Super God

Chapter 2149: Secret Soul of the Great Soul

Big Soul Blood Vessel Secret, a magical martial art that can stimulate blood to instantly increase its strength.

People of the Yun clan can practice even if they have only a little blood of their ancestors.

Although the threshold is very low, but really want to comprehend the ultimate, and display the handy, but also depends on their efforts and understanding.

The secret method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel is divided into six levels, also known as six changes.

The first becomes gold, the second becomes purple, the third becomes purple, the fourth becomes silver, the fifth becomes white, and the sixth becomes silver.

These so-called transformations can be judged from the change in hair color. For example, Yun Feiyang exhibits the first change, the hair will turn into gold, and the second change will turn into purple.

The third change is the fusion of the first two changes, and the sixth change is the fusion of the fourth and fifth changes.

At the time of God Realm, Yun Fei had the chance to coincide with the awakening of the bloodline (non-complete awakening), and he realized the first three changes, and named himself as the three changes of the God of War soul body.

Is there only six changes in the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline?

From the final record of the cheats, this magical martial art was created by the Yun ancestors, and the level he has learned is the sixth change. As for whether it is higher, it is unknown.

From the explanations in the cheats, combined with the three changes of the God of War soul body that Yun Feiyang once exhibited, it can be known that he has realized the fourth secret of the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline.

There is no system to comprehend the complete secret formula, and by virtue of his own understanding to this extent, it shows how powerful the two-fifths of the bloodline is.

Yun Feiyang was overjoyed after reading the secret recipe of the Great Soul Blood Vessel.

According to cheats, only after immersion in ancestral blood to complete the awakening of the blood vessel, the side effects will be sharply reduced.

In order to prove whether it is true or false, Yun Feiyang, in accordance with the recipes recorded in the cheats, actually cast the first change of the secret method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel for the first time, and his black hair instantly turned into gold.


Strong waves spread throughout the body.

Yun Feiyang said in surprise: "After the bloodline is fully awakened, the first change is performed again, and the power is stronger than before!"


In the strict sense of the past, it was only the three changes of the God of War soul.

Now that the blood vein is awakened, and there is a complete formula, that is the orthodox secret method of the big soul blood vein.

Yun Feiyang stimulated the second change and then the third change again. After successive tests, he determined that his increase in all aspects was much stronger than before!

This is very cool.

But he wasn't overly excited to perform the fourth change. After all, the price was madness.

"call out!"

After more than half an hour's release, Yun Feiyang thought it was almost time, and immediately stopped burning the blood, and the whole person instantly recovered as before.

Before the change, after one or two changes were performed at the same time, it was bound to cause blindness and deafness in both ears. Now, when it stops, nothing happens!

After waiting for three or five days, Yun Feiyang was still normal, and this was confirmed. After the blood veins were fully awakened, there was no side effect in the first and second changes!

Not only the amplification effect is strengthened, but there are no side effects after the show. For him, it is absolutely cool!

Of course, there are drawbacks.

Yun Feiyang clearly felt that after half a hour of applying the secret method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel, a lot of blood was burned in the body.

A stronger increase effect, in exchange for high consumption, is also reasonable.

"Would you like to try the fourth change?"

Yun Feiyang hesitated a little, but decided to give it a try, so he burned the blood in his body, and the newly recovered black hair'brushed' into silver.

The fourth change in the Mystery of the Great Soul Blood Vessel is called Silverization, which is the third change in the three changes of the God of War Soul Body, and it is called the deity.


Yun Feiyang stood in the ring of creation, his body expanded rapidly, and his whole body exuded a sacred atmosphere, as if he could not desecrate the deity.

"Lying trough!"

"Feiyang Brother's third change!"

Luo Mu, Yunli and others have their eyes widened.

"It's too messy."

Lin Zhixi frowned, worried in his heart, after all, the side effect of the third change was madness.

"A strong increase in strength."

After the fourth change in the exhibition, Yun Feiyang could feel that his internal strength has been greatly improved, and even has the urge to fight against the emperor!

Of course, it's just impulse.

He knew in his heart that even if there was a fourth change blessing, it would be extremely difficult to compete with the emperor with his own strength.

You can't fight above the emperor, but Yun Feiyang can be sure that in the current state, you should be able to fight against the superior seven or eight rank emperor!


After about half an hour, Yun Feiyang's breath was restrained, his hair color and body gradually recovered, and his face was tired.

One after another, two, three, four changes, which caused him to consume a lot of blood in his body. Weakness must be taken for granted.

However, what makes Yun Feiyang excited is that after running and stopping according to the formula of the Great Soul Blood Vessel Secret, the person is only weak and his thinking is not chaotic!


He laughed loudly.

After the fourth change with a stronger increase was implemented, there were no madness side effects, which is definitely cooler than the first three changes!

"It's over, Brother Feiyang is crazy!"

Seeing Yun Feiyang laughing, Luo Mu and Yunli frowned, but when he saw him walking as usual the next day, he was relieved.


After the blood veins were fully awakened, Yun Fei flew and cast the secret method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel. The blood burned too fast, and it was destined to take care of it for a few days after it was cast.

This is a huge difference from the previous three to five years of care and even madness.

"Next, what are your plans?"

Lin Zhixi snuggled in his arms in the spring breeze room.

Yun Fei Yang said: "I want to practice here for a while, and then return to Zhenwu God Territory."

Since coming to the ancestral land of the Yun Family, it is natural to hope to become stronger, and hope to comprehend the mysterious method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel to the fifth and sixth changes!

Lin Zhixi said: "With your temperament, the longer you stay in the cloud, the more trouble you cause."

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "You man and I have never been afraid of trouble."

Lin Zhixi shook his head and said: "You have offended the five veins. If you offend others, even the patriarch may not be able to protect you."

She knows Yun Feiyang too well, knowing that this guy will definitely make enemies everywhere when he lives in Yunyu.

If it is on the bright side, it doesn't matter. I'm afraid that some people will hate him and play tricks in the background.

Don't say it.

Lin Zhixi was right.

While Yun Feiyang was in the ring of fortune, the elders of the Five Veins gathered in the Chamber of to discuss how to target him.

Yun Qing was seriously injured under the eyes of all eyes, and was still kneeling on the ground. They certainly could not bear it.

"This son is now only a sixth-grade emperor-level, so so arrogant, the realm breaks above the emperor and still has it?"

"This guy is quite waiting to be seen by the patriarch, and he will achieve higher achievements in the future. I am afraid that our five veins will be in big trouble, so we must first start to be strong!"

Many elders are killing.

They don't care that Yun Feiyang's blood is extremely powerful, and after feeling threatened, they will definitely remove it without hesitation.

"Half a month later, Chaos Beast Valley opens."

The eight elders gloomed and said: "The younger generations want to enter the experience, but it is a good opportunity to start!"

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