Super God

Chapter 2029: Black near ink

Aren controls the fossil Dao and continuously releases the majestic Daoism to make it completely enveloped in the ring of fortune.

In this process, the attributes of heaven, earth and morality are perfectly integrated, and a new life is gradually being nurtured.


Until it was conceived and born, the misty sky suddenly condensed clouds, and sometimes a weak thunder snake erupted.

The life enshrined is the order of heaven and earth, that is, the so-called heavenly path. The power carried in the clouds is the power of heavenly authority!

Because it was just born, the heavenly path in the deep space is still very weak, and the cohesive Tianwei is not too strong.

Yun Feiyang is already very satisfied. After all, it was born, which means that Feiyang God Realm has begun to move from the realm to the realm.

"the host."

A Rendao: "Do you want to continue?"

"carry on!"

Yun Fei said.

"it is good."

Aren manipulated the Daoism in the Dao Stone and released it continuously, and cooperated with the heaven and earth attributes of the Ring of Fortune to promote the growth of the weak Tian Dao.

Time is still passing.

After a few months.

Heavenly Dao in the void already has a human form, like a baby in a baby.

The thunder cloud condensed in the sky is more majestic, and the power of the Tianwei carried is far better than before.

As the master of the plane, Yun Feiyang has been observing the growth of Tiandao, and expects it to grow up quickly.


What makes him collapse is.

In the past 100 years, there is a void of heaven, still a baby in a baby, and has never seen growth.

"the host."

A Rendao: "This little life is growing slowly, and it would take more than ten thousand years to reach the point of speaking."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

The Heavenly Dao of the Zhenwu God Territory, who lived for a million years, said that he was very young. He thought that his mental state was changed. Now he only knows that the original order of heaven and earth really grows slowly.


The slow growth of Heavenly Dao is a cruel reality, Yun Feiyang can only accept it, and can only slowly let Aren nurture it with the meaning of Dao.

It will soon be another hundred years.

There is a heavenly path in the void, still like a newborn baby, with small bodies shrinking together, opening small eyes and opening small mouths.


The little guy grows slowly, but the power of Tianwei condensed in the ring of fortune is getting stronger and stronger.

According to Yun Feiyang's estimation, if it grows for another hundred years, it should be used to refine the soldiers' flesh.

"I hope that a hundred years later, the little guy can think."

Although the Heavenly Path now has a human form, it has not yet thought and cannot speak.

Although Yun Feiyang is the master of this aspect, he cannot control the power of Tianwei for it.

Such a thing as Tianwei.

It is beyond the reach of the warriors, and only Heaven can control and use it.

With a flick of a finger, another hundred years have passed.

It has been three hundred years since the order of heaven and earth was born from birth, but it is still in the form of a baby infant.

The power of Tianwei gradually formed. Although the power could not be compared with the real martial arts domain, but it was used to temper soldiers, but it was also competent.

Yun Feiyang was very anxious, because Tianwei was formed, but Tian Dao's mind was still slow to open, and he could not communicate with it.

"the host."

A Rendao: "I'm a little tired. I need more blessings to continue blessing that little life."

Yun Fei said: "Okay."

With a wave of his hand, he took out countless immortal stones and started ingesting them insanely, providing Aren with sufficient morals.


A large amount of Dao Yi is integrated into the Dao Yi space, and after being supplemented, A Ren begins to breed the weak Tian Dao again.


Time kept walking, Yun Feiyang kept waiting.

Until one day, a naive voice came from my ear: "Are you my master?"

This is the voice of heaven.

Although a little weak, but really.

Yun Fei was overjoyed, but calmed down and said, "I am the creator of this plane, and naturally your master."

The Zhenwu God Territory naturally formed in the universe, and there was no master after the birth of Heaven.

Flying God Realm was developed by Yun Feiyang, so the order of heaven and earth formed here would have to be controlled by him.

Tian Dao milky voice said: "Unexpectedly, my master is so young, so powerful."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Is this little guy boasting about himself, or is he hurting himself?

Yun Feiyang didn't have general knowledge with him, and went straight to the theme: "Can you manipulate Tianwei now? Form Thunder Tribulation?"

The heavens said pitifully: "Master, I just opened my mind. Do you have the heart to go to work so quickly?"


Yun Feiyang was speechless.

He didn't feel it from the other party's words at all, this is what he had just opened!

"Less nonsense."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Ma Liu hurry to condense me."


Tiandao is weak: "The host is so fierce, I am so scared of the baby."


Yun Feiyang almost spurted blood.


Can this guy ask for Bilian?

Sorry no.

Because Yun Feiyang is the creator of this aspect, the born Tiandao is naturally closer to him in character.



Above the ring of fortune, thunderclouds quickly condensed, forming a majestic momentum.

I just had a mental heavenly path. Although it was still weak and weak, manipulating the Thunder Tribulation was a trivial matter.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

This kind of thunderbolt that has been condensed once, when it blasts down, can definitely temper the soldiers' flesh.

"the host."

The voice of Heavenly Dao came: "Are you so touched by the baby so hard?"


Yun Feiyang said coldly.


Tiandao responded with grievances, and then quietly canceled the thunder cloud that was forming.

"Your uncle!"

Yun Feiyang scolded: "Quickly bring me back to Lei Yun!"


Tian Dao shocked: "The host is fierce to me, the baby's heart is hurt, the baby is wronged, the baby wants to cry."


Yun Feiyang wanted to cry without tears.

I can cry all the cheap gods, so it can be seen that this newly born heaven is so terrible.


Although Heavenly Path is cheap, after all, it is necessary to obey the orders of the master, so it didn't take long for the powerful Thundercloud to condense again.


Tens of thousands of soldiers sat cross-legged.

They are quietly waiting for thunder roar boom! "

Raymond spewed out of the clouds, blasting down with the power of Tianwei.

Many soldiers had no fear on their faces, but their eyes flashed hot.

They know that as long as they experience the baptism of Thunder Tribulation and shape the fairy body, they can be regarded as a real fairy warrior!



Under the control of Heavenly Dao, a series of thunderstorms crashed down, hitting tens of thousands of soldiers, bringing them torture, while still tempering the flesh.

Tens of thousands of soldiers went through the robbery together. Such a shocking picture never happened in the real martial arts domain.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The loud noise kept coming, shaking the world, the soldiers who suffered the thunder, the body was being refined and sublimated again and again.

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