Super God

Chapter 2345: Is this the end?

   Warrior breaks from the half immortal to the quasi immortal, and will disturb the Heavenly Dao, thereby lowering the thunder. The first is to test, the second is to temper the flesh.

  However, after the formation of Wansheng Didan, it also had to withstand thunder, which is really surprising.

  Yun Feiyang now has no time for accidents, because there is a large thunder cloud above his head, and it is possible to come down at any time!


   twitched at the corner of his mouth: "I am implicated in immortality?"

   This is the rule of heaven, so **** it!


   Suddenly, in the rolling clouds, four dazzling thunder tribulations erupted, respectively attacking the three hallowed emperors and Yun Feiyang.

"I go!"

   "Thunderbolt so strong!"

   Feeling the thunder tribulation carrying the power of horrible heaven, Luo Mu and Yunli and others suddenly opened their eyes.

   They have experienced thunder robbery, but have never seen such a strong one!

   Made from three hallowed emperor emperors, the quality is far stronger than the quasi-centenary. The thunder robbery brewed in the thunder cloud is extremely powerful and natural terror!

without any exaggeration.

   Even an ordinary emperor who has gone through such a terrifying thunder robbery can be frightened, let alone use his flesh to contend!

"Not bad."

   Yunfeiyang grinned.

  All these years, Aren has been growing up in the ring of fortune, and he is able to condense such a strong thunder, which makes him very surprised and gratified.

  Intensity of Thunder Tribulation represents the level of Heavenly Dao. The stronger the Thunder Tribulation, the stronger the Heavenly Dao.

  What are the benefits of Tiandaoqiang? That is to allow the plane of control to have thicker spatial barriers, and also greatly improved in level.

   As far as Aren condenses the power of Thunder Tribulation, the thickness of the space barrier formed by the Ring of Fortune and Flying God Realm has already far exceeded the real Martial God Territory.

  Although there is a certain distance from the ancient big domains such as Yunyu and Linyu, Guizai is still very young, and there is still a big increase in the upper limit!

of course.

  Aren was able to improve so fast, completely in exchange for hard work.

  Know that there are a large number of spirit soldiers in the ring of fortune, enjoying the excellent cultivation environment, the realm breaks through the thief fast, he is tired of thirsty thunder every day to consolidate thunder robbery.

  Under such endless work, it is strange that the condensed thunderbolt is not getting stronger and stronger.


   The thunder roared, imposing momentum!

   standing below the cloud fluttering, his eyes flashing and shiny.

   He stood on the spot, did not open the slightest defense, apparently intending to let the power of the heavens fall.

   "Feiyang Brother doesn't even open the Dao world!"


   Luo Mu, Yunli and others saw it, and immediately admired the five body cast.

   Change to be yourself, even if you go against the quasi-immortal thunder robbery, it will condense the Dao world in front of you.


   Suddenly, the thunder roared down, and the middle cloud flew.

  In that moment, a strong light rose in the ring of fortune, illuminating the world, making it difficult to open your eyes.


   The power of the powerful heavenly prestige came out, like a roaring craziness with an ancient fierce beast.

   Luo Mu and others twitched violently at the corners of their mouths. If there was a thunderstorm just now, if there was one on him, there would be only one in the end.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   It was at this time that another loud noise came again and again.

  The three flying Saint Emperor Dans also withstood the thunderstorm bombardment, and the stronger power of Tianwei burst out.

   Any creature in the ring of fortune, heard the loud noise and saw the dazzling white awn, all trembling, all frightened secretly: "What a powerful thunderbolt this is!"

   Lei Jie is very strong.

   However, Yun Feiyang is also very strong.

   At this moment, he stood on the spot, letting the violent power of Tianwei wreak havoc all over his body, but a smile appeared on his face.

  After the ancient immortal fire refining, Yun Feiyang flesh reached the extreme, withstand a powerful thunder bombardment, there is no feeling at all!

   The breath dissipated, and everyone saw him standing in the same place without being hurt at all, and the rest of his heart was only admired!

   "Boo! Boo! Boo!"

   In the sky, the three hallowed emperor emperors that were bombarded by thunder disaster were also unharmed. They dragged the dazzling light and flew down, falling neatly into the Baicao Dan furnace.


  The condensed black cloud began to collapse.

   Until it disappeared, the dark world regained its grandeur again, as if nothing had happened before.

   "This is over?"

  Yun Fei said.

  Arendao: "Master, it's over."

   Yunfei Yang shook his head and said, "I thought it would withstand many thunder bombs, but it was only once."


   Aren is speechless.

   It would like to condense more thunder robbers to bombard, but the current strength can only condense the four thunder robbers above the emperor.

   Yun Feiyang walked to the Dan furnace, gently waved his hands, and the three hallowed emperor emperors who had successfully completed the robbery rolled into the bowl, and the whole body shone with colorful lights.

   It seems that because of the resistance to thunder and calamity, the surface of the elixir is shrouded in a sacred breath, which does not feel like a fandan, but a real pill or even an elixir!


  Qiu Yi walked over the water and looked at the elixir with divine breath, saying: "From the perspective of luster and breath, the quality of these three elixirs seems to be higher than the two you got in the tomb."

   "Not bad."

   Yun Feiyang agreed.

   said, opening the dark box, I saw thirty hallowed emperor emperors that also contained a divine atmosphere rolled out. ,

   Judging from the breath, these immortals copied on the basis of the immortality function have inherited the extremely high quality of the three immortals even though they have not suffered thunder disaster.


  Yun Feiyang placed Wan Sheng Di Dan in the Dan bottle and grinned: "This period of painstaking refining is not a waste."

   Five refinings, four failures, one success, condensing thirty-three Holy Emperor Pills.

   This is not a waste, this is a big profit!


  Pill medicine is refined, Yun Feiyang did not continue to refine the remaining herbs, but found Xuanyuan Wentian, and gave him a hallowed Emperor Dan.

  Two of the halloween emperor dans obtained at the One of them was prepared for this senior, but only later changed the Hongmeng picture scroll from the undefeated hand of the prince with the medicine.

  Now it's made from Pill Medicine, Yun Feiyang naturally wants to ask Xuanyuan for the first time, because only he has broken through to the peak emperor level.

   "Can that guy break through?"


   "Brother Feiyang just ate a halloween emperor emperor and broke from the peak emperor level!"

   Luo Mu, Yunli and others squatted outside to discuss.

  At the moment, they are waiting for Xuanyuan to ask whether they can break through the emperor after taking the panacea.


   Suddenly, a tremendous momentum of promotion emerged from the formation, and instantly spread to the entire ring of fortune.

   That kind of momentum was very powerful, which made Luo Mu and other people's expressions changed, and then he was overjoyed: "I want to break through the emperor!"

   After a long period of breath, he began to be introverted and restrained. It didn't take long for him to see Xuanyuanwentian turned into a streamer and flew out of the array. He was suspended in the air, feeling stronger, and his eyes flashing and excited.

   Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Congratulations to the seniors, achievement of Xiaodao Xuanxian!"



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