Super God

Chapter 1999: I am heaven

   The power of merit came from the void, first of all, a small part was differentiated and merged into the body of Lin Zhixi and other women, and the rest entered Yunfeiyang's body.

   The number is so large that he was immediately relaxed and relaxed, and the expression on his face became stunned and became beaten.

  Destroy the invaders and recapture the True Martial God Territory. Although Yun Feiyang didn't perform much and did not lead the army in World War II, he could not be changed and was the real key figure.

  Because without him, there would be no unity of the North Central Territory, there would be no Spirit clan soldiers, there would not be so many spirit souls, and no ability to resist the invaders.

   Therefore, when Heavenly Tao condenses the power of merit and discusses merits and rewards, Yun Feiyang also receives the most rewards.


   Suddenly, an air flow emerged in the formation.

   only saw that Zhuge Jinli stood in place, his whole body was enveloped by a light curtain, and this was obviously a sign of promotion!

  As the commander of the central army, the invaders were destroyed, and her role was also very large, so she gained a lot of merits. After the fusion, she successfully promoted the realm.

   It didn't take long for the burst of breath to stop.

   Zhuge Jin opened his beautiful eyes slowly, a powerful breath broke out, the realm from a small fairy king, into a big fairy king in one fell swoop!

   changes in more than one state.

   Her understanding of the attributes of heaven and earth has also been greatly improved, the advantage is that the speed of cultivation is faster.

  After the breakthrough of Zhugejin, after gaining the power of merit, Bao Li also entered the peak level of the fairy king.

  Yun Feiyang Among these women, Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin have the best talents, followed by Baoli, the reincarnation of the demon king.


   Mu Ying, Ling Sha Luo, He Lan Fei, Qiu Yishui, with the support of merit, have successively broken through to the stable stage of the big fairy king.

  The talents of the four girls are not too good or too bad, so they entered the big fairy king earlier.

  Liu Rou was the slowest to advance.

  After all the women broke through, she came to belatedly ushered in the sign of promotion, and finally entered the big fairy king.

   is already pretty good.

  Know that this woman always likes to study strange and weird things, seldom put her mind on martial arts, and it is rare to break through the big fairy king.

   Lin Zhixi and Liang Yin also gained merit.

   But because the realm of the two has reached the level of immortal emperor, so just increased the speed of cultivation, and did not drive the realm.

"it's wired."

   Mu Ying puzzled: "How did you get promoted?"


  Ling Sha Luo could not figure it out.

  Liu Rong said with a smile: "We have gained merit, so we will break through one after another."

   "The power of merit?"

   Mu Ying and Ling Sa Luo looked surprised.

   This kind of attribute, they naturally know that they did not expect to directly raise the state.

   Strictly speaking, merit is not an attribute. It is a very mysterious existence. It has many functions and has magical effects.

   For example, when Yun Feiyang was reshaped, after reshaping the God Realm, he condensed the merits obtained by the magical ring of creation.


   Mu Ying pointed to Yun Fei and said, "Brother Yun's expression is so cheap!"

  All the women heard the words and looked at them one by one, and they saw Yun Da cheap **** standing in the formation, grinning, and a very expression of expression and enjoyment.

   "I really want to beat him up in the past."

   Liang Yin pouted.

   In fact, I can't blame Yun Feiyang's embarrassed expression.

   is mainly because the merits are madly diffused in the body, and it feels very cool and beautiful after fusing with meridians and blood.


   After a while, his whole body exploded with a majestic and rich atmosphere.

   "He is going to break through?"

   Liang Yin surprised.

  Liu Judo: "It seems that this guy has much better merit than us."


  After Yun Feiyang's whole body appeared a wave of promotion, the whole person was still in a wonderful state, and clearly captured everything between heaven and earth.

   Those are the laws between heaven and earth.

There are five elements, yin and yang, time and space, life and death, cause and effect, and so on.

   Yunfeiyang is here, quietly perceiving the laws around him, as if a hungry baby is sucking frantically.

I do not know how long it has been.

   A boy about five or six years old suddenly appeared in the strange space.

   He wore two small braids, his face was immature, his big eyes were bright, and he looked very cute.

"who are you?"

   Yun Fei Yang surprised.

   The boy smiled and said with a milk voice: "I am heaven."

   "Lying trough!"

   Yunfei Yang almost jumped up.

   Isn't heaven a kind of thing that exists, but has no substance? How could it be a person or a little fart boy?

   "You are the kid."

  The boy said indignantly: "I have lived a million years, I am older than you!"

   "Can you hear my heart?"

   Yun Feiyang was shocked.

"of course."

  Tao Dao proudly said: "In my law space, I know what you think in my heart."

   "Law space?"

   Yunfei Yang realized: "No wonder there are so many different laws."

   looked at Heavenly Dao again, suspiciously said: "A million years of life, or a child's body, do you have any bad habits?"

   Tian Dao said with a lip: "Compared with the old guys in other domains, I am still very young, so the body is like this."


   Yunfei Yang twitched his mouth.

   has lived for a million years and still feels young, this guy must have a young heart.

of course.

  Yun Feiyang heard from the other party's words that there was more than one so-called heaven and earth, and there were many in other domains.

   "Not bad."

   Heavenly Dao: "Every domain has a Heavenly Dao, which governs the rules and rules of heaven and earth."


   As soon as he heard the rules, Yun Feiyang became very angry and said, "You have bullied me all these years!"

   Heavenly Dao is also furious, and said angrily: "I have been in charge of Zhenwu God Realm for a million years, and I have never seen you such a **** who violates three rules and five rules!"

   Both are angry.

   After all, one often commits death, provokes Tianwei punishment, and the other is choked with a headache, but he can't help each other.


   It turns out that Heavenly Dao has a It exists in the law space, and the warrior rarely sees it. Today Yunfeiyang relies on a lot of merit to enter the law space and meet it.

   It's just that the situation is a bit discordant.

   Both have anger, you glared at me, I glared at you, you will have to poke up your sleeves to dry your eyes.

   "Forget it."

  Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "I am a very generous person, and I don't know like a little fart boy."

  It's good to say it, but in fact it is still a counsel.

  After all, this guy is Heavenly Dao, and he is in control of the power of Heavenly Power. He wants to fight, and he will definitely be tortured to death.


   Tiandao said lightly: "You just need to know."


  Yun Feiyang knew that his voice was heard by him again, so he stopped thinking about it and continued to ingest various laws in the space of laws.

   "Yunfei Yang."

  Tiandao also suppressed the anger, said: "Thank you."

  He was very disgusted with Yun Feiyang. After all, he provoked his authority every three times, but one thing could not be denied. If it were not for him, the real martial arts domain had already fallen.



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