Super God

Chapter 2111: Cloud sky

After some controversy, Yun Feiyang succeeded in gaining the initiative of her daughter and whose surname, but the two had differences in their names.

Nangong Mo said: "Either it's called Nangong Starry Sky, or it's called Yun Xingkong, you can figure it out."

Yun Feiyang collapsed and said: "Don't you think of the starry sky, is it too masculine?"


Nangong Mo hurt.

The reason why she wants to name her daughter the starry sky is because at this moment, she is in the vast universe.

Moreover, Xiaolongyu has a long way to go. Maybe he will give birth on the road before he arrives, so the name Starry Sky is very meaningful.


Yun Feiyang compromised: "As long as her daughter doesn't hate you and calls her such an unpleasant name, call it Yun Xing Kong."

A new life is still in the process of being conceived, and its parents have decided on the name they used in their lives.


The vast universe is endless.

The colorful flowing cloud car driving in it is like a very humble sand in the ocean.


When nothing happened, Nangong Mo hurt snuggled in his arms and said, "Have you heard of Xiaolongyu?"


Yun Feiyang said truthfully.

Although he became an immortal emperor, he still didn't understand many things.

Nangong Mo said: "As far as I know, this domain has descendants from the branches of the Dragon family, so I call myself the Xiaolong Domain."

Yun Fei said: "So, there is a real Dragon Field?"

"of course."

Nangong Mo said: "Dragons are also an ancient and rare ethnic group in the vast universe. They must have their own ancestral land."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "It just happens that my brother has descendants of the Dragon race."

He was talking about Long Zhenyu.

This man followed from Fanchen all the way, although there is no spirit, but the realm has reached a level comparable to immortal emperor.


Nangong Mo hurt: "Unexpectedly, there are dragon descendants among your brothers."

Yun Feiyang proudly said: "The brothers that I can identify with Yun Feiyang must be all dragons among people."

Nangong Mo wounded his lips and said to himself: "We are non-dragon descendants, and we rush into Xiaolong territory, which is definitely not popular."

"What about sneaking in?"

Yun Feiyang has little interest in Xiaolongyu.

I just hope to get dragon pregnancy fruit in it, and then continue to go east to find the ancestral land of the cloud.

Nangong Mo hurt: "Non-dragon descendants will be excluded by the power of Tianwei once they enter the Xiaolong domain, and they will not be able to sneak in."

Each domain has its own heaven and its own rules.

The blood restriction of Xiaolong domain is very common in many domains.

"In any case, I have to enter Xiaolongyu."

Yun Feiyang said seriously.

If you want the Yun family to spread their leaves and try their luck to make the girls happy, it is absolutely difficult to go to the sky, so you must enter the Xiaolong domain and look for the dragon pregnant fruit.


How far is Xiaolongyu from Zhenwu Shenyu? Yun Feiyang doesn't know, and can only drive eastward all the way.

During this period, I once passed a few more ordinary realms or ordinary earth continents, and occasionally brought the women into, and experienced a different kind of customs.

of course.

Lin Zhixi and other women spend more time in the ring of creation.

As for Luo Mu and Yunli, in order to be able to break through the emperor level faster, Leng was never out.

Hard work pays off.

After some hard work and a superior cultivation environment, in just a few months, they have made progress one after another, and they have all broken through to the level of immortal emperors.


On this day, in the endless universe, Luo Mu stood proudly, and released the majestic attributes of the world, obviously going to a higher level.

The power of the vast emperor spread out, sweeping the continent close to the world, and shocked the creatures living here.

This is God!

They knelt down and worshiped and prayed to the faintly visible humans.

After a while.

Luo Mu has an introverted atmosphere and successfully breaks through to become an emperor-level powerhouse!

After witnessing his brother's breakthrough throughout, Yun Fei raised a smile on his lips and said, "There is another achievement of emperor level."

In the past, Nangong Mo would be ridiculed, but this time he didn't say a word, but instead supported his stomach, his face was ugly: "It hurts... it hurts..."

Upon seeing this, Yun Feiyang's face changed, and she hurriedly clasped it on her wrist, feeling that the fetus after the birth in October was struggling.

This is, to be born!


In the ring of fortune, there was a mess in the main palace of the Iron Bone City. Many maids were constantly entering and leaving the room, and there were always screams inside.

Women's childbirth is the most painful thing in the world, even if your Nangong Mo, who is an immortal emperor, is injured, you must bear it.

Yun Feiyang stood in the room, walking back and forth anxiously, even sweating his palm.

"Sister Lin."

Mu Ying was a little scared: "It seems painful to have children."

"It hurts."

Lin Zhixi said seriously.

She experienced this kind of thing once and still remembers it to this day.


Suddenly, the cry of the baby came from the room, which made Yun Feiyang back and forth suddenly stopped, and his face appeared excited.


A midwife walked out with joy: "Master Yuncheng, mother and daughter are safe!"

Yun Feiyang hurriedly walked in and saw Nangong Mo lying weak in bed, looking at the little life just born with maternal love.


On the way to Xiaolongyu, Yun Da cheap god's daughter was born, because it was discussed in advance, so named-Yun Xingkong.

This little girl is not ordinary.

You can speak while you are still in your baby~ You can stand upright for more than seven months.

When Yun Xingkong is one year old, he shows a very strong talent for martial arts. Various attributes of heaven and earth can be condensed with a small hand.


On this day, the little girl summoned an extremely pure innate fire and smiled happily: "Father, come and see!"


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

Without teaching her daughter, she comprehends Tianhuo on her own. This degree of demon is definitely not weaker than that of his brother Yun Wuyou.

Yunxingkong's qualifications are not only against the sky, but also inherited the advantages of his mother Nangong Mo injury. Although she is only more than a year old, she looks very cute, especially with big round eyes.

no doubt.

After her adulthood, there will inevitably be a lot of young and handsome people who will break their heads and worship Yunfeiyang as their father-in-law.


The cloud starry sky sitting in the colorful streamer car pointed to the mundane plane of the flashing colorful streamer outside the window, and said softly and tenderly: "That star is so beautiful."

"Daddy brought it to you."

So, Yun Da cheap **** flew away, regardless of the consent of the entire plane of life, directly to the ring of income.

"You spoil her too much."

Nangong Mo frowned.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Daughter is Dad's little cotton-padded jacket, so naturally he must hold it in his palm and love it."

Nangong Mo shook his head and said, "You are not afraid of getting used to her like this, will you get in trouble when you grow up?"

"It's okay."

Yun Fei said: "No matter what trouble, I will protect her."

The young Yunxingkong remembered this sentence. Until adulthood, he really caused a lot of trouble to his father.


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