Super God

Chapter 2166: Taking Zuxuedan

In the damp and dark cave, Yun Fei sat cross-legged, his face pale.

A little bit of black blood spewed out, making the whole person weaker.

As Yun Yuan said, after fighting with Yun He, although he was able to escape, his injuries were extremely serious, and even the laws of running life were difficult to recover.

"Oh shit."

Yun Feiyang was furious.

Previously, he did not take the five-maiden lineage into his eyes, thinking that it was just a little boy, and now it seems that he underestimated them.

If you change to other eighth-ranking emperor-level powerhouses, Yun Feiyang may be able to fight one, after all, there are many cards, and there is a big soul blood vein secret method that can instantly increase strength.

However, in the face of the Yun Family of Yun He and Yun Yuan, they could only escape.

no way.

Not only do people practice bloodline martial arts, but they also have great soul bloodline secrets.

Originally the realm is higher than yourself, and you can use the secret method of blood veins, even if Yun Feiyang is no matter how evil, it will certainly not be cheap.

of course.

It is already very nice to be able to escape in front of Yunhe and Yunyuan.

"It's still too weak."

Yun Feiyang wiped out the bleeding at the corner of his mouth, and the thought of wanting to become stronger became stronger.

This guy doesn't care about losing to others. What he cares about is how to win back with strength after losing!

How to win it back?

It’s very simple.

Yun Feiyang calmed down and began to plan how to practice here, how to make himself stronger, so that Yunhe and Yunquan were devastated in the palm of his hand.

Simple cultivation is impossible. After all, there is a difference of two grades. To catch up, it takes a lot of time. He can only pin his hopes on Zuxuedan.

"The fifteen bottles of ancestral blood pill, I hope to help me successfully understand the fifth change of the secret method of the big soul blood vein.

Yun Feiyang gave Yunhang 20,000 spirit stones, and Yunhang gave him Wupinzu Blood Pill.

Ancestral Blood Pill is useful for high-level descendants, and it is certainly not useful for fairy people like Yunhang. It is not as effective as the spirit stone.


Yun Feiyang did not take Zuxuedan, but integrated into the ring of fortune and began to heal seriously.

Yun Yuan was right. He was seriously injured and it would take at least three to five years to recover, but having time to accelerate is not a problem at all.

During healing.

Yun Feiyang murmured: "If the comprehension of Daheitian's engulfing the book is stronger, this injury is nothing."

For the first time, he has realized that the magical power of the Black Emperor is very good. Later, he realized that he could replace the law of life as the first method of healing.

of course.

The healing effect of the Great Black Sky Devourer is just one of them.

What makes it truly powerful is that it can devour the power of others and turn it into its own.

The level of comprehension of Yifei Feiyang now can only heal the wound a little, so it is still a long way from a higher level.

"Daiyan Hongyan surgery can not be dropped, it must be more conscientious."

After coming to Yunyu after actual combat, Yun Feiyang very much recognized the supernatural powers of the two emperors, and even in some respects, the Yun's bloodline martial arts were incomparable.

A few years later.

Yun Feiyang recovered from his injury, hurriedly returned to the outside world, and took out a shimmering elixir.

This is Zuxuedan.

The Elixir contains the ancestor's breath. After taking it, the younger generation will improve their perception, so that they can quickly understand the blood martial arts skills.

Because it is quite rare, ordinary people want to get it, it can be described as difficult.


Yun Feiyang swallowed Zu Xue Dan.

The elixir melts into the mouth, revealing a sweet sensation. When the juice flows into the body, it instantly refreshes him.

However, this refreshing quickly disappeared, replaced by hot, hot Yunfei Yang blood veins, and his face flushed.

Fortunately, there was no evil, and fire appeared.

Otherwise, this guy will think that he is not eating Zuxuedan, but the spring and medicine!

Yun Fei, who was hot all over the body, gradually realized that the pores seemed to be infinitely enlarged, and the speed of ingesting the properties of the world around him was hundreds of times faster than in the past!

Ancestral Blood Pill's main function is to let Yun clan comprehend bloodline martial arts faster, and the secondary effect is to increase the absorption speed of heaven and earth attributes.

This absorption rate varies from person to person.

Under normal circumstances, people who reach a thousand points of blood will take three or five times the speed of absorbing the attributes of the world after taking Zuxuedan.

The people who reach 100%, such as Yunhe and Yunquan, can be expanded to more than 20 times.

Yun Feiyang, who has two-fifths of the bloodline, after taking Zuxue Dan, has absorbed the properties of heaven and earth several hundred times, which is undoubtedly very against the sky.


Feeling the mad flow of pure world attributes into the body, Yun Fei's gaze rose.

The heaven and earth attributes contained in the longevity bell are much stronger than the cloud domain, and now it can reach hundreds of times the absorption speed, absolutely bursting into the sky!

Yun Feiyang suppressed the excitement, the attributes of refining and chemical integration into the body, and began the most focused practice.

To be honest, changing to someone else, suddenly suffering a few hundred times the attribute into the body, it is certainly difficult to refine in time, and thus pass away in vain.

For example, Yunhe and If there are hundreds of times of the world's attributes, you can only ingest 20-30%, and the rest must be forced out of the body, otherwise it will easily explode and die.

Yun Feiyang is different, he has the anti-Sky tactics, has Taohua.

The two attributes are running like crazy, just like two high-density machines that quickly compress into the body attribute, without any waste or expansion!


In the longevity clock, where the attributes of the world and the world are more intense, you can ingest it crazy and refine it. If you practice this way, the speed is absolutely unimaginable!

A month later.

Yun Feiyang, who was sitting in the cave all the time, gently opened his eyes, and the two fine flashes passed away.

Over the past few decades, he has been madly ingested. Although his realm is still a sixth-grade emperor, he has also been greatly improved.

more importantly.

While ingesting the attributes of heaven and earth, he also integrated his soul into the ring of fortune, and kept comprehending the handprints of compassion. Now he has realized the ultimate.


Yun Feiyang flew out of the cave, and with one wave of his hand, he saw the imprint of dense compassion suddenly appear, and the power of the hair was far stronger than before!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The palm print fell, and the beautiful area of ​​the mountain was instantly destroyed into ruins, and the earth came to shake, spreading as many as tens of miles.

"Not bad."

Yun Feiyang grinned.

After taking it for only a few days, he realized the compassion of the compassion to the extreme. This effect satisfied him.


Yun Feiyang smiled back.

In the area covered by Xiannian, Yunhe and Yunquan appeared.

The two five-maiden lineages were always looking for him, and they happened to hear the roar, so they chased them over.


Soon, Yun Hehe landed in the area where Yun Feiyang was, looking at the damaged place, and said coldly: "It must be that kid!"

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