granted.


   Even if I have never seen it before, it is my own father.


  Yao Shangqing said: "My cloud family has guarded the Qinglian sealing station for generations. Although it has declined, you never regret it. As a descendant of the Yun family, you should keep in mind the ancestral training.


  Yun Feiyang said earnestly: "The child understands."


  Yue Shangqing said: "The purpose of sealing the Yun family for the father is to avoid years of erosion. You can find the Gong Pavilion here, and cultivate the Yun family to inherit martial arts."


   Yun family inherited martial arts?


  Yunfei Yang suddenly rejoiced in his heart.


   Breaking through to the big fairy king, there is no shortage of weapons and martial skills!


Yun Shangqing said: "My Yun family inherits martial arts, one pays attention to mantras, and the other pays attention to guidance. One hundred thousand years ago, many ancestors fell for a stable seal station, which made it impossible for them to be able to teach by example, making it difficult for future generations to comprehend great achievements and generations of strength. Not as good as a generation."




   Yunfei was speechless.


   Without advanced teaching, it is difficult to comprehend, is it too harsh to pass on martial arts?


   "My son."


  Yue Shangqing said: "Before my father was born, rely on to develop the martial arts mental skills of the Kung fu Pavilion into more than 30 kinds. I hope you can understand more and revive the former glory of my cloud family."


  Speaking of this, the figure gradually collapsed, and obviously the ray of soul that exists can only sustain for so long.




   Yunfei Yang clenched his fists: "I will revive the Yun family!"


  The appearance of Zhen Tianxian Emperor let him know that there are Gong Gong Pavilion in the city, which contains many inherited martial arts skills, so he began to search.


   Not very long ago, relying on the powerful soul power, Yun Feiyang found a secret room with a kung fu pavilion in a hidden area. When he walked in, he was stunned, because there was a book of cheats in a small space.


  Roughly calculated, there are no less than one hundred kinds. What is more sturdy is to take out a copy at hand, which is the big fairy king level!


Yun Feiyang has read several books one after another, and the quality of the cheats is also in the big fairy king. He has to let him take a breath of air and shocked: "My Yun family inherits martial arts, so amazing!") Download the free reader! !

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