Super God

Chapter 2399: Grab the fruit!

Because he avoided his edge and chose to retreat, let Xie seize the opportunity to launch a crazy attack, and the three Yunfei Yang suddenly fell into absolute passiveness.

Master matchup, pay attention to details.

A slight negligence may be fatal, which will affect the battle situation.


After avoiding the tail attack, Yun Fei Yang solemnly said: "If you fight like this, you will only become more and more passive, and you must find a way to fight back!"

"How to fight back?"

Tian Ruoqi resisted with difficulty.

Yun Feiyang's eyeballs kept turning, blinking and shining, and put his gaze on the Avenue Tree, saying: "You hold it!"


During the speech, stepping on the cloud walk, bypassed from the side, flew to the Avenue Tree, and aimed at a Avenue Fruit.

"This guy……"

Tian Ruoqi's mouth twitched slightly.

Leave two of you and one to get the fruit, so let's ignore the overall situation!

The reason why they can contend with it is because of cooperation. If there is any one less, to face this king-level ancient beast, it is impossible.

Yun Feiyang wasn't for the sake of great achievements, he wanted to distract the fierce beast.

as predicted.

When he was about to approach the Avenue Tree and the Avenue Fruit, Xuan suddenly turned around and waved five tails fiercely.

As a guardian beast of the Avenue Tree, how can we tolerate others to pick up the fruits under their eyes!


The five tails were like big iron rods falling from the sky. They were pressed down hard, which caused Yun Feiyang to **** air, and stepped back across the cloud.

Although it was difficult to avoid, he was shocked by the cold sweat. After all, he was hit by five tails, and the end of the game was absolutely fatal.



Just as Yun Feiyang evaded, the undefeated Lao Tzu and Tian Ruoqi each released their moves, and immediately attacked, changing from passive to active.


The roar roared loudly, and was about to fight back, but when he saw the human in the distance, he once again showed his body and flew towards the Avenue Tree, only to gather his mind on him.

"Boom! Boom!"

It was at this time that nine thousand sword shadows and large destruction were blasted on one of its tails. Perhaps the long-term attack had been effective, cutting out a series of subtle scars.

"There is a play!"

Yun Fei was overjoyed.

Although it is only a light scar, it can at least prove that this ancient beast is not a copper wall and an iron wall. As long as you continue to attack, you can still hurt the body!


When thinking about it, the angry 狰 had twitched four tails and slammed it down.

Yun Feiyang avoided his edge and continued to back away, shouting, "I have been attacking the damaged tail, and I will grab the fruit!"

These words are not only for Lao Tzu's undefeated and Tian Ruoqi, but also for Xun.

Sure enough, the king-level beast that guards the Avenue Tree, although knowing that there are two humans behind, can only focus most of his energy on Yun Feiyang, for fear that he will take the Avenue Fruit.

"Boom! Boom!"

The Nine Thousand Sword Shadows and the Demolition Surge came again.

The powerful force hit the already injured tail, causing more damage, and the pain spread in the body of Xuan.


It roared angrily, his eyes flashing with anger.

However, with such a slight distraction, Yun Feiyang once again showed his way across the cloud and rushed towards Dadaoshu.

Xuan naturally couldn't watch, so he waved his tail again to attack.


Seeing the bad situation, Yun Dache God withdrew again.

Lao Tzu undefeated and Tian Ruoqi condensed the move again, blasting on that tail, and immediately produced deeper scars, blood rushing and flowing.

One is tempting, and the other is attacking. If there is no gain, then hell.

Yunfei Yang, who tasted the sweetness, could not stop there, taking advantage of Xun's injury, and rushed towards Dadao Tree again, and when the other party attacked, he retreated early again.

that's it.

Yun Feiyang is responsible for temptation. Lao Tzu is undefeated and Tian Ruoqi takes the opportunity to attack at the back, which makes Xie Doppelganger inexperienced and becomes absolutely passive.

A quarter of an hour later, after being subjected to their violent bombing, the tail of this king-class ancient fierce beast was cut with scars and **** flesh.

The tail is the strongest point of attack, and it is also the key point. It hurts one, and its power is greatly weakened.

Yun Feiyang is aware of this, so every time he pretends to pick the fruit, he sends a message to the undefeated Lao Tzu and Tian Ruoqi, asking them to attack another one.

The same routine is used on the martial arts that must protect the avenue tree. It is absolutely uncomfortable, so it didn't take long for the second tail to lose its combat effectiveness.

The most representative is that when Yun Feiyang tried to rush towards the Avenue Tree again, the power carried by the three tails was obviously weaker than before.

"Can resist it!"

Yun Feiyang did not retreat this time, but condensed Taoism, formed the Tao boundary in front of him, and greeted the bombardment of the three tails.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three tails carrying power directly blasted on the Dao realm. Although it was smashed, Yun Feiyang was also boiling blood, and it did not matter!

While the other party raised his tail again, he approached Dadao Tree, thought about it, enveloped a Daoguo fruit, and made a ring of his income!


This product, and get a great road fruit condensed Dao body!

Yun Feiyang is not satisfied, because there are still eight or nine trees in the tree.


It was at this time that three tails blasted over again, and Xian saw that he took the fruit, and his anger reached the extreme, so the power of carrying was stronger and faster!

"not good……"

Yun Feiyang was shocked, but it was also difficult to escape, and in the end, he could only quickly gather the Dao world to resist hard.

"Boom! Boom!"

The powerful three-tailed bombarded the enchantment again and smashed it. Yun Fei blew out a **** mouth and fled pale.

Take the fruit, how can you run!

Xuan raised his three tails again and flew towards Yunfei, which is bound to wipe out this human being directly.

It's a pity that it's hard to get what you want, because Lao Tzu's undefeated and Tian Ruoqi's moves have already struck, flying three tails and changing the bombing route.

Yun Fei, who barely avoided, secretly said: "It's dangerous, it's dangerous!"

The situation just now, if attacked again, the end will be extremely tragic.

"Don't be stunned!"

Lao Tzu said undefeatedly: "Let's hold it and hurry to get the fruit!"

He wanted to grab Dadaoguo first, but at this moment, he could only hold the rook and let Yunfei Yang get it.


Pressing the injury in his body, Yun Feiyang quickly approached Dadao Tree, Xian Nian moved, and instantly put the second Dadao fruit into his pocket.

Seeing that there was one less fruit, his eyes were about to burst, his eyes were painful, and he immediately attacked Yunfeiyang frantically, as if he had fallen into a runaway state.

It was definitely terrifying if it ran away at first, but now two of the five tails are damaged, and one is half damaged, which is far less powerful than before.

"Boom! Boom!"

Lao Tzu undefeated and Tian Ruoqi slammed again, and its third tail could not be kept, and finally languished.


Yun Feiyang once again seized the opportunity, approached the Avenue Tree, made the third Avenue Fruit a Ring of Nature, and then pulled away.

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