Super God

Chapter 2153: Annoyed!

Yun Feiyang is a descendant of cloud crimes and caused a huge sensation in the cloud domain.

"I heard that Yun Guiji had killed an heir to the family, and later escaped with his second son!"

"There is such a thing. As far as I know, the sister-in-law who was killed is still a well-qualified predecessor who lives in Wumai."

"Cloud sin has become one of the strongest nine veins, and then it is replaced by the current five veins. These two veins are really hatred."

"No wonder Yun Qing wants to challenge Yun Feiyang, no wonder Yun Feiyang will kill Yun Qing desperately in Zutai."

These lineages are just as misunderstood as the five-line elders.

The conflict between Yun Feiyang and Yun Qing is not because of the vengeance of the pulse system, it is because you do not look at me, I do not look at you.

of course.

If at that time, Yun Dachen knew that his veins and Yunqing veins had age-old grievances, he would definitely be heavier.

"Five elders."

In the clan hall, Yun Zaiye also heard rumors and frowned, "Yun Feiyang is really a descendant of Yun's sin?"

"Not bad."

The five elders faithfully said.

Yun Zaiye frowned: "Since then, the grievance between him and Wumai may be difficult to reconcile."


The five elders said: "The old man is really a little worried, the people of the five veins will target him everywhere in the future."

Worried is right.

But I didn't expect that the people of Wumai should not only aim at Yun Feiyang, but also have their own murderous intentions.

Yun Ye was silent.

It seemed as if I was thinking or thinking.


Yun Feiyang is a member of the lineage of the sin of the cloud, and the affiliation in the ancestral home. It is passed on in the cloud domain. Those who have humiliated Yun Hang's descendants, no one dares to come to trouble again.


They do not find trouble, but trouble will find them.

A few days later, in a large-scale courtyard, Yun Feiyang walked in with Yun Hang and a group of children.

"Boom! Boom!"

Several of the heirs in the courtyard exploded, one after another, blood spewing out, his eyes flashing and horrified.

"what's the situation?"

The people of the Yun clan outside heard it, gathered outside the gate, and all talked quietly.


It was at this time that an emperor-level strongman who was deep in the inner room flew out and said angrily: "Yun Feiyang, what do you mean!"

He is the owner of the courtyard, and one of the most common veins in the Yun's vein.

"Means nothing."

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "Just look at your veins, and I'm here to abuse."


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Such an unscrupulous torture of a vein system, I am afraid that the evil spirits of these two fifths of the blood vein can be made.

Of course, many heirs know.

The reason why Yun Feiyang is unhappy is that it must be because the previous lineage often bullied Yun Hang.

Simply put, this guy is here to get revenge!

Not bad.

Yun Feiyang came to get revenge.

He would not tolerate anyone being bullied by people of the same lineage, even if it had happened before.

The people in power of the pulse system looked cold and said: "This is the cloud domain. You have so blatantly started, have you put the family rules in your eyes!"


As soon as the voice fell, Yun Feiyang appeared in front of him, and his big hand snapped past.

But the power of the person in power is only the fourth-grade emperor, and he has no ability to avoid it and is directly buckled on the neck.

"Your family's heirs often bully people of my lineage, so why not consider family rules?"

Yun Fei's eyes were gloomy, horror and coercion came roaring.


The emperor-level strongman screamed.

He and Yun Feiyang differ by two ranks, which is equal to one hundred and eighty thousand miles apart. How can they withstand the coercion of terror?


Sustained by the constant shock, the incumbent threw foam at the mouth and fell to the ground, his body twitching violently.

As for the other descendants of the vein system, under Yun Feiyang's suppression, Yun Qing's bruised noses and swollen faces.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the next two days, Yun Feiyang abused Yun Hang's maid system and her vein system one by one.

He was telling Yuncheng's descendants and veins with his actions. He recognized his ancestors as his ancestors. All the mistakes you have made must be returned to Laozi!


Very strong.

So that in Yuncheng, the lineage and vein system that had humiliated Yunhang intentionally or unintentionally became self-defeating.


"Patriarch, that Yunfeiyang is too rampant, please make the decision for us!" Above the clan hall, the abused people of all the main lines of power are all complaining of grievances.

Clouds are splitting in the wild.

In a short time, the kid had abused dozens of veins. Now they are all suing. Isn't it a problem for themselves?

To be honest, this patriarch still values ​​Yun Feiyang more. After all, the purity of the bloodline reaches two-fifths. If you grow up well, it is definitely the pillar of the Yun clan!

An elder from the Five Veins said lightly: "Patriarch, this son relies on the purity of the blood veins, and acts in the cloud. In the eyes of the old man, it may be the next cloud sin."

I hadn't waited to see Yun Feiyang, and even thought of killing him, I would definitely take the opportunity to fall into the rocks.

"Although the boy is talented, if he does not obey discipline and disregard the rules of the Yun clan, it will only be a big problem in the future."

An elder with four veins.

Simai and Yunfeiyang have no grievances, and he is not used to him in Other elders of several veins also condemned Yunfeiyang’s behavior in the past few days, some of which have a good relationship with Wumai, or some simply don’t want to. Let others ignore family rules so much.

The cloud suddenly embarrassed about wild.

The kid angered the public. If he protects him, he will surely cause dissatisfaction from the elders.

Although Yun Zaiye is the Patriarch of the Yun clan, he must definitely consider other elders. After all, most of them come from the strongest nine veins.

The strongest nine veins are in the cloud, like nine giants, they not only have strength, but also have absolute say.

The chief of the family should not only deal with affairs, but also maintain the balance of the nine veins, so as to achieve peace in the world.


An elder from Sanmai said: "The old man believes that Yun Fei should be punished well, so as to be effective!"

"Not bad!"

The elders agreed.

Yun Zao was even more entangled.

At this moment, if you do not punish Yun Feiyang, the elders of these veins will certainly resentment.

At the time of embarrassment, Elder Jiumai said: "As far as I know, the ancient Wumai has been subjected to bullying by others since it was replaced by the eight elders. Should the elders here be participants?"

"Thirteen Elders."

The elder of the five veins said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

The elder thirteen said with a smile: "The old man means that your juniors do not abide by the clan rules and bully a once brilliant lineage. Nowadays, the powerful juniors come out to take revenge. Too shameless?"


The elders were furious.

The thirteen elders didn't pay attention to them and said: "Patriarch, Yun Feiyang can punish, but the old man believes that to punish those who have humiliated the ancient five veins, so that fairness and justice can be achieved, so that they can be effective! "

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