Super God

Chapter 2376: This is life


Without the longevity bell, Yun Feiyang will definitely die of the three of them.

To be precise, without the defense of them and the women together, even if there is a defensive treasure, it can't be carried at all.

This is really what Lao Li thought, a miracle staged in adversity!

The three of Yun Feiyang turned to danger, but His Holiness was very tragic, because at this moment, he had already flown far, and the sword spirit behind his buttocks was still chasing after him.

Worthy of being a top-notch Xiaoxuan Xian, in the face of that powerful sword spirit, he can still struggle and escape so far.

To be honest, the surviving warriors in Huaxing Realm really want to thank the Venerable Master, because he escaped and opened the distance, avoiding Yu Wei's fourth spread.


In the end, the Venerable Lord still failed to escape, and was deafened by the defensive blast of the sword with greater power.

"Boom! Boom!"

The powerful energy ripples spread wildly. Because they are far away from the area where the star field is located, when they float, the power is already quite weak.

Yun Feiyang heard the movement and turned to look at the gleaming light and gas waves in the distant universe. He said: "He is alone against the sword qi, even if he does not die, he will have to lose his skin."


After being bombarded with sword qi, Great Venerable flew out of the qi wave with blood, and his sharp eyes became extremely weak.

That quarter of the sword qi carried more power than Yun Feiyang's three sword qi, which directly damaged his meridians.

Li Lao was quite surprised and said: "It is still alive!"

In exchange for him to endure the fierce sword energy alone, the result is death on the spot.


His Holiness dragged his incomplete body and flew toward the universe.

At this time, he was seriously injured and had to be rehabilitated as soon as possible. He couldn't care about catching Yun Feiyang and Lao Tzu undefeated.

"He is going to run!"

Tian Ruoqi eagerly said.

The blood palace strong person is seriously injured, is definitely a good opportunity to start, can not be wasted.

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, the truth is that Yun Yun is flying, but he can only hang in the starry sky and watch His Holiness escape.

Blessing Changsheng Zhong to resist the three sword qi has been exhausted, and stabilized his body without planting, which is already very good.

The same is true of Lao Tzu's undefeated.

At this moment, they are like crumbling candlesticks, which can blow out the little flames that persist when a gust of wind blows.

His Holiness was bombed by Jian Qi and was seriously wounded. It was such a pity that he missed such a good mobile phone session.


No one would have thought that just after the contest, a high-profile competition was staged.

No one would have imagined that the vast star field would be torn apart in the universe.

this day.

Doomed to be extraordinary, destined to be remembered by warriors.

The surviving martial artists in Huaxingyu will remember Yun Feiyang, I will be undefeated, I will remember Tian Ruoqi, I will remember Venerable Master, and I will remember the sudden appearance of Jian Qi.

The historical record is like this.

Million years ago, a Daoxuan Xuanxian passed the Huaxing Realm, and the sword cut the heavenly path, and the sword gas remained in the deep void.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, Yun Feiyang, three people and the Blood Palace Lord, fought out the sword gas in the deep void, which eventually led to the collapse of the Star Field and tens of millions of casualties.

to be frank.

The most injustice is the Huaxing Warrior.

They had been happily holding contests, who had thought that things would go to the end, and their home was gone!

The head of the Huaxing School and other powerful warriors stood in sorrow in front of the broken position for more than half a month, and they never thought of leaving.

Home is here.

Where else can I go?


Li Lao secretly sighed.

A big plane is gone, it is absolutely painful for the warrior who has lived here all the year round.

Whose fault?

Speaking carefully, Venerable Master can't escape the relationship, and Yun Feiyang and Lao Zi can't escape the relationship either.

If they don't fight here, and will not release their strong sword intentions, they will certainly not pull out the sword spirit of the void, and tens of millions of creatures will not be killed.

After recovering from the injury, Yun Feiyang emerged from the ring of fortune, and apologized: "I'm sorry, but you lost your home."


The head of Huaxing School sighed: "This is life."

Previously, he was annoyed by Yun Feiyang, annoyed by Lao Tzu's undefeated, but gradually realized that this kind of thing happened by no means their intention, nor by their control.

"Head of Song."

Yun Fei Yang said: "Yun knows a good plane that can accommodate you to turn the stars into the universe, are you interested in going there?"


Song head asked.

Yun Fei said: "If you believe Yunmou, you can relax your mind and I will take you there."


Song head hesitated.

The warriors of the three tribes and four alliances of the two races were also alert.

Relaxing the mind is tantamount to opening the soul completely, which is a taboo!

Seeing that they were in conflict, Yun Feiyang took out the faucet order and said, "This faucet now orders you to relax your mind. Who dares not follow?"

"Dare not follow!"

Song Master and many warriors were in unison, and calmly relaxed their minds.

Although there are no rules for Huaxingyu, since there are contests, leading and leading orders, all forces will still obey. This is the bottom line they cannot touch.

"Boo! Boo!"

Yun Feiyang's thoughts moved all the incomes of the martial arts forces of the large and small sect forces in the universe.

To be honest, it is also a shame that a large domain has decided to put these homeless people into a ring of income because of their own demise.

"Lao Li?"

Zhu Zhen stunned: "They are all gone?"

Li Lao Ning solemnly said: "It seems that this cloud domain is a very large storage treasure that can hold creatures."

Why is it very large?

Because, the number of Martial Star Warriors received by Yun Feiyang are all measured in billions!

As for the head of the Huaxing School and others who entered the ring of creation and felt the rich attributes and morals, the shock and excitement that emerged are not much described, because this can at least write a chapter.


Yun Feiyang recovered from his It didn't take long for Lao Tzu's undefeated and Tian Ruoqi to recover, and the former left without saying anything, while the latter said: "Go to chasing Venerable Master, he must not have gone far!"

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said: "This person may not have any secret method, even if we catch up, we may not be able to take his life."

Tian Ruoqi said: "What next?"

Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "You can only take one step and watch one step."


Tian Ruoqi responded and stopped talking.

Yun Feiyang looked into the void, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A deserted plane.

Blood Eighteen and the members of the Blood Palace who fled before the plane collapsed were hovering anxiously in front of the Blood Light Array.

"Vice host."

One of the men said nervously: "Hey Venerable, will he be alright!"

"Sovereign Lord is powerful, certainly nothing!"

Eighteen blood.


The men looked around and said, "Vice host, what about Guan Shanba?"

Bloody Eighteen said: "I ordered him to go out and send a whistle. Once Yunfeiyang and Tianyi Patriarch were found, they would send us secret codes."

"So it turns out."

His entourage suddenly realized, but said with a bitter face: "The host fell, and the branch was gone. Will the headquarters blame?"

Bloody Eighteen Ways: "If you blame, the Supreme Lord will not call us."

The Star Zone collapsed, and he and his men flew out. When he was helpless, His Holiness sent a voice to let the big guy come here, and told him to bring Guan Shanba.

At that time, Blood Eighteen understood that even if the Venerable was seriously injured, he would not forget to take Brother Guan to the headquarters, and he should not be held accountable if he was there.


During thought, pain and screams came from the **** array, and the sound was horrifying and horrifying!

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