Super God

Chapter 1927: Wronged you

Su Piaoyi left the Wangcheng and came to a relatively remote valley where one of the nine seals left by the emperor Qinglian existed.


  At this moment, outside the sealing table, three warriors were sitting in a cross, one of them was awe-inspiring, and the other two were also kings.


   The expression on their faces is very serious, and the soul is constantly pouring into the seal streamer, but it is also difficult to stop the streamer from crumbling.


   "A little bad."


   Su Piaoyi sat down immediately, and the spirit power of Immortal Emperor suddenly broke out, instantly blending into the fluctuating streamer.






  Four immortal emperor-level strongmen, the mind focused on blessing the seal array, the turbulent streamer quickly stabilized.


   As a price, Su Piaoyi and others became paler, and could not even move.


   "There must be a waste emperor breaking the lineup. I must bless with all my heart. Otherwise, the seal will be broken, and the other eight sealing stations will be broken."


  Hugh said seriously.


   "Damn it."


  Su Piaoyi said: "The young emperor has just begun to train troops, and the barbaric domain is now breaking through, and it is too time."




   Suddenly, a loud noise came from the sealing station, obviously on the side of the barbaric territory, someone was bombarding frantically.


   "Boom! Boom!"


   bombarded time after time, Su Piaoyi and others pushed the soul to the extreme, firmly securing the sealing platform.


  At this moment, they are not guarding the Qinglian Seal Station, but the entire True Martial God Territory, because once broken, the Barbarian Warrior will invade in a large amount.


  Since the Emperor Zhenxian fell behind, the Four Kings have been blessing the Qinglian Seal Station, but as the frequency continues to increase, it is becoming more difficult to stabilize.


   For example, this time, there were more than one barbarian emperor who attacked the seal in the barbaric domain, and the force formed made them feel obviously powerless.






   The powerful bombardment continued.


   Su Piaoyi and other people's faces became more and more difficult to look, if you continue this way, the sealing station will inevitably be broken.


   "Brush! Brush!"


   At this time, four figures flew from a distance, landed on the front plate of the Qinglian Sealing Table and sat down, pouring soul power into the streamer.


   The four people are old, and there is a strong breath between the eyebrows, and the jade card with the word "xiang" engraved on the waist is constantly shaking.


   "It's you?!"


   Do not smile and others are surprised.


who is it?


  The four phases of the celestial celestial emperor!


   Su Piaoyi and others have searched, but it is difficult to find traces, and now they suddenly appeared and blessed the Qinglian sealing table together, making them a little unexpected.


   The oldest old man said: "The Immortal Emperor put on a performance before his death. Today the seal station may be broken, so I ordered four people to come to help."


   "It turns out so."


   Su Piaoyi and others realized.


   With the emergence of the four phases, the soul blessing, how to let the strong in the barbaric domain attack, the streamer is still strong.


"so close."


  Su Piaoyi rejoiced.


  If the four phases come one step later, he and Hu Buxiao will inevitably have difficulty in securing the seal stage, and the result will be the collapse of nothingness.


  The nine sealing platforms arranged by the emperor Qinglian once will have a crack, which will cause a chain reaction. At that time, the army of the barbaric domain will definitely come in and kill.


   "Don't be too happy."


  The old man solemnly said: "This seal station has already reached the limit. Although we can temporarily stabilize it, we will break it sooner or later."


  Hu smiled and said earnestly: "It is a day to be stable, so as to give the young emperor time to grow, so that he can shoulder the banner of fighting against the barbaric territory."




   The old man sighed: "I have wronged you."


   Su Piaoyi and Hu Huubu smiled and heard bitterness in her heart.


  In the eyes of the world, they are the wicked people who abandon the Lord and occupy the mountain as the king, but they don't know everything, but they just deliberately followed the orders of the Immortal Emperor.


   "Since the Lord ordered me to wait against the young emperor, and thus to temper his strength, he naturally has to do his due diligence."


   Do not laugh.


  Su Piaoyi said: "The young emperor has already taken the city I control, and he should be able to carry the banner against the barbaric territory."


  The old man solemnly said: "Millions of years ago, the invading barbaric army was extremely fierce. If it came back, it would definitely be more powerful."


   Everyone's expression is more serious.


   And just as they stabilized their formation, Yun Feiyang's army had launched an offensive against Hu Shi, who was in control.


   In terms of strength, Hucheng, which is controlled by Hu Xiaoxiao, is stronger than Su Piaoyi, so it is more troublesome to fight whether it is a siege or a frontal battle.


   Fortunately, the spirit soldiers trained by Yun Feiyang showed sufficient strength, even in the face of resistance, they can still attack the city.


   More importantly, as they fight again and again, they must have grown up, and they have become more skillful in the use of tactics.


   This is what the four kings and the four phases most want to see, because only when the army of the young emperor keeps getting stronger can they become the main force against the barbaric realm.




   While Yun Fei was arrogantly fighting in all directions, the Qinglian Sealing Stations that existed in other domains were attacked by the powerful in the barbaric domain.


   As if they had negotiated well, they vowed to break the seal arranged by Qinglian Immortal Emperor, so as to invade Zhenwu God Realm.


  The ancient families in the field have taken action, sending countless strong men to bless the seal station, preventing the repeated attacks of the barbaric domain.


   This kind of situation has appeared frequently in millions of years, but it is the most unprecedented and strong today.


   When the major ancient families competed with the powerful in the barbaric realm, there was a suffocating air in the air of the real martial arts realm.


   "The atmosphere is wrong."


   "It seems that something bad is going to happen."


   Many powerful people noticed it.


  The fairy emperors sitting in the emperor city also realized that they all frowned, and said, "Could it be that the disaster of a million years ago will repeat itself?"




   "Brother Yun, has this day changed, how does it give people a gloomy feeling?" After capturing a city, Luo Mu looked up.


   "There are weird."


   Yunfei frowned.


  Huangfu Jian said seriously: "I am afraid that the powerful in the barbaric domain is attacking the seal station in a big way."


  Yun Fei said: "Would you like to take a look at the sealing station?"


"No need to."


Huangfu Jiandao said: "The young emperor's task is to unify the Northern Central Region as soon as Yun Feiyang bitterly said: "The barbaric domain is alien, and if the seal station is broken, it will bring disaster to the domain. It will be meaningless to continue fighting at this time. "




   Huangfu Jian said: "This is the Lord's expectation before his death. I hope you can rely on your own strength to recapture the lost city from the four kings."




   Yunfei raised his sword and pointed to the distance, saying: "The whole army attacked!"




  Hundreds of thousands of Ling clan soldiers split their way and attack the city controlled by Hu Shixiao. Although they have been stubbornly resisted, they have also been attacked again and again.


   Half a month later.


  Yun Feiyang captured dozens of cities, but stood on the tower, very puzzled and said: "Why don't you smile even if you don't show up?")!!

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