Super God

Chapter 2100: No one can stop it!

()Chapter two hundred and one hundred can't stop anyone!

It is not Yunfei's purpose to destroy the power of the three immortal emperors. All he has to do is to kill the Hongwei immortal emperor first!

A viper.

Must be removed first!


The three powerful sword qi condensed together, and the power and power of the law were more terrifying.

"not good!"

Hongwei Immortal Emperor's complexion changed greatly, and the ominous sign that disappeared suddenly rose again.

In fact, this feeling has always been there, but he always thinks that there are three other fairy emperors, so he did not care about it.

Until now, the fierce sword gas screamed, and Hongwei Immortal Emperor realized that the ominous omen that rised represented a strong sense of death!


Never possible!

This emperor is one of the nine emperors of Zhenwu God Realm, who can kill me!

Suddenly, from the limited field of vision, Emperor Hongwei saw Yun Feiyang standing in the distance, and the guy had a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Who can kill him?

The son of Zhentian Xiandi can!


Hongwei Fairy Emperor shouted angrily, long hair fluttering, and the majestic power of Emperor Wei broke out around him.

Even though the attacked sword energy is very strong, even if it contains the power of the law that is difficult to match, but as a fairy emperor, how can you sit still and die!

He wants to resist.

He is going to compete with the death will that rises in his heart!


It doesn't help.

Is the sword qi falling from the sky that he can resist alone?

Is destiny of death and strong death intentions resolved by roar alone?

"call out--"

It seems that the giant sword from the sky suddenly cut off and directly split the power of the emperor Hongwei immortal.

At that moment, he finally understood why the power of the emperor's power condensed by the three immortal emperors would be wiped out of nothingness.


Hongwei Fairy Emperor spurted blood, his eyes became muddy, and the whole person seemed to be old for tens of thousands of years instantly.


Nangong Mo shook his head and sighed.

The three emperors of Changhong were respectively cut with a sword, and they fell to the end of Zhen Fei. The three sword qi condensed and chopped down together. It was strange that Hongwei Laoer could resist.


After the powerful sword gas crushed the power of Diwei, the momentum was still cut down like a rainbow, and the power carried was never weakened.


Fifty feet...

The Hongwei Immortal Emperor, who was hit hard, could only stand weak in place. At this moment, he has no ability to escape.


In front of Yun Feiyang, this immortal emperor of the South Central Territory was completely vulnerable!

Hongwei Fairy Emperor is angry, hateful, regretful!

Angrily, he has such a big gap with the kid.

Hate is that when he first entered the real martial arts realm, he should personally kill him, so as to prevent future troubles!

Regrettably, I shouldn't try to seize the North Central Territory in vain attempt to hunt down the son of the Immortal Emperor in the lower realm!

Various emotions flooded the Hongwei fairy emperor's sea of ​​knowledge, but with the sword of Yun Feiyang cut, he was about to die.

that moment.

Heaven and earth lost their colors, and everything was still.

The warriors who watched from afar, all held their breaths, their eyes flashing horrified.

Even, they seemed to realize that they were about to witness the fall of an immortal emperor!


At this moment, a thick voice came from the vast sky: "Never be chaotic!"

This is the voice of heaven.

He wants to come forward to stop, after all, Hongwei Immortal Emperor is one of the nine emperors!


The desperate Hongwei Immortal Emperor, hearing the sound of Heavenly Dao, seemed to drown and grabbed the life-saving straw, shouting, "Save me!"


Between the heavens, the majestic power of the sky quickly condensed, and immediately turned into a big hand, grabbing at the falling giant sword.

The speed is extremely fast, and the blink of an eye is here.

Seeing the big hand of Tianwei turned down, Hongwei Immortal Emperor's eyes flickered, because he believed that he was out of danger!

"What a powerful force of Tianwei!"

Changhong Xiandi and others were shocked.

They have seen Tianwei, but have never seen such a tough one.

This shows that Yun Feiyang's sword is too strong, so strong that Heaven must use the more powerful force of Heaven to prevent it!


The hand of Tianwei slammed down, grasping the huge sword gas that was about to drop with great precision, making it suddenly slow down.

The violent wind hit the Hongwei Immortal Emperor's face wildly, but he was terrified, and he would not even doubt that if Tianwei's hand stopped it immediately, he would definitely die!

"Heavenly baby."

Yun Fei raised his eyes coldly and said, "Do you want to stop me?"

Heavenly baby?

Changhong Xiandi and others twitched their mouths.

They didn't know that Tiandao had a real body, and he was a child of eight or nine years old.


Tian Dao said with a good voice: "After all, he is one of the Emperor Ren Xian, if he kills without permission, it will disturb the order of the world!"


Yun Feiyang suddenly raised the Hunyuan Qiankun sword and said angrily: "No one can stop the man I want to kill!"


Little and cheap turned into an entity, and at the same time he mastered the Hunyuan Qiankun sword with his master.

"and so."

Yun Feiyang scuttled down and said, "Even if the world breaks down, this old man will die today!"


The Hunyuan Qiankun sword crossed across the void, and a horrible sword gas erupted instantly.

This sword combines the power of the sword spirit, and its strength is several times stronger than the previous huge sword spirit!


A sword slammed into Tianwei's hands and suddenly shattered nothingness.

Changhong Xiandi and others saw this, and their eyes almost glared out of their eyes.

This guy actually killed such a powerful force of Tianwei, is it true or false!

Nangong Mo said in shock, "It's incredible!"

Theoretically, the power of Tianwei and the power of Diwei are both "qi" forms, but after all, it is the power controlled by Tiandao, far from being able to contend with the martial arts!

Today, Yun Feiyang smashed it with a sword. It was still such a powerful force of Tianwei that absolutely shocked the immortal emperors present!


After the hand of Tianwei was chopped up, the huge sword energy that had been bound previously was like a beast out of trouble, and it fell down again.

"Do not!"

The pupil of Hongwei Fairy Emperor's eyes shrank suddenly, and he shouted unwillingly.


The giant sword fell, the earth buzzed, and the space above the sky collapsed.

"what happened?"

The major domains of Zhenwu God Territory raised their heads one after another, and they saw a large space collapse, giving people the feeling of the end of the world.

"this is……"

Huo Lao vaguely remembered the time when the Emperor Zhentian fell There was also a scene of space collapse on the sky, so he was shocked and said: "Emperor's death!"


"Fairy Emperor's Death!?"

Many warriors were shocked one by one.

On this day, thousands of miles away from the Changhong Emperor City, there was a deep sword mark, which was measured by the warrior, with a width and depth of one hundred feet and a length of more than two thousand feet.

Under the accumulation of years and rain, the long Jiankeng turned into a river, and it was named as the Emperor's Cut River.

Why is it called Di Emperor River?

Because according to ancient records, a generation of legendary arrogant immortal emperors in the domain once beheaded and killed an emperor here, leaving a deep and long sword pit that exists forever!

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