Super God

Chapter 2156: Fancy longevity clock

A few days later, Chaos Beast Valley opened.

All the descendants who participated in the training all gathered in front of the transmission line leading to the valley.

The strength of these descendants is quite good, and the minimum cultivation level must be comparable to that of the emperor level. They all rub their hands one by one, their eyes flashing with strong fighting spirit.

The opening of Chaos Beast Valley is a major event, and it is also one of the few channels for obtaining Zuxuedan.

Zuxue Dan.

Very important for the Yun family.

Because you want to have a deeper understanding of the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline, it is very difficult to rely on your own understanding, and the ancestor Dan can help you have a chance to improve.

Although this chance of improvement is very small, it is better than nothing.

Never see. Whenever the experience is over and you get the ancestors of Zu Xue Dan, there will always be people who are very lucky to improve their understanding of the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline.

"There are still many people."

Yun Feiyang brought Yun Hang to the front of the formation, looking at the crowd like the tide, and was amazed.

The heritage of the Yunyu ancestral land is really deep, just a junior experience, there are so many quasi-imperial, emperor-level strong.


Someone saw Yun Feiyang and Yunhang, and whispered in surprise: "Why did Yunhang come again?"

"Won't this guy participate in the experience?"

"Just kidding, he didn't even step into the king class, and dared to enter the Valley of Chaos Beasts, isn't he looking for death?"

The voice of everyone's discussion was not loud, for fear of being heard by Yun Feiyang, which would provoke this ruthless person.

Seeing that Yun Da cheap **** some time ago, madly licking the maid of the ancient lineage who had bullied the ancient five veins, still played a role, at least let others be afraid.

"Have you heard it?"

Yun Fei said: "They are underestimating you."

Yun Hang's mouth twitched.

It is normal to be underestimated if you only have the strength of the Immortal Great Consummation, but you have to participate in the Quasi-Emperor and Emperor class to enter the Chaos Beast Valley.

"Uncle Yun..."

He said weakly: "Can I not go?"

He was really worried that he would go in. Before the forefoot moved, the hind foot was swallowed by a powerful beast.

As for why it is called Uncle Yun, it mainly depends on the respect given by the other party's strength.

In fact, Uncle Sho has become a chaotic generation, because the second son Yun Yun has taken away, wandering in the outside world, the offspring's reproduction speed is much lower than that of Yuntian.

If carefully calculated, Yun Feiyang can be called a grandfather.

Of course, because the time is long, and there is no genealogy to verify, so he does not care that the other party calls his uncle.


Yun Fei said: "You have to go."

From the mouth of the five elders, he learned that the first prize would be ten ancestral blood dan and 10,000 spirit stones, and the second place would get five ancestral blood dan and 50,000 spirit stones.

As for the third place, fourth place, etc., there are also good rewards. If the ancient five veins are too young, he must have pulled through the competition, so that his family can share the rewards.

"Yunhang also participated?"

The five elders standing on the high platform saw Yun Hang standing next to Yun Feiyang, and immediately frowned, saying, "Isn't this nonsense?"

Yun Zai shook his head.

He did not prevent Yunhang from participating. After all, Yun's ancestors left the chaotic beast valley and did not set a realm limit, so the fairy-level descendants are eligible to participate in the experience.


Tens of thousands of Yun clan tribes gathered at the Great Performing Arts Field, waiting quietly for Chaos Beast Valley to open.

Take advantage of this gap.

Yun Feiyang's soul is integrated into the ring of fortune, and he continues to realize many blood martial skills and supernatural powers.

Over the past few days, relying on thousands of times of acceleration, he has a deeper understanding of the sun erythritis technique and the **** sky swallowing technique.

The great compassion fingerprint has already realized Dacheng, and once again displayed it, its power is definitely stronger than when it was played against Yunqing.

However, as the iconic secret of the Great Soul bloodline of the Yun clan, it is hard to understand, and even has no clue.


Yun Feiyang suddenly opened his eyes and looked in one direction along the way.

Standing in the distance of the five-maiden lineage, when he turned his head, he looked back immediately, pretending that nothing happened.

Although the cover-up is very good, Yun Feiyang has already caught a flash of murderous murder in their eyes.

"It seems that these people have ideas."

Yun Fei raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.


The elder of the Five Elders said: "The Valley of Chaos Beast is a closed test, so we must be cautious, especially to guard against the five veins."


Yun Feiyang responded, and said coldly in his heart: "Wangmai's heirs, you better not come to provoke me, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

This time I participated in the training, just to get Zuxuedan and Lingshi, he did not intend to cause trouble, but if someone hits his mind, he will certainly not be soft-hearted!

The eight elders and the five elders of the five veins stood together and communicated with each other. They were more experienced than the elders. The share of murderousness was restrained and there was no leakage.


After a while, the longevity bell rang.

A gurgling energy swept through the heart and spleen, making the tribes full of energy.

Yun Feiyang looked at the ancient big clock hanging on the high platform and said with fiery eyes: "Is this the longevity clock left by the ancestors?"


Clouds flew by in the wild and hung above mid-air Lang said: "The chaotic beast valley opens, and the participating tribes enter the teleportation array in turn."

"Brush! Brush!"

The voice had just fallen, and the protagonist from the corner of the teleportation circle could not wait to be merged into it, and they were all introduced into the Valley of Chaos Beast.

Yun Feiyang reluctantly moved away the Changsheng Clock and said, "Let's go in too."

Say, move forward.

Yunhang hurried to keep up, even clinging to the back of the ass, for fear of getting away with him accidentally.

"That kid..."

Recalling that Yun Feiyang's eyes were gleaming hotly before entering the formation, Yun said in the wild: "Isn't it going to be the Changsheng Clock?"

Guess right.

Yun Da cheap **** really took a longevity bell.

After all, the treasure left by the ancestors, if you can take it for yourself, you will definitely be more powerful!

In fact, the clan of the Yun clan all took the longevity clock, but they also understood that this is the treasure of the town clan, which is very sacred, and they are simply not qualified to control it.

Yun Feiyang doesn't think so. What he thinks is that when he has enough strength in the future, he must win this thing.

Dare to play the treasure of the town clan, I am afraid that this brazen guy can come up with it.


"Boo! Boo!"

After blending into the teleportation array, Yun Feiyang was teleported into an extremely dark valley, just stabilizing his body, and then smelling the pungent stench.

He, who has practiced a lot in the wild, completely ignored the smell.

But Yunhang couldn't do it, only to see that the boy just stood firm and suddenly vomited.

Yun Feiyang shook his head without saying a word.


It was at this moment that a deafening roar came from afar.

A tall, mountainous beast rushed in, and the breath of breath had reached the level of emperor!


Yun Hang swallowed the overnight meal on the top of his throat, hiding in fright with fright, and trembling with fear.

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