Super God

Chapter 2474: Let's pick up the leak

After the members of the Blood Palace of the Third Cave were destroyed, Yun Feiyang did not continue his journey and chose to take a temporary rest.


Because it takes time to ingest the Taoism in the Taoist Order.

Mu Ying was not idle, always condensing the five elements and gossip to infer everything in the cemetery.

Xuanyuan asked the guardian of the whole **** to prevent the blood palace warriors from killing them.


Slightly, Yun Fei sat cross-legged, and the whole body was full of morality.


Xuanyuan asked Tian astonished.

The younger brother was sitting in this way, and he was really upset.

After half an hour.

The whole body was introverted, Yun Feiyang opened his eyes, his mouth overflowed with a smile.

The time in the ring of fortune has accelerated thousands of times. He has successfully ingested the Taoism within the Taoist Order, and has improved his cultivation and understanding of Taoism.

The benefits of a Taoist order are not great, but they are much faster than self-cultivation.


Yun Fei stood up and said, "Go ahead."

"Brother Yun."

Mu Ying said: "Turn left at the intersection ahead and there is a funerary tomb."


This cemetery is very large, and there are many funeral tombs.

They exist in various places, and it is not too difficult to find, but there are definitely risks.

For example, Yun Feiyang entered the tunnel of the second funerary tomb, and saw that there were many corpses of blood hall members scattered on the road, which was obviously calculated by the authorities.


"Thanks to them for finding the way."

"Otherwise, we would like to walk in, maybe what trouble we will encounter."

Yun Fei said.

Mu Ying grunted and said: "Brother Yun, although they are exploring the way for us, they also entered the funeral tomb in advance, there must be nothing good in it."

"It's okay."

Yun Feiyang smiled and said: "Let's pick up the leak."

He did not care that the baby who was with the tomb was taken away. If he could find an insignificant Taoist order, he would definitely earn it.


Arriving at the second funerary tomb, the sarcophagus was swept away, and no Dahua order was found.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said, "After the Taoist old man has emerged, he will disperse the Taoist order into the universe, maybe he will hide it in a certain corner, how can he find it easily."

No gains, the three left the funerary tomb and went on, and then came to the cave, where they killed the blood palace warrior.

The number of warriors in the fourth cave house is obviously less, but the strength is above the emperor.

Yun Feiyang is very happy.

Because the stronger the blood palace warrior is, the more blood drops can be obtained, and they can be handed over to Ling Sha Luo for transformation, and they can also provide resources for the spirit soldiers.

"Brother Yun.

Mu Ying said: "The tunnel in front, the two roads on the left and right, have funerary tombs."

"Go, continue to pick up leaks."

Yun Feiyang took the two, first went to the tunnel to the left, and finally without any gain, he went to the tunnel on the right.

There are corpses of blood warriors on the road. Obviously, in order to get good things from the funeral tomb, they are desperate to pile up their lives.

The sarcophagus of the fourth funerary tomb was also opened, and it was empty, which disappointed Yun Feiyang.

"Brother Yun."

Mu Ying pointed to a corpse and said, "There is something under him!"

Yun Feiyang turned to look, and saw a rusty token under the **** of the deceased, so he rejoiced: "I found another one!"

Entering the four funerary tombs in succession and discovering two Taoist orders is undoubtedly very pleasant.

To know.

Yun Dachen is in the lower universe, relying on high-speed technology to find for a long time, but it is just a Taoist order.

Nowadays, it's really unimaginable to pick up two pieces in the graveyard.


Yun Feiyang patted his head and said: "The compass can sense the Taoist order and take it out to test. I don't know if there is a Taoist order in it."


With a thought in his heart, he took out the compass developed by Liu Rou, and then driven it with his soul, he saw that it turned crazy.

"I go!"

Yun Feiyang was ecstatic.

There are five flashes of light on the compass. Although the position is not finalized, it is enough to show that there are five Taoist orders in the cemetery!

"Boom! Boom!"

After a while, the compass stopped spinning.

The five streamers are all fixed and point to different directions.

Yun Dachen almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

This time I came to the cemetery to find the treasure, but found so many orders, it was a pleasant surprise!

"Go, go!"

Yun Feiyang took the two of them to leave the fourth funerary tomb, followed the compass and continued on.

On the way, he secretly guessed: "If you can find the other five Taoist orders, and all of them are ingested, the cultivation should be greatly improved."


It didn't take long.

The three entered the fifth cave.

Not surprisingly, there are several blood palace warriors, all of whom are cultivated above the emperor.


"How did they come in?"

Seeing Yun Feiyang three people, the blood palace martial stunned.

Along the way, every cave house left people to protect, they should not go here.


Yun Feiyang was anxious to find the Taoist order, and had no time to pull the skin, immediately sacrificed the Hunyuan Qiankun sword to wipe it out, and took away the blood drops.

When you come to the cemetery, you can get the blood drops of ascension and cultivation, and you can find the Taoist order.

However, when Yun Feiyang came to the tunnel leading to another funerary tomb, he felt uncomfortable because the ground was covered with dust and there were no corpses.

"Brother Yun."

Mu Ying said: "No one has visited the tomb."

"A little trouble."

Yun Feiyang frowned member of the Bloodless Temple was looking in the front. If he took the two of them in, the ghost knew what danger would be encountered.

Although the Great God Yun was worried, the Taoist order and the intact burial tomb were full of temptations, forcing him to move forward.


Just a few steps away, the entire tunnel suddenly erupted into a blazing flame.

Fortunately, Yun Feiyang has a flame ancestor. No flame in the world will harm him.

At the end of the tunnel is an entrance blocked by stone slabs, obviously a tomb door.

"Brother Yun."

Mu Ying said: "I'll crack it."


Yun Feiyang nodded.

Mu Ying ran five elements and gossips. After some deductions, the jade hand patted on the stone door, but the tomb door closed after listening to "Boom" was opened.

Yun Feiyang upholds the principle of not wasting, and will lose the forbidden blessing of the tomb of the income of the tomb, and this brings the two to enter.

The fifth burial tomb is the same as before, the area is not too big, there is a sarcophagus in the central area, the air is full of rich and dark atmosphere.

Because no one had set foot, the funerary items still existed inside, it was a batch of armor hanging on the armor rack.

Yun Fei Yang Xiannian swept away and was shocked: "These armor are of high quality."

Mu Ying said: "The funerary items are all armor. Is the tomb master a general who led the battle before his life?"


Yun Feiyang put his eyes on the sarcophagus and walked over.

Mu Ying also followed, she stopped in front of the sarcophagus and said in a word: "Excuse your senior to rest, please forgive me."

This sentence said that the eerie breath in the cemetery suddenly weakened a lot.

"Brother Yun."

Mu Ying smiled: "Open the coffin."

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