Super God

Chapter 2043: Get into the barbaric realm!

() After taking Hao Shuai's fist of furious sky, Yunfei Yang glorified and fainted.

That is to say, Luo Mu and Yunli and others guessed wrong. He didn't fight five punches, nor did he fight three or fifty punches, but one punch was got.

Even so, everyone admired it.

Change to any one of them, face the punch that makes the space still, and the end will definitely die on the spot!


Hao Shuai was shocked.

He used to perform a fist of sky rage before, although it was resolved by Yun Feiyang, but after all, he attacked the natal soul.

This time he really attacked him, only to shatter the Dao world, resulting in a coma.

Even more incredible.

Not only did the guy use the Tao Realm to dissolve the fists of Sky Fury, but he also distractedly protected Luo Mu and Yunli and others.

It's the most irritating to resist a strong force yourself and share it with others.


Hao Chou solemnly said: "Although this guy's realm is the peak fairy, but his understanding of the soul and the meaning of the Dao is completely not under you and me."

Hao Shuai said: "No wonder the good book will be taken away by him, no wonder we will be captured by him and become a servant."

Forced to surrender the soul spirit, the two brothers were still not convinced, but now Yun Feiyang fought hard against the fist of sky rage, but let them thoroughly admire.

"Little brother."

Hao Shuai said: "There are such enemies in the barbaric domain, and they will inevitably suffer in the future."

Hao Chou shook his head and said: "We can't even protect ourselves, so don't worry about the future barbaric territory."

Although the two brothers were in a barbaric region, they were not aborigines, and later moved by chance.

So there is no concept of homeland, even if Yunfeiyang grows up later, it will bring a fatal blow to the barbaric domain, and there is nothing to worry about.


After a few days.

Yun Feiyang woke up.

"Are you satisfied?"

Lin Zhixi had been with him all the time, and when he woke up, he spoke a little blamefully.

Can you blame?

If there are three shorts and two shorts, what will happen to myself and my son?

Yun Feiyang said with a smile: "At least I have figured out that my current strength is hard to resist the strongest move of a wasteland emperor, and there is still the possibility of survival."

Lin Zhixi said: "Hao Shuai's punch, even with my current state of hard resistance, will also be injured. You can resist it by Dao Realm alone, it is so strong that you can't imagine it."


Yun Feiyang proudly said: "Although your man can't beat the emperor level, but it is not easy to kill me."

Lin Zhixi said: "Are you going to enter the barbaric realm?"


Yun Feiyang nodded.

The real purpose of his discussion with Hao Shuai is to test whether he can resist the wild emperor's tricks, so that he will not be afraid of entering the barbaric territory.

"It's actually unnecessary."

Lin Zhixi said: "I will follow you to protect your safety."

In the past, it was he who protected her and other people, but today it is the other way round, which hurts Yun Da cheap God.


Xuanyuan Wentian broke through the Immortal Emperor class, and he can contend with the Emperor Famine's killing tricks, which gave Yun Feiyang the intention to kill the Barbaric Realm.

of course.

This requires careful planning.

Yun Feiyang first found the Hao Brothers and let the two draw a map of the barbaric region with their memories.

"Brother, we do this as if it is no different from a traitor?"

After drawing the drawings, Hao Chou was ashamed.

"Brother, it's okay."

Hao Shuai said seriously: "The warriors in the barbaric domain will definitely look at the beautiful appearance of his brother and choose to forgive us."

"It makes sense."

Hao Chou deeply agreed.

After obtaining the drawings, Yun Feiyang printed multiple copies and sent them to the major legions.

It is not enough to let the generals understand the terrain of the barren territory, so he has to ask the Hao Brothers carefully about the customs of the barren territory and the distribution of troops.

Hao Shuai and Hao Chou knew nothing, and told Yun Feiyang everything they knew.

After his confidant, Yun Feiyang had confidence and put his mind on the legion.

Now that I have decided to go to a barbaric territory, I must vote for it. If it can stir up the chaos in the world, it would be better.

"Brother Feiyang."

One day, Luo Mu came and grinned: "One million soldiers can already use the soul hook skillfully."

When he was in the Soul Realm, Yun Feiyang knew that this kind of weapon, Soul Hook, would not be able to live once he hooked the Soul. If he hooked the living person, he would be able to disperse the Soul.

So before leaving, he deliberately asked for millions of handles from the Soul Lord to equip his soldiers.

of course.

To activate the soul hook function, you must have soul spirit.

Fortunately, Yun Feiyang brings a non-killing soul stone, which can enable soldiers to activate the soul hook function without condensing soul gas.


A month later.

The ring of fortune has evolved into a little troop.

Yun Feiyang was wearing the Taixu platinum battle armor, and Qi Yuxuan stood on it, exuding the spirit of the king around him.

Point the soldiers.

Luo Mu, Yunli and others stood in front of the legion under their command, raised their heads and raised their chests, their eyes full of war.

"You guys."

Yun Fei said loudly: "Trust you, I can't wait."

"can not wait anymore!"

Millions of soldiers shouted in unison, the sound rippling in the sky, it can be described as a rainbow!

Yun Feiyang pulled out the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and said, "Departure on the same day, killing the barbaric territory, let them see and see, what is called unstoppable!"



The streamer flashes and is very bright.

A million troops appeared in front of the streamer barrier leading to the barbaric territory.

Luo Mu and Yunli and others were hanging in the air, their fighting intentions flashing more and more intense, and they wished they would fight to kill the enemy now.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Lin Zhixi and Xuanyuan Wentian also appeared.

The two are the real martial arts domain, and the only two immortal emperors are the top powers.

"That one……"

Hao Shuaili weakly said in front of the streamer barrier: "Can our brother not go?"

"Do not worry."

Yun Fei said: "I won't let you shoot easily, nor will I conquer with the army."

"That's good."

The Hao brothers were relieved.

Although it is not a native of the Barbaric Domain, after all, it has become a barren emperor here. If Yun Feiyang is ordered to attack the city and plunder, it will be difficult to do.


With the emergence of the Million Army, the heavenly path of the law of space was immediately noticed.

He preached: "Boy, are you really going to kill the barbaric realm?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Heavenly Words said silently: "It is still nine years before the battle of the Immortal Emperor. You are so rash to kill the past. If you don't come back, you will lose the gain."

"It's Yun Fei said: "I can come back. "

He led his army to the barbaric territory this time, not to fight hard, but to cause some trouble to the other party, let them understand that Zhenwu Shenyu has the power to fight back!

"Army attack!"

Yun Feiyang gave an order and first stepped into the streamer barrier.

Lin Zhixi and Luo Mu and others, as well as the Million Army followed closely into it.

For a short time, the whirlpool was empty, and only the standing defensive formation still existed.


The voice of Heavenly Prayer came from leisurely: "I hope you can return safely."


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