Super God

Chapter 2164: Longevity bell, life and death

When Yun Feiyang had just entered the Changsheng Clock, and had no intention to read the scenery like a paradise, he realized that there was a cold breath behind him.


There was a loud noise, and the rocks shattered.

Stepping on Yun Fei, who stepped across the cloud and stepped away, looking at the direction where Qi Qi struck, I saw a young man standing on the tree not far away.


The man smiled faintly: "It's a tribe with two-fifths of blood, and the speed of this dodge is really lightning fast."

Another descendant standing under the tree said, "With Yunqing and Yunsui's strength, dealing with him is indeed a bit difficult."

Yun Feiyang's gaze gradually froze.

You can guess without thinking at all, these two people must be the five veins.

Not bad.

It is the five veins.

The name standing on the tree is Yunhe, and the name standing under the tree is Yunyuan.

They are not only the best lineage in the five veins, but also the lineage lineage of the entire Yun family.


Because of the purity of their blood, one reaches 20% and the other reaches 21%.

As for the strength, they have reached the eighth-grade emperor level.

Yesterday they received the secret technique of the eight elders. They learned that Yunyu had a sideline of two-fifths of the bloodline, and knew about Yunqing and Yunsui, so they waited at the entrance early.


Yun He jumped from the tree and shook his fist, saying: "When we are away, bully Yun Qing them, your boy is very arrogant."


Between the words, the momentum exploded madly.

The eighth rank emperor Yun clan is stronger than the eighth rank emperor beast. After all, they are all the elites of the Yun clan elite.

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Laozi came to Changsheng Zhong for cultivation, not for fights, so he said goodbye first."


As soon as the voice fell, he stepped across the cloud and flew away into the distance.

This guy is very arrogant and arrogant, but also knows that it is extremely difficult to contend with two eight-grade emperors with his own strength, so Kaiyu is the most wise choice.

"Want to run?"

Yun He sneered, and immediately chased after stepping on the unique body method of the Yun family, the speed was not inferior to Yun Feiyang.


After all, this child's talent is also one of the best in the cloud domain, and its strength is stronger than Yunfeiyang's two grades, and the practice of the body is not weak.

"Brush! Brush!"

In a few breaths, Yunhe drew a lot of distance, and said coldly: "Boy, in front of me, you can't escape, just stop by."

Yun Feiyang will naturally not stop, and the speed will be accelerated again, which will bring the ferry to the extreme.

When Yunhe saw it, he waved it with one hand, and immediately displayed the complete handprint of great compassion, he saw the vast palm print coming.

"not good!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked.

"Boom! Boom!"

The handprint of the great compassion that swept over was extremely fast, and he was not given the opportunity to avoid it at all.

"call out--"

Yun Feiyang, who was attacked, flew out of the diffuse momentum and landed on a boulder quite awkwardly.


Yun He withdrew his palm prints and wondered: "The handprints of my great compassion have not fallen down, and your physical defense is quite high."

Yun Feiyang revolves around the law of life, dissolves the meridians damaged by palm prints, and his eyes flash with anger.

Yun He said lightly: "It is undeniable that your bloodline is very pure, but in front of me, it is still just a garbage."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang said coldly.

The space next to it was twisted, and the sword of Hunyuan Qiankun emerged, shining brightly.

To be honest, in the face of the emperor-level powerhouses who are high in their own two grades, Yun Feiyang is not sure to win, but the other party is faster than himself, and he can't run away. He can only choose to let it go.


Yun He said lightly: "You are a Sixth-grade Emperor, and you still want to break your wrist with my Eighth-grade Emperor?"

Yun Feiyang didn't say a word, his whole body was condensed with a strong sword, and he immediately waved the Hunyuan Qiankun sword, cutting out a strong arrogant sword.

"Do not control yourself!"

Yun He smiled coldly, and his right hand suddenly protruded, forming a vast fist print, which directly smashed the flying Qi.

"Oh, uh!"

Yun Feiyang retreated several steps, his face was extremely ugly, and he secretly said: "The gap is too big!"


Yun He shook his head and said: "This kind of good blood purity appears on you. It is really a waste. If you let me have it, the cultivation base is definitely stronger than now."


Yun Feiyang said nothing.

It has been a long time since he has met such an arrogant warrior of the same generation, but he has to admit that the opponent's strength is indeed stronger than himself.


Yun Feiyang is not frustrated.

In his view, this guy is nothing more than because of being in the cloud. If he has been living here, his strength will definitely be overwhelming.

"Brother He."

Yunyuan came over from behind and said lightly: "We have to practice, don't waste too much time on this guy."


Yun He's mouth twitched with a smile, and his eyes showed a strong murderous opportunity.

The order sent by the elder is very simple. If you can kill Yun Feiyang, you must kill it.

After testing Yun Feiyang's strength, Yun He decided to kill it, so he laughed coldly: "Boy, with two-fifths of stay in the eternal life clock forever."

"Dare you kill me?"

Yun Feiyang said lightly: "Aren't you afraid of patriarch accountability?"

Yun He smiled and said: "Boy, don't you know it, all the people who enter the Changsheng Clock, all life and death will be done!"

"Life and death?"

Yun Feiyang frowned.

Yunhe said: "Every tribe in the Changsheng Clock will not be punished even if they kill each other."

Yun Fei said: "So it is."


Yun He waved with one hand, condensing the power of the vast law, saying: "Today let you know that bullying my five-line descendants."


The power of the violent law instantly condensed into a huge hand.

Yun Feiyang did not dodge, because it was too late, he could only watch and watch, carrying a big hand with violent power, like a hundred thousand mountains pressed down.


The deafening sound rang in the Changsheng Clock, and the whole earth was shaken violently.

The other tribes who are cultivating, awakening from the cultivating after they noticed the movement, said: "This guy, Yun He, has even displayed the palm of the Great Mo!"

Palm of the Great Moses.

The extremely superior bloodline martial arts of the Yun family.


Standing in the distance, Yunyun looked at the dust flying in the sky, and a disdainful smile raised at the corner of his mouth.

In his view, Yun He directly used his strongest trick, that kid definitely...


Yun Yuan looked dull.

Because, in the dusty area, Yun Fei stood proudly, and behind him there was a huge vortex that kept spinning.


The vortex kept circling, and the power of the violent law was suddenly drawn into it, as if an ancient fierce beast was swallowing wildly!

"this is……"

Yun round frowned: "Daihetian Devouring Technique?!"

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