Super God

Chapter 2058: No one wants to hurt him!

() After entering the so-called Jedi, Yun Feiyang realized afterwards that his clothes had changed and became very rough and very shabby!

Fortunately, there is a brave appearance of bravery, otherwise at first glance, it is really no different from a beggar.

"Light rain!"

Yun Feiyang enviously said: "The quality of your armor is probably not weaker than that of Immortal Emperor!"

Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "There is still armor in the bamboo house, please go and see it quickly."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang hurried to the past.

I thought to myself, I must quickly replace this shabby outfit, otherwise it would be too bad.


When he entered the bamboo house, he saw the simple armor made of bamboo pieces placed on it, and the whole person suddenly collapsed on the ground.

Oh shit.

This is too simple!

Although it is speechless, it is better than the clothes on his body. Yun Feiyang can only put it on his body.


After putting on the bamboo armor, he felt his defense strength improved a lot.

Yun Feiyang secretly said: "I'm afraid that this intensity also has the level of a big fairy king."


At this moment, there was a slight footstep outside.

Yun Feiyang initially thought it was Shen Xiaoyu, but when she thought she came in, she happened to enter the opposite bamboo house.



Suddenly, strong wind came.


Yun Feiyang hadn't had time to react, and suddenly felt his back slammed with heavy objects.

"Oh, uh!"

He burst back a few steps, his blood tumbling.

Fortunately, I was wearing a bamboo armor, otherwise I just took a blow and I was afraid that I would be hit **** the spot.


"It can resist the bombardment of my second-order meteor hammer. It seems that you have a good defensive type of bamboo armor."

Inside the bamboo house was an additional warrior wearing iron armor, holding a heavy sledgehammer in his hand.

Oh shit.

Dare to attack Lao Tzu!


Yun Dachen's anger rose, he lifted the bamboo stick in his hand, and swung it suddenly.

Although the strength is sealed, but it can be used, and there are bamboo sticks, so when you hit it, you have some strength.

The warrior mocked and said, "How can you hurt me with a small bamboo stick?"


A clear voice came.

Yun Feiyang's bamboo stick hit the opponent's armor, and the tiger's mouth tingled.


"The sheer physical strength has also been suppressed!"

Yun Feiyang looked hard.

He doesn't care about the opponent's strong armor defense, but is angry that the realm is suppressed, and the physical strength is difficult to fully explode.

In normal circumstances, with Yun Feiyang's understanding of pure power, a fist can blast out the martial art in front of him.

Now, the realm and physical strength are suppressed, and the equipment and weapons of others are good. I only have a small bamboo stick. How can I fight it!


The warrior laughed: "Boy, admit it."


The sledgehammer held up and slammed past.

Yun Feiyang's gaze flickered coldly, but he could only choose to avoid it, because after the bamboo armor suffered a blow, the defense decreased sharply, and then it must be unlucky to resist again!

However, due to the limitation of state and physical strength, how can you escape in this small room?


The sledgehammer slammed down and carried a strong wind.


Yun Fei's eyes contracted.


The sledgehammer was about to blow down, and a cold light flashed from behind.


The warrior knelt down on the ground immediately, the back of the armor was cut with a long knife mark, and blood was rushing.


Shen Xiaoyu stepped over him, his sword splayed, picked Liu Mei and said: "No one wants to hurt him!"

Yun Fei, who was hiding in the back, was so moved that she almost hugged her little legs, crying and shouting, "Xiaoyu, it's too time for you!"

"But... hateful..."

The warrior looked up hard and looked at Shen Xiaoyu wearing a war armor and holding a large sword. He hatedly said: "Unexpectedly, you picked up such a good weapon!"


Yun Feiyang stunned.

Does that guy mean, whether he, Shen Xiaoyu or him, equipment and weapons are all picked up?

Reminiscent of the scattered things in the bamboo house and even the medicine bottle, Yun Feiyang realized: "I understand, there should be a lot of equipment and weapons scattered in this Jedi!"


With the extremely high-quality long knife in his hand, Shen Xiaoyu broke the warrior's defense and cut him to the ground.

After being rescued, Yun Feiyang swaggered, and gently raised the bamboo stick, smiling and said, "Can I hurt you now?"

The warrior was silent, and cold sweat flowed.

He is now seriously injured and has fallen to the ground. He has lost his ability to resist. Not to mention bamboo sticks, even a finger can stab to death.

"Relax on the road."

Yun Feiyang waved the bamboo stick and smashed it hard, hitting directly on the warrior's forehead, and the brain that he hit instantly flew across.

He will never show mercy to those who want to kill himself.


After the death of the warrior, words appeared on the light curtain-Yun Feiyang helped Shen Xiaoyu kill Sun Shuimiao with a first-order bamboo stick.

"level one?"

With the help of the window vision, seeing his name and the quality of the bamboo sticks, Yun Fei Yang's mouth twitched.

Although I don’t understand it, I think that the kitchen knives shown earlier have second-class order. The first-order bamboo sticks in my hands are definitely the lowest!

"call out!"

It was at this time that the huge number on the light curtain changed from 93 to 92.

"Eight died so soon?"

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

You know, from entering the Jedi to now, he just walked into the bamboo house and picked up bamboo sticks and bamboo armor.

"Don't be stunned."

Shen Xiaoyu said: "Let's hurry to look elsewhere, maybe we can find something better."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

However, before leaving, he picked up Sun Shuimiao's sledgehammer and put on his armor.

"I feel that my strength and defense have improved to varying degrees."

Yun Feiyang secretly said.


At this moment, Shen Xiaoyu walking out of the bamboo house shouted: "Come and see, there is a fierce beast here!"


Yun Feiyang came out and saw a fierce beast resembling a rhinoceros lying on the grass not far from the bamboo house.


He puzzled: "Why didn't you see it before?"


At this time, the text appeared again on the light curtain-Li Qingyang trampled Guo Gan by the second-order iron rider.

Yun Feiyang's eyes almost glared out.

Weapons such as kitchen knives and wooden sticks can kill people. He can understand that Nima riding a cow to kill a warrior, this is unacceptable!

Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile: "Will this cow be the iron rider?"

Yun Feiyang stunned, carefully looked at, said: "It seems like it."

"Since Li Qingyang can ride it, should we be able to?"

Shen Xiaoyu said while walking over.

"Be careful……"

Yun Feiyang worried that the fierce beast would take the initiative to attack but just started, Shen Xiaoyu was already riding on it. Instead of being angry, the beast and animal stood up and yelled softly.


Yun Feiyang said helplessly: "I think too much."

"Hurry up!"

Shen Xiaoyu waved his hand and said: "We ride it to get on the road, it should be faster than walking."

Yun Feiyang laughed dumbly: "How fast can a cow be?"


In the mountains and forests, cattle and beasts are walking briskly and the speed is extremely fast.

Yun Fei was sitting on her back, her hair was messed up, and the corner of her mouth twitched: "What kind of cow is this, can you run so fast!!"

(End of this chapter)

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