Super God

Chapter 2001: Brother came to you!

  In the indoctrination of majestic merit, and in the space of law, Yun Feiyang's realm has moved from the stable period to the peak period of the great fairy king.

   It has been only a few months since returning from Taiwuyu, and it has been able to break through. Its speed is really fast. It takes at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years to change to others.

of course.

   can do this, one is because of the power of merit, and the other is in the space of laws, there are various laws for Yun Feiyang to realize.

  Break through to the peak fairy queen, Yun Feiyang's soul power has also been greatly improved.

   There is no hierarchy for the spirit of immortal emperor. He doesn't know, but he can judge that his current strength is definitely far more than the soul power of just breaking immortal emperor.

  Thanks to Tian Dao for all this, because unless he continues to rely on Tianwei thunder bombardment, Yun Feiyang, even if the realm breaks through, it is impossible to improve the soul.


  The space of law, Tian Dao gasped weakly.


  Yun Feiyang's soul hadn't left, and he smiled at him.

   "Damn it!"

   Heavenly Dao was furious.

  Yun Feiyang said: "Nothing, then I will leave."

   "Slow down!"

   Heavenly Dao hurriedly stopped.

  Yun Feiyang turned his head and smiled, "Don't you die, do you have to kill me with Tianwei Thunder Tribulation?"

   "Yunfei Yang."

  The expression of Heavenly Dao earnestly said: "Although your legion has wiped out the invaders and regained the lost ground, but the vortex will not disappear for a day, the True Martial God Territory will be difficult to be truly peaceful."

   Yunfei Yang was silent.

  When he gained the power of majestic merit, he had already guessed that Huang Fujian and others must have wiped out all the invaders in the domain and recovered the major domains.

   But it does not mean that you have won the final victory, because you are still guarding the vortex, once you leave, the barbaric domain will definitely invade again.

  Heaven continued: "For today's sake, only the Qinglian Sealing Station can be activated again, so that the connection between the two domains can be completely blocked."

  Yun Fei said: "How can I start the Qinglian Sealing Station?"

   Heavenly Dao was silent for a while, and said, "Bless nine vortexes with essence blood."

   "Who's blood?"


   "I still have things, say goodbye!"

   Yunfei raised his hand and turned and left.

  Joke, using his own blood to bless the nine vortexes, although the Qinglian sealing station is open, but he also burps!

   Yun Dachen said that he was a great man, but he couldn't do what he wanted.

   "Yunfei Yang!"

   Heavenly Dao shouted at him, saying: "Only you are the only person in this domain who has the strength to activate the Qinglian Sealing Platform. Can't you stand up for all creatures?"

  Yun Fei said angrily: "I risked being punished by you, I brought so many soldiers from under the world, and finally wiped out the invaders. Isn't it enough to come forward?"


   Heaven is speechless.

  Yun Fei said: "I still have a wife and children, how can I use my life to give selflessly."


   Heavenly sigh.


  Yun Fei said: "As long as the vortex is held, it is as difficult to kill in the barbaric domain. Why do you have to take your life into it?"

   Heavenly Dao said solemnly: "You have to know that there are still a lot of wild emperors in the barbaric domain. When they shoot, can you hold the vortex."

   Yunfei Yang frowned.

   This breakthrough, although the strength and soul have improved a lot, but he is not sure, he can qualify for the battle against Emperor Huang.

   "Yunfei Yang."

   continued, "As far as I know, there are at least ten million troops, tens of thousands of barren kings and twenty barren emperors!"


   Yunfei Yang twitched his mouth.

  With so many troops and top powerhouses, his legion can't compete with it no matter how powerful it is.

   "The ethnic character in the barbaric domain is cruel. This invasion failed, and the next attack will inevitably come out of the nest."

   "So it is imperative to start the Qinglian sealing station as soon as possible to seal the nine swirls!"

  Tiandao said very seriously.


   Yun Feiyang shrugged: "No matter how strong the barbaric domain is, I will not sacrifice myself to complete the self."

   Heavenly Dao said angrily: "If the barbaric domain kills again, then no matter you, or your relatives and brothers, there is the possibility of dying!"


  Yun Feiyang clenched his fists.

   He remembered Luo Mu, the Yunli and Yunhua brothers and sisters, and the pain of losing his brother came to his heart again.

  Tian Dao can feel the sorrow and pain in Yun Feiyang's heart, and his tone eased: "If you are willing to dedicate yourself, in exchange for living beings, I am willing to agree to all your requests, such as sending you to the soul world!"

   Yunfei Yang shook his heart and said, "Really?"

   Heavenly Dao said: "The Soul Realm exists in the void of space, and living people cannot enter, but I can send you safely over."

"it is good!"

   Yun Feiyang said without thinking: "I agree!"

   Heavenly Dao is a little stunned.

   He just said so much, he didn't care about it, instead he spoke out Soul Realm, and he agreed so decisively, which was a bit unexpected.

   The seemingly human heaven, in fact did not know.

  In Yun Feiyang's heart, the weight of the brothers is very heavy. If they can be brought to life, they will not care about any consequences at all!

   "Are you really going to Soul Realm?"

   Tiandao asked again.

   "Not bad."

  Yun Feiyang said seriously.

  Tao Dao warned: "The Lord in charge of Soul Realm is grumpy and powerful, and you want to recapture the undead from his hands, I am afraid it is very difficult."

  Yun Fei's eyes flashed coldly and said: "If anyone dares to prevent me from bringing back my brother, I will let him go away!"

   Heavenly Dao slightly startled.

   The murderousness revealed in this child's eyes is terrible.

   If the Soul Realm Master really wants to stop him, I am afraid it is a big trouble!

"it is good."

   "I send you into the soul world."

   "However, you can only exist in it for ten days, and you will be recalled after ten days."

   Soul Realm and Zhenwu God Realm are planes of different levels. Although Heavenly Dao is more powerful, it has limited abilities.

   "Ten days?"

   Yun Feiyang murmured: "Enough."

  Tao Dao seriously said: "Finally, I will send you to Soul Realm. After you come back, you must use the blood to stabilize the Qinglian sealing station!"

   " Yun Feiyang stood upright and proudly said: "Although I am Yun Feiyang not a good man, I always speak and talk! "

"it is good."

  Tiandao chose to believe, saying: "You go back first to prepare, I will send you into the soul world tomorrow."


  Yun Feiyang's soul dissipated and returned from the law space.

   Actually, he had nothing to prepare, but nothing more than telling his woman about the trip to the soul world.

  After knowing Lin Zhixi, he advised: "Be careful."

   She didn't stop Yun Feiyang, because she knew that the death of Luo Mu and Yunli brothers and sisters had dealt a great blow to him, and since she could enter Soul Realm with the help of Heavenly Dao, she would definitely enter without any return.

the next day.

  Out of defense, the streamer flashes.

  Under the eyes of the women, Yun Feiyang stepped in, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air, instantly integrating into the endless void.

   "Luo Mu, Lunar Calendar!"

  Yun Fei's voice rippled in the void: "Brother is here to find you!"



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