Super God

Chapter 2147: Blood Awakening

Yun came out in the wild to stop, and the eight elders could only withdraw the cohesive powerful forces.

Yun Feiyang breathed a sigh of relief.

With his current strength, it is extremely difficult to fight against the real emperor, after all, the gap is too big.


Yun Feiyang jumped down from Zutai and drifted away.

At the end of the fight, Yun Qing was not only hit crazy, but also suffered a heavy blow. After several months of rehabilitation, I was afraid it would be difficult to recover.

Regarding this result, watching the Yun's descendants never imagined, because in their view, the two have a fifth grade and a sixth grade, so they have to fight for a while.

"What kind of martial arts did Yun Feiyang just show? He could easily dissolve the strength of the eight elders!"

"It is the sun erythritis technique, a kind of supernatural fire magic!"

"Isn't this Red Emperor's unique magical power? How could he perform it?"

There are many discussions about the heirs.

Especially when I think back to the ancestral flame that covered the sky just now, my heart is still deeply shocked.

of course.

Yun's descendants also know.

When Yun Feiyang and the Eight Elders broke out, the patriarch used his supreme power to condense the boundary in front of him, otherwise he would definitely be affected.

Yun Qing was lifted down by the five-line heirloom, and the five-line elder saw his bruised all over his body, his eyes flashing with rage.


Such humiliation, I have written down five pulses!


The five elders standing in the distance sighed.

He could already see that the people of five veins must have hated Yun Feiyang.

"Eight Elder."

The voice of Yun Daye came; "I need an explanation."

Although the contest is over, the eight elders must deal with it without permission, after all, it violates the family rules.


"Daiyan Hongyan surgery is really good."

After returning to the residence, Yun Feiyang murmured: "If you can comprehend a higher level, the power will definitely be extraordinary."

There is also the handprint of great compassion.

This Yun's bloodline martial art is also very good. If you comprehend Dacheng, you will definitely improve a lot of combat effectiveness.

"Next, you should practice several martial arts and supernatural powers."

Yun Qing, who has madly abused his superior emperor, Yun Feiyang doesn't think he can compete with Qipin or even stronger, so he must continue to practice.

There is one more thing to do right now, that is to go to the bloodline pool and fully awaken your own bloodline, so as to better cultivate the three changes of the God of War soul.

Yun Feiyang took a short break and set off to find the five elders.

On the way, the sister-in-law who had just returned from Zutai, his eyes flashed with fear after seeing him.

Before they reached the ancestral platform, Yun Feiyang saw in their eyes nothing but the purity of the bloodline was extremely high, and the strength was so-so.

Now it is easy to abuse Yun Qing, making Yun's progeny realize that this son is not only of high blood purity, but also of extraordinary strength!


Yun Feiyang found the five elders, and after he knew what he wanted, he was taken to the Bloodline Pavilion again.


Stopped in front of the Blood Vessel Pool, the elders said seriously: "The blood of our Yun clan is completely awakened. It is a very painful process. You have to be mentally prepared."


Yun Feiyang responded.

Five elders said: "Take off your clothes and jump down."


Yunfei Yang was suddenly embarrassed.

After all, it’s embarrassing to stand in front of an old man, not a beauty, and take off your clothes.

Five elders said: "Hurry up."


Yun Feiyang took off his clothes cleanly and briskly, and jumped into the pool of blood veins. When he had just merged into it, the tens of thousands of small fish in it immediately swam happily.

"Gutter! Gutter!"

The pool water began to boil, and the color gradually changed from clear to blood red.

Under the immersion of the blood-red water, Yun Feiyang was very comfortable, and the whole person fluttered.

However, this refreshing sensation quickly dissipated and replaced by swelling of the skin.

"what's the situation?"

Yun Feiyang stunned, instinctively wanted to run against the sky.


The five elders said: "In the process of blood awakening, you can't use your mind to resist, you must completely relax your mind, otherwise awakening will fail."


Yun Feiyang dispelled the idea of ​​running the anti-tian tactics, and the whole person was soaked in the blood vessel pool, allowing the body to swell continuously.


Thousands of small fish swam over, and they came in contact with Yunfeiyang's skin, which suddenly brought a burst of pain, as if they were stuck by a needle.

This kind of pain becomes more intense as the blood of red blood penetrates into every pore of the skin, and as tens of thousands of small fish clash continuously.

If it only hurts, Yun Feiyang, who has experienced heavy winds and waves, will certainly be able to bear it. The key is that it is very itchy!

Pain and itching spread all over his body, dissipating his face, gradually distorting it, and even gritted his teeth.

The five elders seriously said: "The stronger the purity of the bloodline, the stronger the pain suffered during the awakening process. For millions of years, many people have difficulty supporting the bloodline awakening process, and eventually disappeared."

Isn't it?

Blood vein awakening is still possible to fall?

Why didn't you say that early?

Yun Feiyang, who was in the blood vessel pool, could not withdraw at this time. After knowing that there was a risk of burping, he could only support his teeth.

However, itching not only affects the body, but also begins to affect the soul.


Yun Da cheap God screamed in pain, the sound was horrifying.

His current situation is as if he is in a frying pan, and at the same time he has to withstand tens of thousands of fine needles touching his soul.

Even more tragic.

Because the bloodline purity is far stronger than that of other that kind of itching will only become stronger and stronger, and it will make him more and more happy!


After half an hour.

Yun Fei was standing in the Blood Vessel Pool, his entire face was twisted, and the flowing blood-red water and 10,000 small fish were still attacking with pleasure.

To be honest, he has experienced countless hardships in his life. When he awakened his blood, he suffered the most.


Five elders secretly said: "Must hold on."

Blood awakening is a step that the Yun clan must go through, so even if he is worried that Yun Feiyang may fall, he can only watch.

"Gutter! Gutter!"

The blood in the blood vein pool was still boiling violently, and the offensive of tens of thousands of fishes became stronger.

Under the double blow of flesh and soul, Yun Da cheap god's thinking gradually disappeared, and people also fainted in the pool water.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yun Feiyang recovered his consciousness, opened his eyelids with difficulty, and found himself in the dark starry sky.


Suddenly, the streamer crossed, bringing a brief light, so that he could see clearly, standing in the starry sky in front of a white fluttering warrior.

This person turned his back to Yun Feiyang, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"This area is good."

The man in white whispered softly, and immediately waved his big hand, he saw the vast breath whistling, and gradually condensed together.

Yun Feiyang saw this, his expression was horrified.

At that moment, he felt countless laws from the condensed breath, each of which was extremely unpredictable!


Absolutely strong!

Yun Feiyang looked so silly, and the power of the condensed law began to dissipate, showing a cloud of nothingness.

"This is... Cloud Domain!"

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