Super God

Chapter 2129: Cloudland ancestral land, idlers do not enter

Although there is still a long distance from the cloud, after seeing the dazzling light, the blood in Yun Feiyang seems to be excited and becomes boiling.


The Black Emperor seemed aware, and said, "Boy, you seem a little excited."

Yun Feiyang said seriously: "The two predecessors really don't hide each other. The blood of the Yun clan flows in the younger generation."


The old red monster and the black emperor startled: "You are surprised: "Are you descended from the Yun family? "

Although the strength of the two emperors is strong, they are not as good as the Dragon Emperor in blood judging, so they came all the way, and they did not find that the little guys who were competing as apprentices would be descendants of the Yun family.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang nodded.

There is no need to hide such things.

Heidi suddenly realized: "No wonder your qualifications are so high, it turns out to be the heir of the Yun clan."


Yun Feiyang shook his head and laughed at himself: "The younger generation was born in Zhenwu God Territory. In the eyes of the Yun clan, it is just the lowest sideline."

Heidi said: "Boy, don't be pretentious."


Red old stranger said: "The old man has traveled the universe for so long and knows countless people. No matter the strength, the qualifications alone, even the excellent lineage of the Yun family may not be able to match you."

Above the two emperors, Yun Feiyang was very much recognized, otherwise how would he teach him such supernatural powers and bring him to Yunyu.

of course.

As old rivers and lakes, they also know that the ancient Yun clan has always been very proud, and it is normal to look down on such sidelines as Yun Feiyang.


Heidi patted his head and said, "Your kid purposely asked us to bring you to Yunyu?"

At this time, it was too late for the brain to turn, because Yun Dachen had already arrived in Yunyu.

"Two seniors."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Next, I will use your supernatural powers to challenge the Yun family clan to prove who is strong and who is weak!"


Red monster and Heidi twitched.

At this moment, they felt as if they were being dragged by Yun Feiyang, and they seemed to be pulled into the thief ship by him.


Yun Feiyang followed the two emperors and continued to travel. The distance became closer and closer before he could see clearly. He was in a large area in the universe, and there were looming clouds.

The origin of the cloud domain originated from the cloud that has not scattered all the year round outside the plane, so the Yun family is named.

As the distance kept getting closer, Yun Feiyang could feel a breath of blood connected to his heart.

Although his bloodline is not pure, after all, his ancestors came out from here, so when he came to his ancestral land, he would naturally feel a sense of returning home.

"call out!"

However, just a few miles away from the cloud, two streamers flew out of the cloud.

One of them said: "The ancestral land of the cloud, no idlers are allowed to enter."

The red boss and the black emperor frowned.

It is a bit difficult for them to be regarded as idlers by their powerful people.


Another Yun's sister-in-law, after seeing the two of them, smiled and said, "Isn't this the Red Emperor and the Black Emperor, how come I have time to come to my cloud?"


Heidi said coldly: "This Emperor is just to guide people."

He had contact with the Yun clan's heirs, and he knew that his nostrils were skyward, so he didn't like to deal with them.

To be honest, if Yun Feiyang had to find Yunyu's lineage to test his supernatural powers, Hei Di would never come.

"Lead the way?"

The two Yun family members are quite surprised.

It was at this moment that his eyes fell on Yun Feiyang, and said, "This son has the blood of my Yun clan?"

Yun Feiyang was silent.

The two Yun family members can see their blood, but there is no friendship on their faces, obviously they do not agree with themselves.

When he came, he thought about whether he would not be seen. He felt it only after he felt it, which turned out to be uncomfortable.

"Not bad."

Red old stranger said: "He said he would recognize his ancestors, we will bring him here."

The Yun's progeny standing in front said indifferently: "The two people who have heads and faces, don't you know, my ancestral land in Yunyu has always welcomed the neighbors to recognize the ancestors."

Red boss and dumb.

They naturally know about this rule, but the key is that they only know that Yun Feiyang is Yun's heir to the Yunyu.

Yun Fei, who was always silent, said: "I have the same blood line as you, why can't I recognize the ancestor?"


The old stranger said: "As far as I know, all Yun's lineages must be tested. If the purity of the bloodline reaches 1%, you can recognize the ancestors. You have not tested it. Recognize the ancestors?"

At this time, he had regarded Yun Feiyang as his apprentice, and was so despised by the Yun clan's lineage, and he must protect the calf to fight back.


The Yun's progeny said lightly: "The Red Emperor is afraid that they don't know that the descendants of the Yun's who were born in my cloud domain have a blood purity of 1%, which has not appeared since ancient times."

"And this thing?"

The red old monster and the black emperor were surprised.

Yun's protagonist said: "So don't waste your time, take your disciples away as soon as possible so as not to become the laughing stock of my Yun clan after the test."

The red old monster and the black emperor looked at each other.

Yun Feiyang proudly said: "Since the Yun family has regulations, the sideline needs to verify the bloodline, so how can I leave here."

Yun's heir said: "So, do you have to verify the blood?"


Yun Fei Yang said: "Dao Lao came over, how could you be sent away with a word?"

Yun's sister-in-law said lightly, "I've seen more of you beside the coffin without tears, since I have to test the bloodline, then come with me."

The family rules of the Yun family, whether they are lineage or sideline, are qualified to verify the purity of the bloodline, so even if he is very contemptuous of Yunfeiyang, he must act according to the rules.


Yun's progenitor glanced at the red old monster and the black emperor, and said: "Without approval, they cannot enter the cloud without permission."

"Two seniors."

Yun Feiyang arched his hand and said: "Please wait here, wait for me to verify the bloodline, and find out the lineage to learn from, then come to choose a Go."

The red old monster and the black emperor are in line.

However, when he saw Yun Feiyang merge into the cloud and fog with the two Yun clan lineages, the black emperor frowned: "As far as I know, the descendants of Yun's descendants need to go through an examination to verify the bloodline. I wonder if this guy can pass?"


After passing through the layers of clouds and fog, Yun Feiyang was surrounded by the sky in the clouds, looking around, surrounded by colorful clouds and mist, which was beautiful.


He took a deep breath and could feel the heaven and earth attributes contained in this heaven and earth and their thickness, and even the weakened ring of fortune.

In particular, the attributes that exist are very gentle, and they resonate with the blood after ingestion.

Yunyu is the ancestral land of the Yun clan. The heaven and earth attributes here are absolutely excellent treasures for the warriors who have the blood of the Yun clan.


The Yun's heir is faint.

Yun Feiyang did not speak, followed the two to fly down, and landed in a city not too big.

With his arrival, the Yun Family in the city talked about it: "Look at it, there is another lowest class!"


Ps is going to the provincial capital for three days, temporarily 2 more, the 30th should be able to come back, then resume normal updates.


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