Super God

Chapter 2003: I take them away, do you have an opinion

  Can talk about anything, but bullying my brother alone, no talk!

  Yun Feiyang's sentence is very domineering, and it also carries an endless killing intention, which makes the soul soldiers and undead present on the scene creepy.

The coldest thing in the world is ice.

   Today, the soul soldiers and the undead know it, it turns out that it is colder than ice and has a killing intention!

   Rao is a very strong soul master. After feeling the cold killing intention, he was also a little shudder.

   At that moment, he wished to turn around and yelled at his men, who was it, and bullied his brother!

  Even if the soul master knew who bullied Luo Mu, it would not help, because now Yun Feiyang has been completely irritated.

   There is only one thought in his heart, that is, to kill those who bully his brother!

   "Brother Yun!"

  At this moment, Luo Mu raised his hand and pointed at Xiao Fei in the team, his eyes split and said: "It's him, bully me!"

   said a little childish, but it is also the most direct and most representative of his current emotions.

   came to Soul Realm and suffered endless pain and grievances. Now that his big brother is here, he must have revenge!

"Do not worry."

  Yun Fei said: "I will let him die."

   While speaking, he gently raised his hand and pointed at the stunned little fly, a powerful suction burst.


   Xiaofei flew out uncontrollably, and landed beside Yun Feiyang, said in horror: "You..."

   "Enjoy the pain and torture."

   Yunfei raised a hand on his shoulder, and the strong sky fire roared out.


  The flame rises, and the surrounding temperature rises sharply.


   endured the burning of the sky fire, Xiao Fei shrieked.

   Yunfeiyang is just right for the flame, so he is not in danger of life when he is subjected to the flame.



   The screams rumbled in the performance martial arts field, which can be said to be quite lame.

   "Soul... Soul Lord... General... General... Save... Save me..."

   Xiaofei, who was burned by endless flames, shouted in pain.

   "Damn it!"

General    was furious.

  It's definitely unbearable for his men to be tortured like this.

   But he didn't do it. After all, Lord Lord Soul was there.

   "Little friends."

   The Soul Lord said: "It seems that this Soul Soldier tortured your brother, he will punish you, regardless of life or death."

   "Soul Lord!"

General   's eyes widened.

   That's our soldier.

   As a lord of a world, why not save him, and watched being tortured by a human being!

  Even if the soldiers are ceremonial first, then the ritual is too much!

  If the Soul Lord knows what the general is thinking, he will definitely scold his head.

  Do you know the mother and the mother, the Lord has already dealt with him before, no one can help each other?

  Do you know his or her mom, this guy's hair is now purple, and his strength is stronger than before, I can't beat the Lord!

  Do you know whether he or Mom knows that he is very angry now, if he starts madness, not to mention the Northern Desert, even the entire Soul Realm, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by the top!

  No one knows how suffocated the soul master is.

  For the safety of the soul world, he could only watch Yun Feiyang torture Xiao Fei with a hot flame, and even make Yan Yan laugh.

of course.

  If there is a choice, the Soul Lord would rather squeeze Xiao Fei to death first, to avoid this guy bullying the human brother and make things worse to the point of irreversible.



   The screams kept ringing.

   Yun Feiyang also ingested his memory when tortured Xiao Fei.

  When I saw this time, I used my brother as a tool to earn soul stones. The anger in my eyes became stronger.

   "Damn guy!"

   "So bully my brother, even if you have a thousand lives, it is not enough for me to torture!"


   The flame burns and the intensity increases.


   Xiaofei screamed more sharply and violently.

   The method of tormenting the cloud **** is quite sturdy. The pain suffered by this soul soldier is completely stronger than that of Luo Mu!

  Finally, under the torture of terror, Xiaofei's soul was slowly evaporated, and his body was burned to death.

   Yun Feiyang wanted to continue to torture, but due to limited time, he must return to Zhenwu God Realm as soon as possible.

   Xiaofei was tortured to death, and the generals and soul soldiers could only look at it silly. As for the soul master, he was thinking that this guy could get rid of it and don't involve others.


   Yunfeiyang raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, Lengsen said: "This Beimo soul mine no longer exists."

   "Little friend, don't..."

  The Soul Lord will stop in a hurry.

   But as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw thunderclouds in the sky quickly condensed.


   An extremely powerful sky of thunder sword gas erupted from the thunder cloud, the sword power carried carried the space torn apart!

  Under the rage, Yun Feiyang directly used Sky Thunder Kendo, which has a strong group kill effect!

   "Brush! Brush!"

   The sword spirit with the might of thunder and lightning suddenly fell.

   The Soul Lord's complexion changed, and he couldn't take care of the General and Soul Soldier.

   Tianlei Kendo is extremely powerful. With his strength, he may be able to resist hundreds of roads, but it is extremely difficult to carry more than 100,000 roads!

   Even the Lord of the Realm was scared away on the spot, not to mention the soul soldiers shrouded in sword gas, their hearts raised a strong breath of death, and their eyes appeared horrified and desperate!

"Do not!"

  The general stationed at Soul Mine gave a desperate roar.


  Terrorist sky thunder sword suddenly fell.

   The entire Beimo soul mine suddenly showed a strong dazzling light, as if the gunpowder depots were detonated one after another.


   After the bombardment, the dust dissipated, and the original Beimo Soul Mine was blown into ruins.

   Tens of thousands of stationed soul soldiers and generals died on the spot under the sky thunder kendo. As for the existing undead, they miraculously lived and did not seem to be bombarded by the sky thunder kendo.

   They were dead.

  The power of Yun Fei is terrifying, and it will not be impacted except for great fear.

   The Soul Lord who left early hung in the air, his face was extremely ugly.

  He didn't care about tens of thousands of soul soldiers and a general, but distressed the largest soul stone production point in Beimo, so it was blown up!


   footsteps came.

   Yun Feiyang took Luo Mu and Yunli brothers and sisters step by step looked up at Soul Master, coldly said: "I take them away, do you have any opinions?"

   This sentence is crazy and arrogant.

  Lord Soul quickly smiled and said: "No opinion, no opinion!"

"let's go."

   Yun Fei Yang walked.

   wiped out the main culprit who bullied his brother, and let so many soul soldiers be buried with him, his anger disappeared a lot.

   "Brother Yun."

   Luo Mu said: "Weapons of the Soul Realm are very special. Do you want to take it back?"


   Yunli said: "There are soul stones!"

  Listening to the two, Yun Feiyang stopped and looked up at Soul Lord again, saying: "You do it."


   The corner of the soul's mouth twitched violently.

  When he took out millions of soul hooks and tens of millions of soul stones, witnessing Yun Feiyang leave with three undead, the strong discomfort completely dissipated.

   It turned out to be uneasy, not that the Soul Realm had the disaster of extinction, but that it foretold that there was a disaster of wealth destruction!



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