Super God

Chapter 1948: Prepare for death

Stuart is very depressed, because after entering the real martial arts domain from the barbaric realm, he has never encountered a big fairy king, who killed all the little ones.

Other strong men have either killed large fairy kings, or killed many small fairy kings, and gained much more merit than themselves.

The Barbaric Domain invaded the True Martial God Territory, and formulated a system of warfare. Most of the people killed could get points, and the soldiers killed had a high level, and they could also get many points.

The war power is used to exchange martial arts resources, martial arts, and treasures, etc., which greatly stimulates the barbarians in the wilderness, and makes them more irrational in killing the warriors in the territory.

As a big fairy king, Sidang was only a dozen points on the waist card after coming to the field. No wonder he was so depressed.

However, just today.

A warrior suddenly flew across the sky, the breath of which was the big fairy king, which made him rush out with great excitement.

After confirming that the young man was not a barbaric warrior, Sidang was even more excited.

Not only did he yell at others not to snatch, but he quickly rushed past.

In the eyes of Stuart, the young man is a walking feat. As long as he is killed, he can not only get points, but also raise his eyebrows!


The strong breath screamed out, and Sidun concentrated all of his own strength in the double fist, obviously under the eyes of the public, do a punch blow!

Seeing him so seriously, the other barbarian warriors who rushed out shook their heads immediately, and slowed down, intending to be a visitor with great interest.

However, what was unexpected was that just when the voice of Stuart's words just fell and the breath had just erupted, the young man sacrificed his sword and suddenly cut out a strong sword.


Sword Qi cut off, tearing the space.

Feeling the horrible sword spirit, everyone was shocked.


At this moment, a thin rift appeared on Stuart's face, and immediately his body was divided into two halves, and blood was flowing down.

This barbaric domain powerhouse comparable to the big fairy king failed to punch and kill, but ended up with a sword.

of course.

Because he died too fast, he didn't have any pain, and he even maintained an excited form.


The just-appearing stoile, the dead is fast, and his death deeply shocked the barbaric domain powerhouse, and stopped suddenly, standing in mid-air in horror.

Can be a sword to kill the strong king of the fairy king level, the flying young man, the strength is either the peak level, or already comparable to the fairy emperor level!



After Yun Feiyang slashed Sidu, he once again wielded the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, and cut out a pair of unparalleled sword qi, respectively, and attacked the barbarians who stood in the air.

In the fallen Southern Territory, corpses ran wild and countless cities were razed to the ground. Although he was not a native warrior in the territory, he could not tolerate such cruel behavior.

Therefore, in the face of the barbarians, the easiest way is to use violence to control violence!



A fierce sword gas burst into the air, like the big hand opened by death, and it was caught on the locked warrior.

"Poop! Poop!"

In an instant, several barbaric domain powers were standing in two halves, blood spilled into the sky.

Flying to the present state with Yun Fei, killing the big warrior of the fairy king level is as easy as slaughtering chickens and sheep.

"This child is too strong!"

A strong man exclaimed: "Let's quickly withdraw..."


As soon as the words fell, the sword training qi burst out, and the person's body burst on the spot, turning into a blood rain.



Taking advantage of Yun Fei's hand, the strong men who were far away fled, and their eyes showed strong fear.

"No one can run!"

Yun Feiyang raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword again, and said coldly, "All die to me!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The dense sword energy exploded again, and the body of a strong escaped man was unloaded.

This group of strong men from the barbaric realm, after invading the real martial arts realm, plundered and killed a lot of inferior martial arts in a king's posture, but did not expect that one day they will also become a slaughter of ants!

"Boy, get mad!"

A streamer came very quickly, and the breath was enough to be comparable to the peak fairy king!


Yun Feiyang smiled disdainfully, and then waved his left hand, casting a magical palm, instantly forming dense palm prints from different directions.

"not good!

The face of the savage barbarian who rushed in shocked, and was suddenly hit by countless palm prints, his body exploded towards the rear, and blood spewed out of his mouth.


Suddenly, a fierce sword gas swept across, ruthlessly swept across his neck, and then the head flew out, and blood spewed like a spring.


Witnessing the death of a peak-level big fairy king who was cut off to the first level, those martial warriors who fled were pale and scared.

"Brush! Brush!"

The terrifying sword gas exploded from behind, even though they used all the energy of breastfeeding, in the end they still could not escape the fate of being beheaded.


