Super God

Chapter 2137: 9 levels

Yun's ancestors can create the cloud domain and create the Yun clan. There is no doubt about his strength. The law he stays in to evaluate the large formation is naturally very strong.

Historically, the appraisers only need to communicate with them to pass through customs smoothly, and the so-called communication is actually just ordinary contact.

Today, Yun Feiyang came to the fourth hurdle and accepted the test of the law. Not only can he communicate with it, but it is also in-depth.

To be precise, he has exceeded the scope of communication, merged with the laws of Yun's ancestors and began to ingest and absorb.

An immeasurable great power, although the laws left behind have been baptized after a long period of time, the meaning contained in it is absolutely profound.

Since then, Yun Feiyang has a deeper understanding of the Five Elements and other laws, and finally led to the improvement of the realm, smoothly moving from the fifth grade to the sixth grade.

This step is seemingly easy, but I don't know. Without any chance, it may be difficult for many emperor-level strongmen to spend their entire lives.

"How did I break through?"

After ingesting and comprehending enough rules, Yun Feiyang found his strength improved, and suddenly looked blank.

During the process of seeing the laws left by Yun's ancestors, he fell into a wonderful level, he could not feel the flow of time, he could not feel the outside world, so he did not know that he had broken through.


Yun's descendants collapsed.

They have to break through the realm, even the smallest level, have to go through a long time of hard work, this guy is good, broke through in a daze.

People are more human than dead.

Yun Fei said: "Has the fourth pass passed?"

There are still many laws that exist in space, and it is definitely unrealistic to think one by one, so he still decided to continue to break through.


The five elders preached.

Yun Fei got up and walked forward, successively traversing the sixth and seventh levels in a very demon way under the eyes of everyone.

From the moment when this guy entered the evaluation battle, the record of any level was ruthlessly broken by him and raised to a level that everyone could only look up to.

This is similar to the practice of martial arts pagoda in Dongling Academy.

The difference is that Yun Feiyang at that time was just reborn and his shattered personality was completely an ordinary person.

Now, being in the ancestral land of the cloud domain to participate in the assessment, not only is there a divine personality, but also experienced countless experiences, has the qualifications that make many talents shameful.


The ninth level.

The final stage of the assessment.

This level tests the tester's heart.

After the start, there will be countless demons and various illusions, which will interfere with each other and make it difficult to stabilize the mind.

Yun's sister-in-law took part in the assessment, and there are countless downfalls in this level.


Yun Feiyang took a step forward, and finally stood in the assessment area of ​​the ninth level.

However, when he had not stabilized himself, his vision suddenly changed, and he was placed in a shattered universe.

Countless corpses wearing armor crossed the side, and blood flowed out, revealing a strong **** smell.


A loud noise came, and a figure burst into the air, stopping behind Yunfei.

"Yan Shuang!"

Yun Fei looked dull.

"Fei Yang..."

Yanshuang held the War Halberd, even though his chest had been penetrated, but his eyes were firm: "Brother and I will not let anyone hurt you even if I die in battle."



Several powerful warriors armed with spears and killed with a force of terror.

The strength of these people has reached the emperor level, so Yun Feiyang wants to take action to resolve his brother.

However, when he was about to prepare for hands-on, he felt that his body seemed to be bound by some kind of power, and it was difficult to move at all!

When Xiannian swept away, Yun Feiyang found out that he was actually tied to a boulder with a heavy chain on his body.

what happened!

Why am I locked up for no reason?

"Poop! Poop!"

At this moment, the sound of the sharp sword piercing the flesh came to see Yan Shuang counting the sword.

"Yan Shuang!"

Yunfei's eyes widened.

"Arrogant fairy emperor."

A warrior withdrew his sword and laughed coldly: "What is it like to see my brother killed?"

Yun Feiyang shook his heart suddenly, gritted his teeth and said: "Hongwei Fairy Emperor! You are not dead!"


Hongwei Fairy Emperor untied his veil, revealing his fierce face and said: "Yun Feiyang, you certainly don't think that this emperor will take the corpse back to life?"

With that, once again holding the sword and stabbing in Yanshuang's body, the latter was angrily said: "Brother Feiyang...if... there is an afterlife, I will be your brother..."

After finishing the last word, he lost his breath of life, his **** body fell and became one of many corpses.

"Do not!"

Yun Feiyang shouted angrily, his eyes flashing in anger, as if to burn the world.

However, he can only roar and can only watch his brother fall, because his body cannot move at all!

Nothing is more painful in life than watching your brother killed, but you are powerless.


Hongwei Fairy Emperor laughed: "Yun Feiyang, open your eyes and see who are the corpses around!"

Yun Feiyang looked dull, then turned his eyes, and saw that the body floating in front of him was actually Luo Mu, Yunli and others.

As for the warriors wearing armor, it is the spirit soldiers trained by one hand!


The death of Yanshuang had a strong enough blow to Yun Feiyang, and then witnessed the fall of Luo Mu and His mind collapsed completely!

Hongwei Immortal Emperor Lengsen said: "Your brother is killed, you will come down to be your woman, your child!"

"Hongwei Fairy Emperor!"

Yun Fei raised his eyes and said: "Lao Tzu wants to smash you thousands of corpses!"


Hongwei Fairy Emperor laughed and said: "You are now bound by the Nine Profound God Stone, which is no different from a dog. What ability is there to crush me to pieces?"

Nine Profound God Stone?

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

This treasure of heaven and earth, he had heard in God Realm, had the ability to bind everything, even the high emperor heaven could not compete with it.

and many more!

No, no!

Yun Feiyang suddenly thought of something, Lingtai suddenly said in a clear way: "Nine Profound God Stone is just the treasure of God Realm, I have become an emperor level, can I be bound?"

"Hongwei Immortal Emperor was killed by my own hands, and the Yuanshen are all destroyed.

Thinking about this, he didn't have a good air: "Is this the ninth level assessment, is it an illusion of illusion, so that I can't extricate myself from it?"


As soon as the words fell, Hongwei Immortal Emperor shattered instantly.

The bodies of Luo Mu, Yunli and Yanshuang also shattered nothingness.

The chain that bound Yun Feiyang's body completely fell off and dissipated, the space in front of him collapsed, and the person returned from the illusion to the vast array of nothingness.


The five elders rejoiced: "This son has passed the examination. Do I need to start bloodline verification immediately?"

Yun Zaiye said: "No hurry, no hurry."

The five elders almost spurted out old blood, and all nine passes were passed. The blood was not tested yet. What's going on!

ps, there are 2 more at night. (s:)

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