Super God

Chapter 2454: This method, I can’t

Lin Changyuan gave Yun Feiyang the position of the leader of the alliance, and the powerful people of all ethnic groups strongly opposed it.

After all, the ethnic groups that exist in the Alliance are all weak, and they can only continue to stay in order to protect the ancestral land.

of course.

In treating Yun Feiyang, he still regards it as a cloud domain heir, and he didn't even see it as an ally, even tacitly secretly thinking about it, as long as the boy issued a command, he pretended not to hear it, or did not cooperate.

When the large ethnic groups were still alive, the powerful people of all ethnic groups treated Lin Changyuan in this way.

all in all.

You can do it.

But important matters must be discussed by everyone together, and they cannot be arbitrary.

At that time, Lin Changyuan was very helpless, and was also limited in handling matters, making it difficult to achieve timely rescue.

However, this time, the strong of the Bai family, in the same way to target Yun Feiyang, I am afraid it is difficult to succeed.


Because that guy is not Lin Changyuan.

"You guys."

He was in the first place, his eyes cold and said: "Since I have become an lord, I must have absolute power. If anyone dares not follow, it will be like this table."


The sword light flickered and roared out.


The Eight Immortals table made of special materials standing in the hall collapsed into nothingness.


Although Jian Qi disappeared, Jian Yi still exists.

They condensed in the hall, revealing a fierce killing!

This is deterrence, this is a threat.

The ancestors of all ethnic groups suddenly changed their face after feeling the sword intention and the endless killing intention, and a strong dread rose in their hearts.

Lin Changyuan secretly said: "I can't match this method."

Once, he used force to force all ethnic groups to decentralize, but it was nothing more than releasing coercion, which was nothing compared to using real murderous force.

This is Yun Feiyang.

Since you are an ally, you must have absolute power. If you can’t, you must kill and use your strength to tame!

"of course."

Yun Fei Yang received the sword and withdrew his intentions: "I only wait for the order, Yunmou can't guarantee that the Blood Palace can be destroyed, but at least it can be guaranteed that their respective ancestral land will not be violated."


A strong ethnic group said.


Yun Fei said with a loud voice.

"it is good."

The strong man arched his hands and said: "From today on, my Li clan will obey the orders of the Yunmeng and absolutely obey the orders!"

Lin Changyuan gave up all his lords, and the matter has come to this point, and the conflict cannot solve the problem, so he and Lin Changyuan thought, it is better to gamble!

The Li family opened their mouths, and other groups expressed their willingness to listen, but they thought, give this child a chance, if they are unable to prove themselves, they will be pushed down at that time.


Yun Feiyang sat on the position representing the leader and waved his long sleeves. He said: "Thanks to the various ethnic groups, Yun Feiyang, sitting in this position, will do everything he can to contend with the Blood Palace!"


Everyone's mouth twitched.

Obviously, you took Xiuwei to intimidate us, licking your face and saying that everyone can afford you, and do you want to cheer?

Now that he has taken the position of the lord and has absolute power, Yun Feiyang issued the first order to call all elite elite families of all races for training.


An elder said: "The Blood Palace has been violently operating recently, is it too late to condense its troops to train?"

"not late."

Yun Fei said: "It's too late."

The strong men of all races looked at each other. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they could only listen to the orders.

"You guys."

Yun Feiyang said again: "This leader decided to relocate the headquarters to the Yanhan region to prove to the world that my hundred people are determined to fight the blood palace!"

Lin Changyuan's face changed slightly.

He does not oppose the relocation of the league's feet, but moving to a cold area like a hub is tantamount to always facing an attack on the blood palace.

"Master Yun, relocating the headquarters to the Yanhan area is not just enemies from all sides, this is absolutely impossible!"

"The Yanhan region is a battleground for military strategists. We set up our headquarters there, and we must face the endless attacks of the Blood Palace!"

"Not right, not right!"

Powerful people of all ethnic groups have held opposing views.

They did not intend to sing counter-intentions, but because of the terrain in the cold region, they could not be the headquarters of the alliance.

Yun Feiyang's ten fingers gently tapped on the chair rest, and he said with a deep voice: "You, this is the decision of the leader of this alliance, no one can object."

Strong people of all races collapsed.

They have never seen such an arbitrary person!

"All right."

Yunfei stood up and said, "Let's go away."

"Not reliable."

"This guy is not reliable at all!"

Strong people of all races retreated and shook their heads on the road.

Someone walked in front of Lin Changyuan and said, "Senior Lin, this son is arrogant and arrogant, letting him lead the hundreds of people, for fear of a disaster."

Powerful people of all races came to see it.

They hope Senior Lin can withdraw his previous decision and continue to serve as the leader.

"You guys."

Lin Changyuan said: "The old man is convinced that Yun Xiaoyou has the ability to lead everyone to contend with the Blood Palace!"

Faced with the doubts of everyone, as a generation of legends, he has no idea, but since he chooses to gamble, he must stand up and speak for Yun Feiyang!


"Hope Senior Lin didn't look strong people of all races will compromise.

At this time, they can only take one step at a time.


Forest area, Xiyuan courtyard.

Tian Ruoqi stood in the bamboo forest in white.

"Why didn't you attend the meeting just now?"

Yun Feiyang came over and stood behind her, with a smile of spring wind bathing in the corner of her mouth.

Tian Ruoqi shook her body lightly, pressing on her state of mind, and said, "Are you really regaining seven emotions and six desires?"


Yun Feiyang laughed.

Tian Ruoqi turned around and looked at each other.

"Not seen for many days."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "The patriarch Tian is a lot more beautiful."

Tian Ruoqi dialed the blue silk and ridiculed: "I haven't seen you in days, you are still so shameless."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Does the patriarch like me now, or do I like to cut off my seven emotions and six desires?"

Tian Ruoqi was startled and said, "I naturally like you who are emotional now, and I don't like the previous one who has no emotion and only knows to kill."

Yun Fei said: "Since the Patriarch of the Heavens likes me, why not consider marrying me and spending endless years together?"

Tian Ruoqi gave him a white look and said, "I like it, I like your current personality, but not like you."

"Is there a difference between like character and like person?"

Yun Feiyang said shamelessly.

Tian Ruoqi glared at him and said, "Shameless."

Said, turned away.


Yun Feiyang stopped in front of her and suddenly became serious: "Thank you."

"Thank you?"

Tian Ruoqi was at a loss.

Yun Fei Yang said: "Luo Mu and they attacked the Blood Palace without permission after I disappeared. If you take them to cooperate with the Alliance, I am afraid that there will be more evils at this moment."

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