Super God

Chapter 2067: Cloud Neutron

() Yun Feiyang and the old man's eyes looked at each other, and their minds were suddenly lost, as if they were instantly caught in a **** without a sun.

It was at this time that the anti-celestial tactics and Taoist scriptures in the body operated in unison, which suppressed the terrible aura and liberated the whole person from hell.

"very scary!"

Yun Feiyang shivered and hurriedly turned his gaze out, not daring to look at the old man.

Since rebirth, in the face of any warrior, he has no feeling of heart tremor, only the power above this emperor.

It's normal.

The old man sitting in the space is, after all, a transcendence of imperial existence.

Not to mention Yun Feiyang, even if Wang Jin is changed, there is still a little bit of imagination.

The real strong man does not lie in how devastating the power is, but in a look, an impetus, which can make others deeply afraid.

"young people."

Yun neutron said: "Answer me, why can you break the ban and break out for cultivation."

The voice was heavy, and there was some kind of coercion, which made people unable to resist at all.


Shen Xiaoyu said: "Old man, can you speak politely?"

She felt that the other party was threatening Yun Feiyang, so she was upset immediately.


Yun Feiyang and Wang Jin twitched at the corner of their mouths.

It is worthy of being the granddaughter of Senior Shen (Mouse), who was so sturdy in the face of the power above the emperor.

Yun Zhongzi said: "Little girl, you are not guilty, you dare to talk to the old man like this."

"That is."

Shen Xiaoyu sneered.

Yun Feiyang and Wang Jin suddenly became nervous, for fear that the other party would be annoyed.


Yun neutron laughed: "Interesting baby girl."

Yun Feiyang and the Wang family saw him laughing and became more nervous.

God knows, is this a happy smile or a gloomy smile, if suddenly shot, Shen Xiaoyu will be in danger.

It seemed to see that the two were very nervous, and Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "Relax, for Taiwu's sake, the old man will not embarrass this girl."

Shen Hao wondered: "Do you know my great-grandfather?"

Yun Zhongzi said: "At that time, the old man had fought with Taiwu for three full years."

Yun Feiyang was shocked secretly: "I can fight with Master for three years, this person's strength is very strong."


Shen Xiaoyu said: "With your strength, can you fight with my great-grandfather for three years?"


Yun neutron coughed awkwardly and said, "Little girls are all old things, not to mention."

Judging from the performance of the old man, Yun Feiyang can roughly guess that the so-called playing for three years must have other hidden feelings.

Shen Xiaoyu said quickly: "It must be my great-grandfather who had released water."

Yun Feiyang also thought about this, but the collapse of the domain Yuyu was too direct. Anyway, it was the power above the emperor, and it would be OK to give it a step. There is no need to speak out.

Yun neutron is embarrassed, very embarrassed.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, he looked at Yunfei and said, "Little guy, can you tell me, how did you do it, did the practice break out in my ban?"

The tone was very gentle this time, which made Shen Xiaoyu quite satisfied.

Yun Feiyang entangled slightly: "I don't hide my predecessors, I don't know myself, why did it break out?"


The cloud neutron raised a black line.

When I left the Soro region, I left the Jedi Prohibition with my soul, and was actually broken by a person, somehow, it would be too shocking.

Shen Xiaoyu said: "Flying, didn't you cast the three changes of the God of War soul to get rid of the restrictions and get the cultivation behavior?"

"This girl..."

Yun Feiyang collapsed secretly.

Cautiously, he did not intend to speak out the three changes of the God of War soul, but the result was broken by Shen Xiaoyu.

"Three changes in the God of War soul?"

Yun neutron curiously said: "Is this martial art? Or secret?"

Now that he was known, Yun Feiyang did not intend to hide it, saying: "It should be regarded as a secret method."

Yun neutron smiled and said: "Little guy, can you show it and let the old man take a look."

"This one……"

Yun Feiyang entangled slightly: "I have performed it before, and I need to recuperate for a while to do it."

Yun Zhongzi said: "The old man gives you time."

"call out!"

Yun Fei raised a stream of light in front of him, and the whole person was suddenly shrouded in it.

The sudden change made Shen Xiaoyu nervous: "What did you do to him!"

"Girl, don't worry, I'm giving him enough time to nurse."

Yun neutron smiled.

Wang Jin, who was standing next to him, shook his heart and said, "A strong time breath, is this the emperor who melts the law on one body!"


Yun Feiyang was in the streamer, and suddenly felt the time velocity of this place, which was different from the outside world, and contained extremely strong laws of life.

"Thank you senior!"

He immediately sat down and released the side effects of the previous suppression, and the whole person suddenly lost hearing and vision.

Shen Xiaoyu was still quite worried. Hearing him thank the old man, he knew there was no danger, and only then recovered the soul that communicated the power of Kowloon.

After half an hour.

Forming a cage-like streamer dissipated, Yun Feiyang came out from inside, and a smile filled his mouth.

In the streamer where he was previously, there is a very high time acceleration, although only half an hour, it is equal to several months in the past.


Yun Zhongzi said: "Can it be performed now?"


"Then let the old man see it."


Yun Feiyang's body showed a majestic momentum, and the black hair in the dance gradually turned into gold.


Shen Xiaoyu said: "So handsome!"

Wang Jin looked in his eyes and thought of the granddaughter, it seemed to be very fond of this son.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Senior, this is the first of the three changes of the younger God of War soul, called Huajin Body."

"What about the second change?"

Yun Neutron said with great interest.


Yun Feiyang exploded again with a majestic wave, his blond hair gradually turned into purple, and said: "This is the second change, purple qi comes east."

"Are there any?"


Yun Feiyang erupted again, his hair turned into half gold and half purple, and the breath around him became stronger.

Wang Jin said solemnly: "Improve the strength instantly, this secret method is not simple!"

Yun neutron smiled and said: "Is there any?"


Yun Fei said: "But only in life and death, the juniors will show it."


Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "The first change will make you lose both ears and The second change will make you blind, the one and two changes will make you lose your voice, and the third change will make you change It's crazy."

Yun Feiyang said, "How do seniors know?"

Yun neutron smiled and said: "Because the old man will also practice this secret method."

"You too?"

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.


Shen Xiaoyu said in surprise: "The three changes of the God of War soul are his exclusive martial arts, how can you?"

Yun neutron smiled and said: "I will not be the three changes of the God of War soul, but the secret method of the big soul blood veins. The side effects after the first four changes are very similar to this little guy."


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