Super God

Chapter 2048: Disappointed

() The elder Baipaomeng, who was hit hard, knew that he was unable to fight back. When Yun Feiyang stepped on his face, he angrily chose to explode his soul.


Self-detonation speed is not as good as Jian Qi.

When the soul has not communicated with the energy nucleus, the head and body are separated, and they die on the spot.


Yun Feiyang waved his palm and hung the rolling head over the gate of Tianying City. He looked up and said, "Today, I will use the head of this barbarian emperor to pay tribute to the heroes of the Zhenwu God Territory."

The sacrifice of the head of the Emperor Huangra is powerful!

"The elders of the White Robe League... were beheaded...!" The warriors of the Solo City were all appalled, and their breathing was almost still.

Emperor Huang class.

Solo is the strongest.

Now under his own eyes, he was not only seriously injured, but also cut off his head and hung on the city gate. This is something that I dare not dream about!

"Give me all these hilarious things."

Yunfei Yangjian pointed to the distant Solomon Warrior, with a cold breath in his voice.



Luo Mu and Yunli rushed over immediately.

"not good!"

"Everyone withdraw!"

Everyone was ecstatic and slipped.

However, even the Emperor Huang was dead, how could these warriors escape?

"Boom! Boom!"

Brilliant light, rippling in the sky.

Far away from Tianying City, tens of thousands of solo warriors who came to see all of them fell, and no one survived!


Yun Feiyang led his army, and in a short time, wiped out two million enemy soldiers, as well as hundreds of barren kings and a barren emperor.

This is very powerful and deeply shocked Solo.

At that moment, the forces of all parties finally understood that the legion that broke in from the vortex had great strength!

How to do?

The Solo domain panicked.

After slashing Emperor Huang Feiyun, Yun Feiyang continued to lead the army to capture the city, obliterate the living forces, and rob all resources.

He came here to make trouble or kill people, so there will never be any kindness.

In just one month, Solomon was plunged into deep water because of his arrival. Many families and sect gates were wiped out after the city was broken, and a large number of warriors with combat power fell.


"They must be destroyed!"

Many forces in the Solo World could not bear it, and they gathered together again.

This time they not only summoned thousands of barren kings and two million troops, but also invited four barren emperors.

Judging from the lineup, this is not to destroy Yun Feiyang and others.


Yun Feiyang stood on the tower, watching the dense army and the four emperors in the air, and smiled lightly: "The scale is not small."


"Today is your death time!"

A waste emperor shouted angrily.

Yun Feiyang disdainfully said: "I'm tired of hearing such words, and I have the ability to come."


The Waste Emperor stepped out into the void, and the vast Emperor Wei broke out, turning into a dharma image, and suppressed towards the city.

He didn't think about it at all. His attack might destroy the city, and he might wipe out all the old, weak women and children.

As long as the army of the True Martial God Territory and the leading young people can be exterminated, the Emperor Huang will not care about the city, nor the creatures in the same domain.

Lin Zhixi and Xuanyuan asked Tianben to try to compete with the suppressed method.

Yun Fei said: "I'll solve it!"

The two stopped immediately.


Yun Feiyang took a step forward, spread his hands, and the peak fairy king-level strength broke out.

Seeing this, the Emperor Huang said with a sneer: "Every king-level rubbish, dare to compete with this Emperor's law, it's really beyond our control!"

The other three emperors also laughed.

In their view, it was Lin Zhixi and Xuanyuan who asked God that he still has the strength to contend with the law. Others resisted hard and would die without a doubt.


Luo Mu and Yunli and others also smiled.

They are laughing at these powerful Solomons, and they don’t know that Brother Feiyang is also strong!


The Fa phase roared and the space shattered.

Yun Fei, who was standing on the upper floor of the city, raised his hands high, and the majestic Taoism appeared in the body, instantly condensing the Dao Realm that enveloped the whole city!

"Dao world?"

"No need to struggle!"

Emperor Huanghuang sneered.

A king-level warrior, no matter how strong his understanding of Dao is, how can he resist the attack of the emperor-level strong?


It was at this time that the Fa-Phase carrying the power of terror blasted on the Tao Realm, producing extremely harsh light and huge energy fluctuations.


The wind screamed and filled the world.

Gradually, everything returned to peace, and the Dao boundary outside the city first appeared, exuding dazzling luster.

"how is this possible!"

Seeing this, the Emperor Huang shot with a dull look.

The smiles of the other three emperors were solidified. Obviously, when the French phase bombarded, they could not break the Dao Realm under the king-level warrior!


Yun Feiyang stood on the tower and smiled: "Your strength is too weak?"

"Damn fellow!"

The Emperor Huang was furious, and immediately manipulated the undispelled Fa phases again, and bombarded with more terrifying power.

"Boom! Boom!"

Heavy bombardment sounds again and again, rippling between the sky domes, and huge energy waves spread to farther places.

However, no matter how the law phase bombarded, Yun Feiyang condensed on the Tao Realm above the city, but he was always strong.

In terms of strength, the condensed image of the Emperor Huang was far inferior to Hao Shuai's fist of heavenly anger, so it was still very difficult to break the Dao realm.



After bombarding dozens of punches in succession, the Fa phase dissipated in the void, and the Emperor Huang was breathing quickly.

Such crazy attacks cost him no energy.


Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "I thought that the powerful Solomon could bring me a surprise, but I was so disappointed."


Another Emperor Huang stepped forward and said angrily: "This Emperor will meet you in this world!"

Then, with a big wave of his hand, the vast emperor appeared.


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Against the next Bodhisattva bombardment, although the Dao realm is not broken, it also consumes a lot of soul power. If you fight hard against another Huangdi, it will definitely be difficult to support.


At this moment, Lin Zhixi flew out of the tower, quickly printed the seal, condensed a pattern of Tai Chi, and instantly dissipated the smoke of the emperor’s explosion Xuanyuan Wentian also flew out, his eyes locked on another On a waste emperor, the power of the immortal emperor broke out.

"You guys."

The former Emperor Huang, who condensed the law, said: "I will take a break first, and they will be solved by you."


One person said: "It is nothing more than two emperor-level strongmen, the three of us are easy enough to get it done."

"That may not be necessary."

The Hao brothers did not know when to emerge from the ring of creation, and stood in mid-air.

In particular, Hao Shuai flicked his black hair and smiled with an ugly face: "Sui Li, Ti Ye, Qi Wang Rong, tell me truthfully, who is the most handsome person in the world?"


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