Super God

Chapter 2382: Be destined

If the secret realm in the universe is ranked, the first will undoubtedly be the realm of Hongmeng, the second is the realm of blood, and the third is the realm of dry glory.

It is said that this dry and glorious state was once developed by a Buddhist monk, and it is also the only unnatural secret place in the universe.

After opening the secret area, the Buddhist monk planted eight **** trees, four of which were lush and glorious, and the other four were withered and withered, which was called four withered and four glory.

Withered and glorious, so named.

According to legend, if someone gets the tree of four withers and four glory, and realizes the mysteries, they can stand up and become Buddhas.

of course.

This is just legend.

What the warriors really care about is that the territory of Kurong was influenced by eight **** trees, and many tree species were born.

In the historical records of the Tianyi tribe, the ancestors of the Tianyi tribe once discovered Dadao Tree here.

"Sure enough, there are trees!"

Yun Feiyang was overjoyed.

After determining the location of Ku Rong Realm, he decided to leave.

Seedlings millions of years ago and today, millions of years later, if they are not taken away by others, they must have blossomed!

When he was about to set off, Tian Ruoqi said solemnly: "Although Ku Rong's realm was developed by Buddhist monks, but after our ancestors came out, they did not plan to enter the second time."


Yun Feiyang said in amazement.

Tian Ruoqi said: "Because it is too dangerous."


Yun Feiyang's mouth twitched.

The ancestors of the Tianyi tribe were absolutely the same as the ancestors of the cloud domain. They dared not go in for the second time. How dangerous is the state of withering and glory.

Tian Ruoqi continued to pour cold water: "As far as I know, since the ancient times, there have been no fewer than ten million warriors in it, and less than ten people can live out!"

"So scary?"

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened.

Tian Ruoqi said: "Every tree in Ku Rong's territory, especially Siku Sirong, has ancient fierce beasts guarding it, not to mention the emperor, even the top emperor, there is no return."

"Listening to you, I dare not go."

Yun Fei said.

Tian Ruoqi said: "If you don't go to the best, the secret realm created by the Buddhist monks is not for my generation to set foot on."


Yun Feiyang was silent.

However, with his character, since he knows the existence and location of Avenue Tree, is it possible to be so indifferent?

Obviously, impossible.

After weighing it again and again, he decided-go!

Not to mention that for the sake of trees, even if you meet the world, you can see the four withers and four glory.

What's more, there are ancient fierce beasts.

Yun Dachen is just like to die, that is, he likes to insulate himself.

Ruoqi knew that he was going to go that day, it was too late, because the guy left the credo of ‘I’ll go when I went,’ and the man left Tianyi by flying treasure car.

"Damn fellow."

Tian Ruoqi pinched the creed in his hand and said, "It must have gone to the state of withering glory!"

The woman gave the elder the things in the clan, and then fluttered her wings, chasing towards the direction where Yun Feiyang left.

When the Great God of Yun was searching for the immortal fire of the ancient times, Tian Ruoqi did not follow, because in her view, entering the deep void was at least not life-threatening.

This dry and glorious situation is dangerous, and you must follow it, because if the military division has any accidents, how can you fight against the blood palace!

"Withering glory?"

Lao Tzu, who was in the dark starry sky, was undefeated, his eyes cold and said: "Is that guy looking for death?"


Turned into a streamer, and flew toward the distant dry and glorious realm.

Yun Da cheap **** didn't tell Lao Tzu undefeated about going to the realm of dry glory, how did he know?


In the vast universe of the West, there is a region without boundaries.

The so-called zone without domains means that there is no domain-level plane in the vast starry sky, and at most it is scattered with the world and the land of ordinary dust.

It's strange.

Even the horns in the universe will have domains of different sizes. Why don't they go westward?

Because Ku Rong Realm is located in the West, since it was developed, it has absorbed the essence of the surroundings, thereby inhibiting the formation of the domain.

For example, Yun Feiyang has just passed by, the scale is not too small, according to the laws of the universe, silent development, sooner or later will achieve a large territory.

However, close to the realm of Ku Rong, it is impossible to compete with the former for the essence contained in the universe.

A mysterious realm restricts the laws of the universe, how powerful this is.


Yun Feiyang traveled very fast in a flying treasure car.

However, there is still a certain distance from Ku Rong's realm, but I can feel the faint Buddhist spirit emerging in the West.

The purple lotus fire in the body, after feeling the breath of Buddhism, began to be agitated, as if it was very excited and excited.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I'll be here soon."

After a few days.

The flying treasure car stopped in front of a vortex that revealed a strong buddhism, and this is the entrance to the dry and glorious realm.

Maybe this situation is too dangerous.

There were no warriors at the entrance, which seemed rather desolate.

Yun Feiyang made a ring of flying treasure car income and made a long breath, this is about to enter.


It was at this moment that Tian Ruoqi, who was at full speed, came from behind.

Yun Feiyang said in amazement: "How did she chase it?"

"Poop! Poop!"

Tian Ruoqi gradually slowed down the speed of his wings and fell in front of him. UU read the book and said solemnly, "I really want to go in?"

Worthy of the famous race.

Yun Feiyang hurried away for a while, and just came to the entrance of the secret realm, she came over from behind.


"Go in."

Now that we are here, we must go in.

After much contact with him, Tian Ruoqi had an understanding of his character and said, "I will go with you."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Is concerned about me, afraid of encountering danger? It seems that during this period of cooperation, you and I have established a feeling of friendship beyond friendship."

Tian Ruoqi gave him a white look and said, "I'm just afraid that you are dead and I can't deal with the Blood Palace."


Yun Feiyang shrugged and said, "I am passionate."


Don't question, it's proper.

Since Tian Ruoqi wants to accompany him, Yun Feiyang won't stop him.

The two paused a little, and they were about to enter the state of dry glory at the beginning, but they just lifted their feet, but then they stopped and looked back together.

In that dark universe, Lao Tzu is wearing an undefeated hat, with a blood sword on his back walking step by step in the void, and said, "Why are you looking for the Avenue Tree?"

Tian Ruoqi secretly said: "How does he know?"

Yun Feiyang didn't seem to be surprised by Lao Tzu's undefeated appearance, and said with a smile: "Of course, in order to find the fruit of the road, and to unite the Dao body."

Lao Tzu undefeatedly said: "This realm of withering glory is extremely dangerous. Are you afraid that you will die?"

"It's your destiny."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Lao Tzu has come over undefeated and said coldly: "What are you waiting for, go in."

As soon as the voice fell, first merge into the whirlpool.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and took Tian Ruoqi one after another into Ku Rong's realm.

As for why Lao Tzu is undefeated, he knows that he is looking for Dadaoshu and will come to the state of withering glory. He probably guessed that it should be related to the soul jade seal he wore.

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