Super God

Chapter 2365: Battle of destiny, confrontation of souls!

   Participants on the scene, even the Blood Palace, did not want Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu to be undefeated in the fourth round.

  After the number plate extraction, the two were divided into opponents, which everyone would be happy to see.


   Tian Ruoqi Liu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

   The strength of the young man carrying the blood sword is unpredictable. Even though Yun Feiyang can win him, he is afraid to pay a certain price, which is very unfavorable for the future competition.

Can    win?

  Yun Feiyang is not considering this issue now.

  He is thinking about whether I can let myself be unbeaten if I'm undefeated!

   Three matches, the opponent is too weak, not even warming up, this competition is not meaningful to Yun Feiyang.

   He longed for high-spec battles and longing for powerful opponents.

   As an enemy of fate, and once again confronted many times, I should not let myself down if I was undefeated.

  Yun Feiyang's thoughts became more and more excited, and his eyes flickered with hot flames.

   This product also has plans for the Blood Palace, but in the face of battle, it has become less important. After all, the name of the God of War is not obtained for nothing.

  The same is true of Lao Tzu's undefeated.

   He forgot that he was going to target the Blood Palace, but he was very much looking forward to the next battle.

  The two militants met in the fourth round, and a splendid match was frightened.


   "The fourth round of competition, open!"

  The head of the Huaxing School shouted, officially kicking off the fourth round of the competition.

   "Brush! Brush!"

   Many contestants took the stage one after another.

   Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu also came to the Bidou ring, separated by several feet from each other, their eyes flashed hot, and the whole body was shrouded in gurgling fighting.


   Two different breaths are intertwined to produce a fierce confrontation, instantly making the surrounding air extremely suppressed.

   Participants preparing to fight were disturbed by the breath, and they immediately felt more pressure, and their faces became more difficult to look.

"Oh my God!"

   "Is it so strong just by confrontation with breath?"

   "The confrontation between the two, I am afraid it is very fierce!"

   Many strong men felt their breath and argued one after another.

   Participants in depressed spaces are depressed. After all, they are so disturbed. How can they compete?

   even worried that if they fight, will the power they release affect themselves?

  The head of the Huaxing School also realized that the confrontation between the two young men would be fierce, and announced immediately: "The other participants will retreat and wait for the two of them to win and lose!"

   "Brush! Brush!"

   The voice just fell, and the contestants withdrew.

   "The host."

  Eighteen Bloodspeaker said: "The strength of these two people at the headquarters is not easy!"

   Blood eleven looks dignified: "So to deal with them, we still have to count on the Venerable Lord, we are going to die."


   Yunfeiyang and Lao Tzu are undefeated. This pair of fateful enemies has not yet started. Just by breathing against each other, the appearance of many warriors has changed greatly, showing how tough they are.

   The warrior watching was excited and excited.

   They are very much looking forward to, once the two meet, how exciting the battle can be staged?

   The more you look forward, the more you will concentrate on watching.

  However, what made everyone collapse was that after Yun Feiyang and Lao Zi came to power undefeatedly, they were always fighting with breath, and there was no sign of hands-on.

   Wonderful battles need to be brewed.

   Wait, wait.

   Many warriors comforted themselves. However, when the two stood on the ring for half an hour, they were still fighting against each other with breath, and suddenly became messy in the wind.


   You guys fight!

   Looking at each other like this, what's the point!

   Many people are anxious.

   But the real strongman is still intently watching, especially judging from the emergence of the breath, although the two have not started at the moment, they have launched the most fierce battle!

   And this kind of battle is a deep confrontation of souls.

   True strength competition, strength confrontation is a part, and soul confrontation is also a part. The former can be seen with the naked eye, which can bring visual enjoyment, while the latter cannot be seen, and can only be felt from the breath.


  Compared with the fighting platform, the two unseen soul forces are like two ancient fierce beasts fighting madly and colliding madly.

The change brought by    is that the space becomes heavier and more depressed.


   Suddenly, the slate cracked.

   "Boo! Boo!"

   Pieces of rubble hung up and turned into powder under the squeeze of terror.

   "Kaka Kaka--"

In an instant, more stone slabs than on the bucket platform shattered, suspended with the pressure, and then extinguished into powder.

   The ordinary martial arts looked at the fog, and the real strong people looked at it with horror, and secretly thought, if someone breaks into the ring, the end will be miserable.

   Yun Feiyang's soul is very strong, Tian Ruoqi knows, but what he didn't expect is that the man in black won't go down against him!

   "It turns out that there are really young people in this world who are as evil as that guy."

   Tian Ruoqi secretly sighed.


   Yunfeiyang and Lao Tzu's undefeated soul confronted each other, but it shattered the floor and did not bring a pleasing battle, which made many warriors feel bored.

  However, the expression on the face of the contestant who watched the game changed from time to time.

   They are deeply aware that their soul power will explode into a **** compared to either of them.

  Thanks to the match between the two ahead of time, they have to decide the winner in the fourth round.

   Otherwise, how to win if you meet them!

   Yunfeiyang and Lao Tzu's undefeated strength shocked the participants.

   The two met in advance, and also let them see the hope. After all, they wanted to win or lose. Inevitably, they will be consumed even if they enter the next round.

Is that right?

   This is theoretically true.

   But the theory is the theory after all, and it's hard to say everything when it comes to people like Yun Feiyang who don't follow common sense.

   Not to mention, it is not unusual for Lao Tzu to be undefeated.


  Compared with the fighting souls of the two people continue to strengthen, stirring the space and forming a gust of wind.

   And this kind of confrontation lasted only half an hour before it began to converge.

  After calm and calm, Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu stepped back two steps each, looking at each other with a smile.

  Tian Ruoqi said: "There is no difference."


  The soul contest of an hour ago, the two of them have no one to help, no one has occupied even a little weak advantage.


   Lao Tzu raised his hand undefeated lightly, the blood sword came out of the sheath, revealing a dark and bloodthirsty breath, and said: "In the past, the battle of the Immortal Emperor defeated you by half a move, and I will get it back today."

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  In an instant, countless blood-red sword shadows spread out, like a peacock opening screen, which is more full of strong sword intentions than in the battlefield!

   Realm of Six Thousand Swords?

   Judging from the momentum, it seems to be stronger than in the battle of the immortal emperor.

   Yun Feiyang smiled faintly, his right hand spread out, and the Hunyuan Qiankun sword emerged from the void, flashing a cold and proud sword.



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