Super God

Chapter 2168: Test strength

Two ancestral blood pill, two years.

Yun Feiyang's breakthrough from sixth-grade emperor-grade to seventh-grade emperor-grade is not too fast.

Regrettably, I didn't realize the fifth change of the secret method of the Great Soul Bloodline.

no way.

The higher the level, the harder it is to comprehend.

With Yun Feiyang's current understanding of the secret method of the Great Soul Blood Vessel, even if all the fifteen ancestral blood pill are taken, it may not be able to comprehend the fifth change smoothly.

of course.

No one is sure about the probability of this thing.


Yun Feiyang stood up, clenched his fists, and there was a strong breath of strength around him.

After being promoted to the seventh-grade emperor level, his strength has been greatly improved, the most obvious is that the fairy core and several rules are more pure.

"Should I have the ability to fight against the five-maiden lineage?"

Yun Feiyang secretly guessed.

This kind of thing is not easy to judge, after all, there is still a gap between Yunhe and Yunyuan.


Yun Feiyang flew out of the cave and landed on a big tree.

He was waiting for the five-line envoy to come to the door to test the combat effectiveness after breaking through to the seventh-grade emperor level.

"Brush! Brush!"

Before long, Yunhe and Yunyuan chased along the breath produced by the breakthrough, and at a glance saw Yunfei standing on the tree.

Judging from the breath, the two judged that he had broken through to the seventh-grade emperor, disdainful on the surface, but shocked in his heart.

Under the chase, the breakthrough from the sixth grade to the seventh grade is really incredible.

If Yunhe and Yunyuan knew that Yun Feiyang only broke through Qipin by virtue of the two ancestral blood pill, it would definitely be more shocking.

After all, when they moved from sixth grade to seventh grade, it took a lot of time and a lot of blood.

Two years of breakthrough?

That is impossible!

To be honest, in terms of qualifications and bloodline purity, Yun Dachen can still explode them, the only lack of time to practice in Yunyu.


Yun He said eerily: "Are you intentionally waiting for us?"

"Not bad."

Yun Fei said.

Yunhe disdainfully said: "Think of a breakthrough to the seventh-grade emperor, will you be eligible to fight against me?"

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "After the breakthrough, I should be able to put you to death."

"is it?"

Yun He smiled coldly, and immediately stepped out, the power of the vast laws exploded, and instantly turned into the palm of the big horse!

After more than two years of chasing, he realized that Yun Feiyang was not as good as himself, but he ran very fast, so this time he was caught and his shot was the strongest move.


The big hand covering the sky and the sun came crashing down.

Yun Feiyang raised his mouth slightly, showing a disdainful smile, and then exhibited the handwriting of great compassion, instantly achieving nine-in-one.

After taking the second ancestral blood pill, he had a strong understanding of this bloodline martial art, so he exhibited it and showed it to be more impeccable and impeccable!


The palm prints of the great compassion handprints directly blasted under the palm of Damo, and smashed them instantly.

"Oh, uh!"

Yun He burst back dozens of steps and his face appeared shocked.

Yun Yuan standing in the distance is also surprised. Obviously, Yun Fei, who broke through to Qipin, will rely on the handprint of the Great Compassion, so it is easy to break the palm of Damo!

Yun Feiyang also retreated.

But floating on the ground, secretly said: "It is still a little weak."

Under a single confrontation, he could feel that he was weaker than Yun He in strength, and the reason he broke his palm of the Great Moses completely relied on the super comprehension of the handprint of the Great Compassion.

This weakness is already very delicate.

Unlike the Sixth Grade Emperor Class, confronting Yunhe can only feel pressure.

In other words, Yun Feiyang, who has broken through to the seventh-grade emperor class, has a slight difference in strength from the eighth-grade emperor class, but he has an advantage in understanding blood wound martial arts skills.

This advantage is limited to the Great Sympathy, and it can only be so advantageous, because he has grasped this skill to the limit, and there will be no room for expansion unless his own strength is improved.

The whole cloud domain can understand the complete handprint of the great compassion to the limit, only the elders who reach the emperor.

Yun Feiyang can do it at the seventh grade level, which is already amazing.


It was at this time that Yunhe once again displayed the palm of the Great Moses, and the power was even stronger than before!

Yun Feiyang smiled coldly, and once again printed the handprint of great compassion, and easily resolved it, saying: "If you only have this kind of card, you really can't help me."

Yun He was furious.

A seventh-grade emperor who exhibited the handprint of the Great Compassion could break his palm, which made him really intolerable, and it was too much against his self-esteem.

At the level of martial arts, the palm of the Da Mo is stronger than the handprint of the Great Compassion, but with Yun He's understanding, it can't be done to the extreme, so it is normal for Yun Feiyang to suppress it.

"Brother He."

Yun bypassed: "Retreat, I will meet him later."

"it is good."

Yunhe immediately let go.

Yun walked around, his eyes flashing coldly, and the breath erupting around him was obviously thicker and more powerful.

Yun Feiyang instantly judged that this person's strength is definitely much stronger than Yun He.


Yun Yuan said lightly: "Can you use my compassion's handprint to break this trick?"


Between the speeches, the power of the law emerged, turning into a huge hand in the sky, carrying explosive power.

Yun He secretly startled: "Brother Brother has grasped the palm of Damo to the extreme!"


The palm print slammed down ~ ~ the wind screamed.

Yun Fei raised his brows tightly.

Although he hasn't picked up yet, he realizes from the air wave that there is a huge gap between the palm of the Damo displayed by Yunyuan and the one displayed by Yunhe!


Yun Feiyang took a step forward and printed the handprint of great compassion.

No matter how strong the opponent's palm print is, he has to make a hard connection, because only in this way can he verify himself and break through the strength of the seventh grade!

"Do not control yourself!"

Yun He sneered.

Around brother is stronger than himself, and he has grasped the palm of Damo to the extreme. A seven-grade emperor level is hard to connect, and the end will be a tragedy!


At the time of thinking, the palm of the Great Mohammed and the handwriting of the Great Compassion of Nine Forms collided together, and a powerful force swept through, making the space extremely distorted and broken!

Yun He, who was watching the battle, retreated immediately, fearing that Yu Wei would spread it, and the sneer in the corner of his mouth became more intense.

Going around with such a strong hand, and going to make a hard connection for yourself, you will definitely be injured, and the boy should fall to the ground now.

Falling to the ground?

That is impossible.

When the dust ended, the space gradually recovered.

I only saw Yun Feiyang proudly on the ground, even though the ground at his feet had shattered, he still stood upright.

"how is this possible!"

Yun He's eyes widened.


It was at this time that Yun Feiyang stepped on the crossing of the cloud, retreated to the rear, and left a message: "Here we are here today, we will fight again in another day!"

"Brush! Brush!"

The voice has fallen, and others have completely disappeared into view.

Yunhe hurriedly said: "Brother, he ran again!"

Yun Yuan didn't chase it, because he was squeezing the boiling blood in his body and secretly startled: "This guy's understanding of the handprint of great compassion is really terrifying!"

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