Super God

Chapter 2097: Start first

() The emperor meeting ended successfully. The emperor-level and king-level strongmen who came to the banquet all supported Yun Feiyang and were willing to join the barbaric territory together.

They did not agree with a feverish mind, but out of absolute trust in Yunfeiyang.

In fact, everyone has another meaning, that is, for future generations, we must let go.

It didn't take long for the meeting to end.

Recruitment offices have been established in various cities in the central domain, the northern domain and other large domains.

Emperor-level strong men must fight, and ordinary warriors must also be recruited, because this war must go all out!

Many warriors learned that the arrogant Immortal Emperor once again launched an attack on the barbaric domain, and they all signed up actively, hoping to do their best for their homeland.

For a time.

The large city pools were filled with soldiers, and strong fighting intentions were condensed in the air.

Many people understand the truth of the country's destruction, so knowing that there is a possibility of falling into the barbaric territory, and it is also fearless!

In stark contrast to the major regions, the western region is calm.

After hearing the news that Yun Feiyang was about to attack the Barbaric Territory, Changhong Immortal Emperor and Xingyue Immortal Emperor sneered even more.

Changhong Immortal Emperor sneered: "Yun Feiyang once attacked a barbaric domain, but he was not defeated yet? Now when I go again, it is obvious that he is pulling the soldiers in the domain to die."

However, this guy only heard that Yun Feiyang led troops to kill and then returned, but he didn't know how disgusting the enemy was in Solo.

Although the expedition only broke through a few hundred cities and was recaptured at the end, it was a triumphant return to harvest a lot of materials.

Changhong Fairy Emperor said lightly: "I really thought that if I killed two Huangdi Emperors in a second, would I be invincible in the world?"

The two immortal emperors were afraid of Yun Fei's strength and power, so they tried to mock him as much as possible.


Hongwei Fairy Emperor smiled and said: "That guy is not able to attack the barbarous territory unconstrained, which is a golden opportunity for us."

Changhong Xiandi said: "How do you say this?"

Hongwei Fairy Emperor said: "As far as I know, many emperor-level and king-level warriors will help Yun Fei to promote this action."

"When they leave, there will be no top strength in each domain. We took the opportunity to send troops and we can certainly win these domains easily!"

The two immortal emperors heard and pondered.

Hongwei Immortal Emperor said again: "Since ancient times, the Zhenwu God Territory has been divided into nine domains. If we can control the territories, re-divide, and retain the four domains, it must be a merit!"

This guy is very planning to take advantage of Yun Feiyang and four other immortal emperors to take down all the domains under their control and then divide them together, leaving only the east, west, south and north domains.

"It makes sense."

Changhong Xiandi and Xingyue Xiandi were very excited.

For millions of years, whoever has reached the top of the fairy emperor, who does not want to expand the territory and build more merits?

Now that the other five emperors are going to attack the barbaric realm, they will seize the opportunity to seize their territory in the back, which is definitely a golden opportunity.


The Emperor Zige in charge of the northeastern region frowned: "If Yun Fei brought them back, what should we do?"


Changhong Xiandi and Xingyue Xiandi were entangled.

It's okay to take advantage of them when they are not in the field, but if the other party returns, can they compete against it?

What's more, Yun Feiyang's strength can kill the Emperor Huang, and as for the other four Immortal Emperors, none of them is weaker than himself.

Hongwei Immortal Emperor smiled faintly: "They entered the barbaric realm, it is difficult to say whether they can come back alive, why should I look forward and back."

Without the South Central Territory, he is now not afraid of anything, thinking of taking his own territory back when Yunfei left.


They entered the barbaric realm, and they must fight fiercely. Even if they come back alive, they will be hit hard, and there is nothing to fear at all.

"Ok, deal!"

Changhong Fairy Emperor figured it out: "When Yunfei flew them away, we sent troops to take down the domains, and then re-divided to open up a new era!"

Xingyue Xiandi and Zige Xiandi nodded in agreement.

However, the three are also old fritters. I don’t want to think about it. Hongwei Immortal Emperor has even lost the site. What are the qualifications to share the world with myself?

After conspiracy, the four Immortal Emperors decided to wait for Yun Feiyang to take the people out of the Barbaric Territory and annex their hometown.

However, just after the meeting, and not yet out of the secret room, a confidant panicked to report: "Senior Emperor, Yun Feiyang, with a force of two million troops, is coming across the sea!"


Changhong Fairy Emperor's complexion changed greatly.


Over the vast sea leading to the Western Region, a treasure car driven by the nine-headed horse-drawn horse galloped.

Nangong Mo lay lazy in Yun Feiyang's arms, gently touching his cheek, laughing and said, "Are you so eager to destroy the Western Regions?"

A few days ago, she and Yun Feiyang had a discussion, and the result was defeated, and then she was hugged into the room and acted as a husband and wife, becoming a true couple.

"Since you leave the barbaric territory, you must definitely solve these spikes, otherwise it will be easy to catch fire in the backyard." Yun Feiyang laughed.

Hongwei Fairy Emperor and others thought well, but Yun Da cheap **** is not a fool, he must first start to be strong, destroy them all, and then go to clean up the barbaric territory.

Nangong Mo said: "Hongwei Immortal Emperor is also very pitiful. Without the site, he is still in danger of death."

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said with a smile: "I am also very pitiful for your man. It is not easy for him to survive until he is chased and killed many times."

"That's also true." Nangong Mo hurt slightly and leaned back, his hands on his neck, said softly: "I will hurt you more in the future."

Yun Feiyang was so picked by her, the flame spewed out of her body, and flew like a hungry wolf.

The magnificent treasure car walked slowly, and there was a ray of spring in the sky.


Yun Feiyang not only took Nangong Mo injured, but also Luo Mu and others and two million Ling clan soldiers.

At this moment, they are riding a sea beast, galloping in the endless sea, and their destination is naturally the Western Region.

After an hour.

The two million troops successfully crossed the vast ocean, stepped into the land of the Western Regions, and launched their most fierce offensive.



The spirit soldiers roared loudly, the sound shook the world, and shocked the soldiers stationed in the city, making them scared.

Less than half a day.

Thousands of cities were occupied in the great western region, and even some cities were easily attacked without soldiers stationed.

Inside the imperial palace.

Received the battle report of the city losing one after another Immortal Emperor kept back and forth.

The Xingyue Emperor frowned, "Yun Feiyang's army is terrible. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take long, and the entire Western Region will fall."


Hongwei Fairy Emperor clenched his fists.

He obviously didn't expect that the army under Yun Feiyang would be so terrible.

Suddenly, a voice rang from the emperor's palace: "The emperor came to Changhong Emperor City, did you wait to come out to meet you quickly?"


The faces of the four emperors changed in shock.

Over the emperor city, a luxury treasure car floated upright, Yun Feiyang embraced Nangong Mo in his arms, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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