Super God

Chapter 2074: 1st King

Remember [Cool Schoolbag] for a second, the welfare is here, and the coolest schoolbag is the latest 100,000 short novels in the library. Everyone is blessed.

Standing on the stone pillar in the center of the imperial city, the throne condensed by the attributes of heaven and earth exudes dazzling light, and at the same time reveals a breath of worship.

Soon after.

The battle of immortal emperors will begin.

Thousands of qualifiers fought fiercely for one of the only nine thrones of Zhenwu Divine Realm.

The winner will eventually reach the top of the emperor and become one of the nine emperors recognized by Heaven.

Everyone is waiting for that day to come, and all qualified people are coming nonstop.

It's not difficult to imagine.

It won't take long for the Zhentian Emperor City to become lively.


In fact, after the throne condenses, it has already become lively.

Because the warriors near the city have swarmed in, I hope to come early to witness the feast that is about to begin.

After years of development, Zhentian Emperor City has become quite prosperous, and there are many inn restaurants in the hotel, enough to accommodate more outsiders.

Inside the imperial palace.

Mr. Yi, who is in charge of the internal affairs, said, "Over three million martial artists have entered the city in three days since the emperor of the cloud city formed the throne."

"so much?"

Yun Feiyang was surprised.

Mr. Yi said: "The battle for the throne is still one month away. According to the increase in the number of people, there will be more than 50 million in the imperial city by then."

It is not too much to hold 50 million warriors in an imperial city in Zhenwu Divine Realm.

But the point is that there are already hundreds of millions of warriors living in Zhentian Emperor City itself, and suddenly there are so many influxes that it must be overcrowded.

Yun Feiyang laughed: "Mr. Yi, what should I do?"

Mr. Yi said: "City Master Yun, Yi proposed to expand the area of ​​the Imperial City and open up new blocks."


Mr. Yi has been managing the internal affairs of the Imperial City for many years, and has made a lot of achievements, so Yun Feiyang trusts him very much.


The Imperial City began to expand.

This is also the first time in tens of thousands of years. After all, neither the Zhentian Immortal Emperor nor other immortal emperors have reached the point of prosperity and the need to expand the emperor city.

It didn't take long.

Form a brand new block that can accommodate tens of millions of warriors.

Mr. Yi intended to relocate Yunji's headquarters in the new district, but Yun Feiyang refused.

He found Xiao Lian and contacted Wang Zhaoping of Hengtong Commercial Bank.

A few days later, the headquarters of Xianmeng and Hengtong were relocated to the new district of Emperor City.

Yun Feiyang is a must-have person, as well as an emotional person.

When he first entered the real martial arts realm, the king's shopkeeper of Hengtong had helped himself many times, and the Xiaomeng master of Xianmeng had sent countless immortal stones and resources. Naturally, he had to repay well.

When Xianmeng and Hengtong entered the Zhentian Emperor City, they envied countless doors and chambers of commerce. After all, for now, there are definitely the most prosperous cities.


Some people are also worried.

Yun Feiyang did his best to build Zhentian Emperor City. If he lost in the battle of Immortal Emperor, wouldn't he make a wedding dress for others?

The battle for emperorship is not only the immortal emperor, but also the Zhentian Emperor City.

Only those who truly laugh to the end and qualify for the throne will become the true masters of the Imperial City.

Yun Feiyang cares about this, because the Emperor City is his father. As the Son of Man, he must defeat the qualified person anyway and become the master of the Zhentian Emperor City recognized by Heaven.


More and more warriors came from other cities.

When they were in the prosperous city, looking at the crowded streets and the dazzling shops, they were all deeply shocked.

Many loose repairs often travel around the world and have been to other imperial cities, but in all fairness, any imperial city is not as prosperous as half of Zhentian imperial city.

"Unexpectedly short

Remember [Cool Schoolbag] for a second, the welfare is here, and the coolest schoolbag is the latest 100,000 short novels in the library. Everyone is blessed.

In the past few decades, the original deserted imperial city has become so brilliant under the care of Yun Feiyang. "

Everyone was filled with emotion.

Yun Feiyang's idea of ​​becoming an immortal emperor became stronger.

A strong man with strength and ability is easy to convince.

Helping the Zhenwu God Realm resolve the crisis and lead the army into the barbaric realm. Nowadays, the unprecedented prosperity of the emperor city, Yun Feiyang has been recognized by many warriors.

If the upcoming immortal emperor's battle relies on people's wishes, then Yun Feiyang's achievement as an immortal emperor will be no suspense.


Under the rules of heaven and earth, if you want to be an immortal emperor, you must break through the encirclement of many qualifications. No matter how popular you are, you still have to rely on your own hard power.


"call out!"

Just as many warriors entered the imperial city, a stream of light came slowly from outside the city, and it was a good-looking young man.

"The first fairy king!"

Someone exclaimed.

"It was the one who claimed to be the first of the king-level strongmen five hundred years ago?"

Many warriors discussed.

In the real martial arts domain, after becoming a king-level strongman, there will be titles, such as the falling heavenly king of that year.

The first fairy king is also a title.

It's just that it was sealed by myself.

This is arrogant.

But there is arrogant capital.

Because five hundred years ago, the First Immortal King challenged hundreds of king-level strongmen without fail!

Over time, many martial artists defaulted on this title and determined that he was the first person at the king level.

Later, the first immortal king who played the invincible hand of the king chose to retreat, and has never appeared again, and is gradually forgotten by the world.

"This person appeared suddenly, perhaps to participate in the battle for the throne!"

"This is interesting!"

The eyes of many warriors rose.

They came to the Imperial City for thousands of miles just to see the wonderful battle.

"Unexpectedly, there are still people who remember Ben Wang for five hundred years of seclusion."

Xu Xufei's first fairy king raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

He enjoys the feeling that "Brother is not in rivers and lakes, but rivers and lakes have brothers' legends".

"Five hundred years ago, the first fairy king could be called the king, but now I am afraid it will not work."

Suddenly, the first fairy king frowned when he heard someone say this.


After so many years in this hidden world, have there emerged strong king-level powerhouses in the domain?

"Yeah, for now, in the realm of Wang, Yun Feiyang should be the well-deserved first person."

Someone said.


The first fairy king thought for a while and said, "Why haven't I heard of it?"

In his view, The hidden world of five hundred years is not too long. If a warrior suddenly emerges, he must have heard about it before.

When Yun Feiyang entered the real martial arts realm, it was only a hundred years old, so the first immortal king in the hidden world was normal.

"I heard that Yun Feiyang's current strength is completely capable of fighting against a strong man comparable to the Xiandi class."

"Although the first Immortal King is powerful, it is only limited to the king level, and facing the emperor level Yun Feiyang, it is definitely not an opponent."

"It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Everyone agreed.


The First Immortal King disdainfully said: "Is the hidden world closed for too long to make them think that the current strength of this king is still at the king level?"


He fell from midair, stopped in front of a warrior, and said coldly: "Yun Feiyang, why are there any people?"

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