Super God

Chapter 2356: Tian Ruoqi's oath, not to marry for life

One quarter of an hour?

  Solve us?

  The king of the league, who heard the words, sneered.

   There is no denying that this child kills the Iron Eagle King, his strength is a bit strong, but we have more than a dozen emperors, how can he stand alone?

  Under normal circumstances, there must be no drama to face a dozen emperors alone.

   But Yunfeiyang is different.

   His strength is not weaker than that of the clan chiefs, and he really did not take these big warriors into his eyes.


  Hefa old man ordered.



  In a moment, more than a dozen warriors of the League of Kings came from four directions, and the power of the powerful law continued to erupt, and the space was shattered.

   There is no plane blessed by heaven, although the space barrier still has a thickness, but it is difficult to withstand the pressure of power.


  Dozens of forces came from all directions, all like roaring ancient fierce beasts.

  Yun Feiyang smiled disdainfully, and then stepped out in the void, and the right fist suddenly came out, forming the purest power.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  In an instant, the forces from different positions were all crushed.

"how is this possible!"

   The warriors of the Great King League saw this, and they were suddenly confused.


   It was at this time that Yun Fei appeared in front of the two warriors, spreading his arms outstretched, buckling them on their necks, and said coldly, "You can die."

   "Boom! Boom!"

   Above the two emperors of the Great King League, there was no struggle, even no painful explosion, and the flesh fluttered in the sky.


   Others took a breath.

  The power above the second kill Emperor in the hands raised them in shock.

   Of course, some people didn't have much time to tremble, because Yun Feiyang, like the **** of death, appeared again behind the two warriors and pinched it into a blood rain with strong strength.

   The four emperors fell instantly.

   Such an explosive strength, fiercely cracked down on the heart of the warrior.

   and let them really realize that this stranger who has just entered the field of Huaxing is extraordinary!


   Yun Feiyang appeared again, with his hands protruding, and the strong soul power differentiated into four ways, binding the four members, and said lightly: "It is unbearable."


   Under the soul erosion, the four emperors of the Great King League screamed in pain, thinking and understanding of the sea became extremely chaotic, and suffered from **** torture again and again.

  Hefa old man realized that it was not good and panicked: "Withdraw! Withdraw! Withdraw!"


   The voice just fell, and the powerful Taoism permeated, forming the Tao boundary, and covering all the surrounding space.

   Those warriors who turned around and fled, were caught off guard and bumped into the Dao Realm and were bounced back fiercely.


  Yun Feiyang held his fist and smiled evilly, "Since it's here, how can I go back again."


   Everyone was shocked and backed away.



   Not much time later, the Dao Realm that enveloped that area disappeared, and Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi flew out of it.

  As for the more than ten emperors in the Great League, four were bombarded on the spot, and the rest were either tortured by the soul or bruised all over.

   On the road.

  Tian Ruoqi asked: "Why didn't you kill them all?"

   Yunfei Yang shook his head and said, "I have no hobby of killing."

   Tian Ruoqi is silent.

   You have no hobby of killing people, but the method of killing the emperors just now is also quite brutal and quite decisive.


   Foundation City.

   A small-scale city in the Starfield.

   Yunfeiyang and Tian Ruoqi floated in and found an inn.

   The King League seemed to realize that this young man was powerful and no longer sent people to trouble.

   "How to find the Blood Hall branch?"

  After entering the room, Tian Ruoqi asked.

  Yun Feiyang stretched his lazy waist and said, "I have sent someone to investigate, there should be news soon."


   Tian Ruoqi responded, seeing that he was sleepy, and got up and left.

   Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Don't forget, we are pretending to be husband and wife now, preferably in a room, otherwise it will cause life doubt."


   Tian Ruoqi stopped.

  Yun Feiyang quipped: "Tian patriarch, Yun's performance during this period should be good, don't you consider it?"

   "What to consider?"

   "Marry me, be my woman."


  Hundred Yuan Qiankun's sword cut directly.

  Yun Feiyang lightly gripped the blade with **** and grinned: "Heaven Patriarch is excited again."


  Tian Ruoqi withdrew the sword and said coldly: "Yun Feiyang, remember, I am the Patriarch of the Tianyi clan, and you are only the third generation of the cloud domain."

   Yun Feiyang rubbed his fingers and smiled: "The meaning of the patriarch, I can't be worthy of your clan leader?"

"if not?"

  Tian Ruoqi said coldly.

  Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Heavenly Patriarch, although Yun is a three-in-law, but he is an elder with real power in Yunyu."

   "Elder? Are you?"

   Tian Ruoqi smiled disdainfully.

  In her opinion, as long as one or two generations are still in office, the three generations are only juniors, and they are simply not eligible to inherit the position of elders.

  Yun Fei said: "Unbelieve?"

  Tian Ruoqi firmly said: "Unbelief."

   Yunfeiyang leaned over to keep a close distance with her and smiled: "Shall we make a bet? If I am an elder, you will marry me, if not, I will marry you."

   Tian Ruoqi said coldly: "I marry you, you marry me, is there a difference?"

   "There is a difference."

  Yun Fei said: "If you marry me, you will have to obey your husband's orders. If I marry you, naturally everything will listen to you."

   Tian Ruoqi said lightly: "Not interested."

   is not not gambling, is not wanting to use his marriage as a bet, even if he marries him, or he marries himself.


  Yun Fei said.

  Tian Ruoqi said lightly: "I took the oath to the ancestors and fathers after inheriting the position of patriarch, not to marry for life."

   Yunfei was speechless.

   Such a beautiful woman makes the oath of not marrying for life, which is not fair to men.

  Tian Ruoqi still did not gamble with Yunfei.

   There is no doubt that this is a very wise choice. After all, the guy can fly the waist card representing the identity of the elder with the help of the ring of fortune.


  Poisonous scorpion and Yu Qingwu started intelligence gathering, and within a few days, they determined that there was no suspicious place in the city.

   Yunfeiyang didn't make a Tian Ruoqi to a bigger city.

   Half a month later.

  The two came to the main city of the city, Star City.

  The scale of Huaxing City is not small, and it is also very chaotic.

   On the street, if you look at me unhappy, I think you are unhappy, it may become a big shot.

   Yun Fei, who had just come in, smelled a faint gloomy air in the air, and secretly said: "Blood Palace branch should be here."

   He first placed Tian Ruoqi in the inn, then disguised as a dress, turned into Guan Shanba again, and released the blood of the blood refining family a little, hoping to attract the attention of the Blood Palace branch.

   Sure enough.

  When the black people were still at night, several black shadows fell on the roof and issued a weird secret signal.

   Yunfeiyang smiled and responded with a blood spell.



   Several men in black flew away.

   Yunfei jumped up the window to keep up, and quickly fell into the dark alley.


  Hearty laughter came from the dark: "Brother Guan, it really is you!"



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