Super God

Chapter 1991: Are you satisfied with this strength?

  Five pinnacles of barbarism under the bombardment of more than three hundred Tai Chi explosions, the clothes were shattered and the blood was dripping, which was extremely embarrassing.

   This is only secondary. The most tragic thing is that after this bombing, their meridians were severely damaged and their fighting power dropped sharply.



   It was at this time that Lin Zhixi flew again on the Xuanmiao body method, and a graceful figure appeared.

   "Boom! Boom!"

  Tai Chi patterns are presented again, the number is only a lot more than before.

   "Are you here yet?"

   Yunfei Yang twitched his mouth.

   It seems that Zhixi is going to blow up the five people alive.

   was already enough to be embarrassed and seriously wounded. The five pinnacles of the barren king saw the Tai Chi pattern emerge again, and despair suddenly rose in my heart.

  In their current state, let alone to contend, their ability to move is almost lost.


  The sound of Lin Zhixi's cold sound came again, and he saw the Tai Chi pattern quickly move closer, producing a serial explosion that shocked the space.

  Because the five pinnacle kings cannot escape, they can only let the powerful energy strike, and finally they are wiped out in the waves.

"good job."

   Yunfeiyang applauded and applauded.

   easily killed the five peak kings, Lin Zhixi's strength surprised him and was very pleased.

   Standing next to Liang Yin was a little upset.

   But I have to admit that she is in the same state as her, and her strength is still a lot worse.


   Lin Zhixi withdrew his breath, and fragrant sweat appeared on the forehead. His face looked a little weak. It can be seen that the use of Tai Chi explosions one after another was still very energy consuming.

   "Are you all right?"

   Yun Feiyang worried.

  Lin Zhixi said: "It's okay, I can recover after a period of rest."

   "Relax, I will call you into the ring of fortune."


  After Lin Zhixi was included in the ring, Yun Feiyang looked at Liang Yin and said, "Do you want to go in for a rest too?"

"No need to."

   Liang Yin said: "I'm fine."


   Yun Feiyang no longer talked much, took all the women towards the vortex, and finally landed on the platform similar to the earth in the middle.

   This vortex is very huge, in which a circular streamer stands, obviously, as long as you pass through, you can directly enter the barbaric territory.

   "Do you want to go in?"

  Yun Feiyang stood thinking before the streamer.

  With his character, he must not be able to settle in the whirlpool, and want to go to the barbaric territory to see what kind of plane there is.


  Liu Rou came and said seriously, "It is not known whether Senior Shen has placed an isolated seal in this vortex. You must not blindly enter the barbaric territory."


   Yunfei Yang nodded.

  He knew that there must be a waste emperor in the barbaric domain. If he went in, it would be difficult for him to come back.


  Yun Feiyang clapped his hands and said, "Let's first set up a defensive formation here to stop them from coming in."


   The voice just fell, and the powerful soul power diffused out, and it was scattered on the vortex platform, and the battle was presented in a series of battles.

  Yun Feiyang's current understanding of the formation method can completely achieve the defensive formation method based only on the soul power.

   Liu Rou was not idle.

  When Yun Feiyang arranged the formation, he began to look at the vortex, trying to find an opportunity to seal again.

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Suddenly, the circular streamer shivered slightly.

   Dozens of unreliable kings emerged and landed on a spacious platform.

  It happened that Yun Feiyang was in formation, and came eye-to-eye with this group of Kings of Desolation, and the atmosphere suddenly became slightly embarrassed.

   "Who are you!"

  A wild king shouted angrily.

   Yunfei Yang shrugged and smiled: "We are passing by, do you believe it?"

   All the women were speechless.

   thought, saying such things is not humiliating their IQ?

   Dozens of Famine Kings have IQs, so they realized in a very short time that these people must be the warriors of the real martial arts domain!

   But, what about the six peak fairy kings who guard the vortex?

   How can they watch the enemy martial arts kill here!


   A barren king said angrily: "Stop it!"

   During the speech, the right fist suddenly bombarded the void, and suddenly formed a substantive giant fist, and the strength seemed to be quite strong.


  Yun Feiyang stood still, let the giant fist come, and patted his chest gently: "This strength is not enough to tickle."


   The face of the King of Famine was shocked.

   The punch he had just carried, the strength he carried, even if the barren king in the stable period may not be able to carry it, he was safe and sound.


   The man didn't believe in evil and raised his fist again.

   This time the strength is much stronger than before, but it hits Yun Feiyang, and has not caused any harm.

"I say."

  Yun Fei said: "Can you use some force?"


   The face of the Waste King became very ugly.


   Yunfei Yang shook his head and said: "It seems necessary to let you see, what is called power!"


   He raised his right hand, turned his palm into a fist, and slammed past. The whole process was extremely slow, and it seemed to be extremely weak.


   The barren king and the others behind were disdainful.

  Dare to show it with such a little strength, it is really ridiculous.


   It was at this moment that Yun Feiyang's fist fluttered lightly on the chest of the Waste King, and the sound came like he was hitting cotton.


   A warrior laughed and said, "Dare to show this power to show off, don't you know it's embarrassing?"


   Suddenly, the sound of broken bones came.


  The next second, the clothing of the back of the King of Lightning, which was lightly hit, shattered, and a strong air wave erupted. More than ten Kings of Wasteland in the rear were suddenly eroded and instantly turned into nothingness.

   The warrior's smile came to an abrupt end, his expression was horrified.

He would never have thought that Yun Fei Yang's soft punch, which contained a strong dark energy, not only shattered his bones and meridians during the bombardment of the first Queen of but also produced the effect of beating the mountain !

   "How... how is it possible!"

   The faces of other King Huang were scared.

   Gone with a punch, and wiped out more than ten Famine Kings on the spot.

  This strength has made them realize that the young people in front of them are very scary, afraid that they are not weaker than the peak king.


   Yun Feiyang looked at the barren king who smiled and said, "Are you satisfied with my strength?"


   The warrior swallowed.

   It was at this time that the blood in the body was violently agitated and a painful heart-spreading lung spread.


   The warrior screamed with his head on his head.

   The same is true of other barren kings. They screamed one by one in pain, and even someone fell to the ground, and the pain rolled up violently.

  Yun Feiyang turned back to look at Ling Sha Luo, and saw that the woman raised her small mouth and withdrew the medicine bottle in her hand.


  Possibly poisoned so many kings without knowing it!



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