There were as many as fifty barbaric domain powerhouses flying out of the major cities, and all of them died in the end.


Yun Feiyang withdrew the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, locked his eyes on a city below, and saw the high platform on the school ground, with many dead bodies, and the fire came from the heart.


Over the city, a dark cloud suddenly appeared, and immediately saw a huge palm slam down.

The soldiers in the barbaric domain stationed in the city can only raise their heads in horror and watch as the palm prints representing death are pressed down.


In the end, the city that was captured by the barbaric domain and slaughtered with warriors was turned into a ruin under the repression of Yunfeiyang, and the 10,000 soldiers in it were wiped out on the spot.

This situation was repeated several times in the next few days. As long as Yun Feiyang saw the corpse running across the wild city, he would destroy it with anger.

Such unscrupulous shots naturally aroused the anger of the top powerhouses in the barbaric domain. When he destroyed the sixth city, several powerhouses comparable to the emperor were killed.

The warriors in the Savage Realm are often stronger than the real martial arts warriors at the same level. Therefore, several strong warriors comparable to the Wild Emperor are far superior to the Nine Cave Masters in strength.

Yun Feiyang met with him and found it difficult to gain an advantage. He could only cast his way across the cloud and kept changing directions, destroying more and more soldiers stationed in the barbaric region time and time again.

This guerrilla tactic makes the barbaric domain powerhouses have a special headache, but because of their physical skills, they can only chase far behind the buttocks, and they only stand up silly until the target is lost.

The entire Southern Territories were fully occupied, and there were countless soldiers stationed in various cities. Yun Feiyang wanted to destroy all of them alone, which was definitely unrealistic, so he guerrillad for a while and decided to return to the North Central Territories.


He did not know, on the way to.

The North Central Territory is suffering from a mad attack by the barbaric army, especially the city where Yi Mu is stationed, the battle is the most tragic.

Outside the battlefield, numerous corpses were scattered, and blood gathered in a river, apparently experienced many battles.

"Tap! Tread!"

One hundred thousand troops from the barbaric domain stepped forward.

This time, they were fully prepared, and it was necessary to break through the defensive formation.

"General Luo!"

The lieutenant general on the watchtower saw the enemy send another army and anxiously said: "The other party's huge force is coming again, so let's retreat as quickly as possible!"


Luo Mudao: "Laozi is a general of the army, how can he go to the city and become a deserter who is scolded by others!"

He flew out of the tower and landed on the battlefield. With a long sword in his hand, he scorned the 100,000 troops who committed the offense, and exuded the momentum of the enemy!


Luo Mu shouted: "You said that you wouldn't let it go, and I, Luo Mu, let you down today, only to fight in the end!"


This man with the spirit of Vajra lifted a long knife weighing a thousand pounds, and was alone into the 100,000 army, the back of the sunset looked very tall.


The general in the barbaric field sneered and immediately waved his hand, and he saw dozens of streamers flying out of the army.

That was the pinnacle little fairy king who came with the army, and the role was aimed at the general and the strong in the real martial arts domain.



The people performed their martial arts one after another, forming colorful energy rays that instantly illuminate the sky and the earth.

"All die to Lao Tzu!"

Luo Mu roared angrily, and behind him suddenly appeared a roaring golden ape beast, and as the long knife slashed, he threw down his arms with his arms.

In another city thousands of miles away, Shen Qing, who was contending with the enemy army, felt the magical fluctuations and solemnly said: "Uncle Luo!"


In another war zone, the Yunli, who is fighting with two little fairy kings, was furious.

He also felt that Luo Mu's magical power broke out, and at the same time knew that at a non-critical moment, that guy would definitely not explode his magical power!

Flying God Realm.

The Vajra Continent evolved from the Vajra Shrine, after Luo Mu’s strongest supernatural power erupted, he was suddenly enveloped by layers of misty flow, as if wearing a layer of holy cloth.

As the ruler of God Realm, Yun Wuyou discovered anomalies.

He flew out and stood in the universe, looking at the shining continent, frowning: "Uncle Luo..."

Earthquake Emperor City.

The gods and souls who didn't fight, noticed that Luo Mu had the strongest magical power, and they all clenched their fists.

Zhuge Jin said abruptly: "This war is more terrible than you think, so no matter who it is, be prepared to die at any time!")!!

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