Super God

Chapter 2401: Withered Lord

Suddenly there was a strong buddha spirit in the Pure Land, which caused the two king-level ancient beasts to stop fighting and turned their heads to look around.

Withered and double trees.

Yun Feiyang sat quietly, and his whole body was gradually shrouded in Buddha's light, giving a hazy feeling, as if detached from the red dust, and jumped out of the five elements.

"This human..."

The golden-winged Dapeng bird exclaimed: "Enlighten all the dharma and four glory dharma?"

In the inheritance of memory, humans can reveal the light and breath that are so close to the Buddha, only the Buddhist monks who opened the secret realm!

Xuan also widened his eyes, his eyes flashing in shock.

Since the existence of Ku Rong Realm, many warriors have learned the Buddhism in the Double Trees, but no one has truly realized all of them!

Did the master do it today?

If this is the case, it is terrible!

"Boo! Boo!"

Suddenly, eight Buddha lights flew out of Yunfeiyang's body. They hovered over the sky, releasing some special breath, which caused the space to tremble violently.

"Boom! Boom!"

The ragged land is constantly rising, as if the stones fell into the lake and the ripples startled.

"this is……"

The golden-winged Dapeng bird looks dignified.

The energy fluctuations are turbulent, gradually infiltrating into its body, into the soul, and the mind and body are forcibly bound by a certain force!

Not only it, all ancient fierce beasts lurking in the pure land in the secret territory have this feeling as long as they are eroded by energy fluctuations.

At that moment, they seem to have no autonomy, and under the control of power, they can only stay in place and wait for the end.

Yun Feiyang, who always sat under the double trees, opened his eyes and said, "This secret realm will be controlled by Yunfei Yang from now on. Any fierce beasts in it, listen to my orders and must not be rebellious!"

The voice is thick and majestic.

After hearing the golden-winged Dapeng bird, although he wanted to resist, his strong thoughts in his heart drove it to obey this human being without any disobedience!

Is it a contract?

Not really.

The reason why the golden-winged Dapeng bird can't resist is to resist and can only follow. The reason why Yun Feiyang realized the meaning of the scriptures in the last one and one glory, so as to realize all.

Now he has eight kinds of scripture meaning, which is equal to the cornerstone of controlling the dry and glorious realm, and has become the master of this secret realm!

The ancient fierce beasts in the territory of withering, regardless of the king level or ordinary level, were born under the four withering and four honors, so if someone controls the secret realm, they must obey and serve unconditionally.

"Bash, bash!"

The golden-winged Dapeng bird withdrew its wings and landed in front of a pure land. It was restrained by strong thoughts, and finally lowered its noble head, respectfully said: "Follow the Lord's dispatch!"

Yun Feiyang, who has mastered the state of Kurong, has another identity, that is-Lord of Kurong!

And in the vast universe, the secret realm created by Buddhist monks, after countless years, ushered in a new master again!

"Brush! Brush!"

For a moment, hundreds of ancient fierce beasts in the inner circle left the pure land of the guard and appeared in front of the withered double trees, all worshipping the man in control of the secret realm.

The cloud surrounded by the beasts is flying like a king of beasts above.

"This guy……"

Tian Ruoqi looked at in shock and secretly said: "It really controlled the realm of Ku Rong!"

After entering Kurong's realm, she struggled with how to face an ancient fierce beast, and even how to get out.

Now is the time, the guy directly masters the secret realm and becomes the master, not to mention the danger, even if you want to leave immediately, it is also a breeze.


Yun Feiyang, who controlled the mysterious realm, the first thing to do is to call out the pictures of the gods and beasts, draw all the ancient fierce beasts on the scroll, and then sign the contract.

Although he became the master of Ku Rong and could control any ancient fierce beast at will, it is more reliable to sign a contract, not to mention, it can add a lot of fierce beasts to the catalog.


After all the souls of the beasts were incorporated into the scroll, Yun Feiyang withdrew the Divine Beast's catalog and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This time, he came to the realm of withering, obtained countless powerful ancient fierce beasts, and also obtained the entire secret realm. The various **** trees contained in the pure land can be used at will. Can you not laugh or be unhappy?

"Blood Palace."

Yun Fei Yang said: "When I get out, the show begins!"

With so many powerful ancient beasts, it is not his style to go out and do something.

Before the change, Yun Feiyang must have a big head in the face of Venerable Blood Hall, but now there are king-level ancient beasts, one can't beat it? Just send two, send more!

Yes Yes.

You are very strong!

But Laozi has many ancient beasts and is afraid of wool!


"Boo! Boo!"

Yun Feiyang and Tian Ruoqi flew out of the vortex of the dry and glorious land, and were in the universe starry sky.

This kind of secret realm second only to Hongmeng and the blood sea, even if the top emperor goes in and wants to come out, there will be no small difficulty, they can fly out easily, naturally because the big and cheap God has become the master of the secret realm.

"Can the Ku Rong Secret Realm earn the ring of fortune?"

Yun Feiyang secretly said.

"Try it."

When he thought about it, he did it. He moved his mind, communicated with Sikusi and Sirong, and then connected the rings of creation.

"call out--"

Suddenly The withering land of countless years of starry sky disappeared out of thin air, and finally appeared in the ring of creation.

In the starry sky, Lao Tzu's undefeated and confused appeared.

After obtaining Dadaoguo, he planned to leave the secret realm, but because the secret realm was too mysterious, he walked for a long time without finding an exit.

Fortunately, when Yun Feiyang took control of the secret realm and threw his income into the ring of chemistry, he was thrown out, otherwise the chance of trying to go out would certainly be small.

Lao Zi glanced around in confusion and found that Yun Fei was stunned, and then turned away blankly into a streamer.

Looking at the empty starry sky and the disappearing vortex, Tian Ruoqi looked dull and said: ""

There is a dry and glorious state in the starry sky, and it has entered the ring of fortune.

Since then, in the vast sky of the universe, no warrior can enter, and it is difficult to understand the Supreme Dharma.

"Let's go."

Yun Feiyang laughed.

Tian Ruoqi said: "How about your monk friend?"


Yun Feiyang laughed and said, "Still learning about Buddhism."

Faji is indeed enlightening Buddhism.

However, what he enlightened is far higher than Yun Feiyang. If he can truly comprehend from the four withering and four glory, he may be able to inherit the mantle of the high-level Buddhist monastery that opens up the secret realm.

It seems that the state of dry glory not only brought a lot of gains to Yun Feiyang, but also brought great opportunities to Francis.

As for the success, it also depends on his own Buddha's fate.

"Boo! Boo!"

The two streamers galloped and quickly disappeared into the vast stars.


"How empty?"

"I remember, this should be the entrance of Kurong Realm?"

Many warriors passing by discovered that this starry sky had no entrance to the dry and glorious realm, and they were all stunned.

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