Super God

Chapter 2445: Get rich

The waist tag unintentionally found on Song Yitian involved the Daoist old man, making Yun Feiyang realize that he should have picked up the treasure.

But he did not study it carefully, but turned the Taoist ring of income into income, and then looked at the two martial gods of the Daomeng League.

"Boom! Boom!"

In an instant, the two exploded and died.

Because it is not the mastermind's sake, it is only obliterated, and there is the possibility of reincarnation.

In other words, their infinite yearning can one day rise to the upper bounds, and now they not only come here, but also die here, and they are as expected.


Yun Feiyang waved with one hand and sucked the master of Tongmodian.

After ingesting memory, it was found that although the name of this door was evil, but apart from exterminating the Li family, it did nothing to lose its conscience, so it was abandoned and repaired.

"Puff, puff!"

The master of the Tongmodian and the two assistant masters knelt on the ground, thanking Dade and said: "Thank you for the grace of Shangxian not killing, thank you for the grace of Shangxian not killing!"


Taking Yunfei Yangxiu as a deed is indeed worthy.


He moved his mind and took everyone back to the Qingya mainland again, and sent it out of the Soul Valley.

"Thank you senior!"

Li Xingtian arched his hand and thanked him for nothing.

He knew that if it wasn't for the other party to appear, he would have been suffocated and killed.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Thank you, let's thank your granddaughter. If it weren't for her meal, I wouldn't come to help you."


Daoshan suddenly burst into holy flames and burned for three days and three days. The Daxian League in it, together with the high-level and thousands of disciples, were buried in flames.

So far.

First-class Xianzong delisted!

This is the record left by the young fairy world to future generations.

The sudden fire was also a difficult problem.

Over time.

Many warriors speculate that perhaps Daxianxianmeng was angered by heaven before being lowered to punishment by the flame.

There are also records of the Qingya mainland.

But the content is-one day, the Daomeng League burst into flames, the doormen died, and the Demon Palace announced its withdrawal from the rivers and lakes. Since then, one temple and one alliance have become history.

As for Li Xingtian, because the enemy is gone, he continued to hide in the source of the peach with his granddaughter, and has never appeared since.

Later, he realized heaven and earth, stepped above the God of War, broke through the shackles of space, soared to the Little Immortal Realm, and cultivated all the way to become a Heavenly Venerable Power.


Whenever I came to Dadaoshan, I looked at the untouched ruins, recalled the past, still shocked by the intrepidity of Yun Fei, still regarded as a **** above!

This is all for later, let's not talk about it.

Let's talk about Yunfeiyang.

After dealing with Daxianxianmeng, he took the girls away and returned to the higher universe. At the same time, he merged into the ring of fortune and carefully explored the Taoist order.


Xiannian was released and enveloped it.

Yun Feiyang runs the Daohua Sutra, easily penetrates it, and suddenly feels that a narrow space is filled with extremely vast Taoism.

Daoism also exists in the Daohuajing remnants, but in the end it is only the Daoism of the King of Heaven.

With his cultivation practice now, he must be disregarded.

However, the thirty-sixth of Daoist ideas differentiated by the Daoist old man are more magnificent than that, and even far from the countless spirit stones condensing the Daoist idea!

"Wealth, wealth."

Yun Feiyang was very excited.

Such a magnificent way of thinking, if it is refined into its own, there must be a great degree of improvement!


He immediately sat down and began to ingest.

In order to ingest the Taoism in the Taoist Order, the warrior must rely on the Taoist Taoist Classics, otherwise, even the top emperor can only hold it in his hands.


Time gradually passed.

A few months later, Yun Feiyang ingested all the Taoism in the Taoist Order, opened his eyes, and the Taoism flashing in his eyes became stronger.


He stood up and whispered: "No matter Xiao Dao Xuan Xian or Dao Xuan Xian, everything is inseparable from the word "Dao"."

Yun Feiyang once thought that he had a deep understanding of Tao, but now he ingests the Taoism of the Taoist old man, only to realize that he was just the tip of the iceberg.

"If you can find more Taoist orders and ingest the Taoist ideas, let alone a half-step breakthrough, even if you break through the Xuanxian Avenue, it should be very easy."

Yun Feiyang guessed.


He paused and said: "When the Taoist old man emerged, he walked around the universe with supreme magical powers. Perhaps there would be mortals, maybe there would be in the realm, how difficult it is to find."

"I can help you."

Liu Rou laughed.

Yun Feiyang said with joy: "Rouer, do you have a way?"

"of course."

Liu Rou used the dark Taoist order, saying: "As long as the formation method is used to stimulate this object, it should be easier to find."

"It makes sense."

Yun Fei raised his eyes.

The material of this kind of token for storing Daoism is not simple, and the entire universe is scarce. It is certainly not difficult to use this object to find other Daoist orders along the way.

"It's up to you."

Yun Fei said.


Liu Rou did not disappoint him.

It took decades to finally create a formation to find the Taoist order and embed it on the compass.

She said: "As long as Xiannian is incorporated into it, the formation will be stimulated, so as to find the Taoist order that communicates with the breath."

"is it?"

Yun Feiyang couldn't wait for the excitement, and immediately saw the Taoism blessed by the formation method make the light flash compass also began to rotate, and finally reached an orientation.

Liu Judao: "Within 10,000 light miles, there must be a Taoist order!"


Yun Feiyang accelerated according to the compass, and quickly found a second Taoist order in a family treasure house in the world.

Because this thing can only be ingested by people who have cultivated it, so the goods were taken away without any greetings.

After a few days.

Yun Feiyang flew again in the universe, and the Taoism distributed throughout his body was more intense. Obviously, he has ingested the Taoism within the second Taoist Order.


The universe is huge.

There are also a lot of Taoism scattered around the area.

In just a few months, Yun Feiyang found six pieces, and after ingesting Dao Yi, Xiu Wei and temperament improved significantly.

at the same time.

The two desires with a deep void have finally found a way out, returning to the body one after another.


The clouds standing in the universe are flying, the whole body is shining, and the pupils have colorful emotions and desires.

Seven emotions and six desires are all returned.

That man is really back!

Yun Feiyang murmured: "For the sake of the Taoist Order, the Six Desires all came back, the realm has not landed, and it is still maintained at the level of entering the half-step Avenue Xuanxian at any time."


Exercising the body and disappearing into the vast universe.

With all his emotions and desires, he did not rush back to the cloud, and continued to look for Taoist orders, because in his judgment, as long as he took a few more Taoist orders, he should be able to break through to Xuanxian of Half-Step Avenue.


After finding the seventh piece, he turned around the area several times, and there was still no motivation on the compass, so he shook his head and said: "This lower universe, there should be no Taoist order."

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